I started the Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993 and the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC in 2011. Please contribute to help me continue.
(scroll down to bottom of page to find PayPal button)
This entire website is full of reasons for helping me help volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning programs grow in every high poverty area.

While schools need resources to improve, influencing what happens in non-school hours can do much to help kids come to school better prepared to learn, and leave school with a broader network helping them find jobs and advance in their careers. Unless we change how programs are financed there will always be too few, in not enough places.
The image above is from a visual essay titled "Tipping Points". It visualizes the strategies I'm sharing and that I ask you to support with your contributions and by sharing my posts.
That's what I've been trying to make happen since I started leading a single tutor/mentor program in 1975, and the Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993 and the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC in 2011.
For most of the past 50 years I've tried to motivate others to help me.
Here's a tutor/mentor blog article where I ask "How do we make this happen?".
Here's a video where I describe the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC using the graphic shown above.
Rather than trying to be the single leader in a huge city, the T/MC and now T/MI, have sought to provide an information platform that all leaders can use to LEARN, EDUCATE, and innovate ways to support tutor/mentor program growth in more places and to solve other complex social, political and environmental problems facing cities.
View this article to see how I'm creating archives to share my letters and strategies. This includes a link to a collection of news stories generated since 1993 by the T/MC and the Cabrini Connections Tutor/Mentor program I led until 2011.
View this article to see 30 year history of reaching out to universities. Share this with your own favorite college.
Resources supported by your contributions, sponsorship and/or partnership
* Tutor/Mentor Chicago Area Youth Programs Links library * Chicago Area Tutor/Mentor Programs Map - click here * Tutor/Mentor Connection web Library * Tutor/Mentor Institute strategy library * Tutor/Mentor Institute Concept Map Library * Monthly eMail Newsletter * Tutor/Mentor Blog and Mapping for Justice Blog * Featured articles from past years - click here * Tutor/Mentor Connection Forum and Social Media Network * Tutor/Mentor Institute Video Theater * Recap of touches by T/MI in 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018.
With your help I can continue.
If someone you know has become ill and needs money to pay bills, they set up a "Go Fund Me" page and ask for contributions. They are not 501-c-3 non profits. They are people needing help.
The Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC is not operating as a non profit either. However, it's also not a profit-making business. So, this is my "fund me" page. I (Daniel Bassill) have been self-funding this work since 2011, supported by a small group of continuing donors.
Please send a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more to help me continue in 2025 and beyond.
Mail contributions to: (Note change below)
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC c/o Daniel Bassill 932 N. Salem Avenue Arlington Heights, Il 60004
The Post Office at the Chicago Merchandise Mart, where I've been getting mail since 2011, has closed. Mail will go to another location. Please use my home address, or the PayPal service, until I can sort out my mail situation. Thank you.
Thank you for helping me help youth living in high poverty areas of Chicago and other places.
Connect with Dan on Twitter (X), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Bluesky, and other social media, or email me at tutormentor2 at earthlink.net