June 14 Confernce Agenda |
Advancing Equality in Mentoring and Tutoring Opportunities Our aim is to build awareness of volunteer-based tutoring/mentoring, bring up to 100 people together to share ideas, and engage even more people in on-line forums. We're now putting the conference together. This conference will be held at First Unitarian Church, 5650 S. Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, Il. Use hashtag #TMConf_Chi to connect on Twitter. Sign in at http://tweetchat.com/room/TMConf_chi starting June 12 and follow on line.
8:15am-8:45am Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:45am-9:30am Welcome & Network Building Event: Advancing Equality – Daniel Bassill, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC - not enough tutor/mentor programs in high poverty areas and this means unequal learning opportunities. Helping existing programs thrive and helping new programs grow narrows the access gap. Sharing ideas across programs, building visibility and draw resources to programs and encouraging collective action to overcome challenges and make constantly improving programs available in more places is what these conferences are all about.
Expanding your network - Jordan Hestermann, Executive Director of Becoming We the People
9:40am-10:35am Celebration of Tutor/Mentor Program Successes: Speed Networking. Up to 10 programs will have 5 minutes each to describe a success strategy of their 2011-12 program. This could be a program activity, a fund raising strategy and/or a volunteer-recruitment strategy. Handouts required or links to blog articles where the idea is shared. Panel will be video taped and includes: 1 Ivory Harris, The Black Star Project 2 Monique Cook-Bey, Chicago Youth Organizations 3 Xavier Salvado, Gads Hill Center 4 Joycella Omerey, Park Manor School 5 Lucy Hall, Jump Start 6. Nathan Harris - Indianapolis Tutor-Mentor Summit
10:40am-11:35pm Education Improvement and Social Justice in your programs: The Why and How This discussion will involve several short presentations from people that are working on the fight to improve education and also working on other school initiatives (example, community garden hosted by a school; student video project; civic education, etc.). Presenters from organizations such as Teachers for Social Justice, KOCO, the PIC teaching collective (Prison industrial complex) Free Spirit Media, Mikva Challenge, etc. are encouraged to participate. Handouts required or links to blog articles where the idea is shared. Panel will be video taped and includes: 1 Van Bensett, Project Director, Life Directions 2 Olivia Perlow- PIC Teaching Collective 3 Patrick Smith, Future Founders 4. Sarah Karp and Debra Williams- Catalyst Newspaper 5. Marcia Rothenberg, Illinois Single-Payer Coalition
11:40am -12:45pm How do we find resources to support constant improvement and operations of tutor/mentor programs and others serving youth and families? - Panel Discussion a) What are some ways you raised money to operate during the year; b) if you were attending the National Volunteerism Conference scheduled for the third week in June, what one or two things would you want to learn; c) how can we work together to increase the flow of needed resources to all of the programs working with kids?
Panel Members: 1 Dan Bassill,Tutor/Mentor Connection 2 Monique Cook-Bey, Chicago Youth Organizations 3 Joel Neuman, BBBS-Missouri Valley Break out sessions: During Panel 2 and Panel 3 we will use the break-out rooms to host small group discussions where people talk about their programs, issues and other topics. This is OPEN SPACE. Discussion leaders so far include * Xavier Salvado, Gads Hill Center
In promoting the conference we will invite people to have a table at the conference focused on a topic they want to talk about. If you're interested in sharing ideas about your own organization, challenges you face and/or opportunities, submit an introduction using this form. Be sure to bring hand out materials, etc. We will have another spot for anyone to leave materials.