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Feb 2025 T/MI News

February 2025 - Issue 239

Tutor Mentor Institute LLC newsletter heading with blue background

Make Learning about Black History and Social Justice a Year-Round Activity

It's February, which is Black History Month. I point to my library of resources in this issue, but also emphasize that with this information on the Internet, learners of any age and any place, can access it throughout the year.


It's also a month when volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs who started in September are looking for new volunteers to replace those who dropped out over the year-end break. And it's time to begin expanding volunteer involvement so you have help when you start your program again next fall.

I only send this newsletter once a month.


It's full of links, so save it and refer to it throughout the month. Use the ideas and resources to help you build and sustain mentor-rich, school and non-school, tutor, mentor and learning programs that reach K-12 youth in all areas of persistent poverty. These resources can be used by anyone, in Chicago, or around the world.


Please share this so others in your city can find and use these resources!

Visit Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC Website

These concept maps shows learning resources in the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC library. Use them throughout the year.

The top concept map (at this link) shows the resources in the "homework help" section of the Tutor/Mentor Library. One node points to my list of Black History resources (click here).


The second concept map (click here) shows another section of the Tutor/Mentor library, with links to websites that provide a deeper understanding of the systemic barriers put in place over many decades that make it more difficult for Black Americans, poor people and other minorities to have equal opportunities.


Many of the websites I point to are extensive libraries themselves. Think of this as a vast on-line shopping center for information that you can use to help people overcome challenges and help make the world a better, safer, healthier place for everyone.

This concept map (click here) points to Chicago area volunteer based tutor, mentor and learning programs in the Tutor/Mentor Library and to other resources that you can use to find volunteers for programs in any city in the country.


In the middle of the concept map I show lists that point to accounts of Chicago tutor/mentor programs on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. So far I don't find many programs using Mastodon, or BlueSky, but I encourage you to read this Edutopia article about using BlueSky.

Or, read this article titled "The growth of charity BlueSky - November 2024"

Who is doing capacity-building research about youth serving programs in America? Where is this being discussed in on-line forums?

What did Chicago area tutor/mentor program leaders tell us were the "most critical resources needed in their programs"?


From 2000 to 2003 a survey was provided during the Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conferences, held in Chicago and organized by the Tutor/Mentor Connection. This PDF is a summary of findings. "People" and "Resources" were the most needed resources.


"People" included tutor/mentor volunteers, and other volunteers who help programs operate and grow, along with paid staff.


"Resources" included paid staff, money/funding that supports the program, technology, training materials, space for operations, etc.


By building and sharing a list of Chicago area volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs since 1994 the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC have been trying to help programs throughout the region get these resources.


But we never have had the resources needed to continue this survey or dig deeper into the information we were collecting. In this blog article I show how we were reaching out to universities to take that role. So far, without consistent success.


Changes to Constant Contact email address. Due to a new policy, all email coming from services like Constant Contact will have a different format. This may cause email to go into your spam box.

This is the address that will be on the email for this newsletter. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Get to know the resources available in the Tutor/Mentor library.

Below is the first page a visual essay in the Tutor/Mentor library that provides a tour of the website which I've used since 1998 to share ideas and information that anyone can use to help kids and families in high poverty areas and to solve complex problems.. Click here to view.


This link points to a set of Google slides that who sections of the resource library on the Tutor/Mentor website. This includes a list of more than 150 volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning programs serving the Chicago region.


I've created these since the 1990s to try to help people understand the strategies I was sharing. From 2006 to 2015 interns from different colleges spent time looking at these and creating their own interpretations. This page has links to some of the work they did.


Students in any city, state and country could be doing the same type of investigation with the goal of applying the ideas to help youth in their own communities.

What's a Personal Learning Network? Where do you connect and learn on line?

Since the early 2000s I've tried to build on-line conversations where these issues were being discussed but again, with limited success, since staff, leaders, board members and donors of the majority of programs can't be found in the on-line platforms where many programs post information.


I think these habits need to be learned, beginning at an early age. Below is a concept map that I created in the late 2000s to visualize learning goals of the tutor/mentor program I was leading. Unfortunately I had to leave the program in 2011, too early for these habits to become embedded. Yet, I share them because in the world we're now living in it is more important than ever that young people and adults have sources of learning and communities of support. Those habits need to be modeled, mentored, taught and reinforced. Do you have this strategy embedded in your school and/or your own youth-serving program?

What's your planning calendar look like?

My email today included this article from the Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring, titled "Rates of volunteerism are declining: What can mentoring programs do?" Start by reviewing your own program statistics. Are you growing? Declining? What do your volunteers tell you about why they stay, or why they leave? Then visit the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC website and look at the idea categories under 'Leadership strategies', 'Business involvement', 'Collaboration and Capacity Building' and 'Planning Strategies'.


Between now and June share these with your staff, volunteers and supporters. Start an on-going conversation, asking "What ideas can we apply to our own program?" and "How can we work with other programs in our city to increase business involvement, volunteer engagement and donor support?"


As you go into the summer you should have a list of ideas to apply as you start your program again in the fall and a few more people helping you implement those ideas. As you go through the next year, and the following years, build on what you are learning and constantly improve the impact of your organization.


Finally, share your own strategies, via a blog on your website, videos, social media and in person conversations. Help others learn from you while you learn from them.


Below are resources to use. View latest links added to tutor/mentor library, click here

Resources & Announcements

(New additions are at top of this list)


* ACT Now - Championing Quality Afterschool Programs in Illinois - click here


* Chicago Engineering Week - Feb 2025 - click here


* CASEL - "State of the Field 2025: Skills that Last. Impact that Endures." webinar recording - click here; resources shared in webinar - click here


* World Economic Forum - global risks - 2025 - click here; read report - click here


Trust Talks - podcast by The Chicago Community Trust highlights the Trust's strategic priority to close Chicago region's racial and ethnic wealth gap - click here


* Why Philanthropy Needs to Invest in Social Capital - click here


* International travel opportunities provided by Farther Foundation - click here


* Chicago Mentoring Collaborative - click here


* Landlord Mapper - National Landlord Database Initiative - click here


* Chicago Community Area Hardship Index (2019-2023) - click here


* MyChiMyFuture - Chicago youth programs map and directory. click here; visit the website - click here


* To & Through Project website - click here


* Center for Effective Philanthropy - click here


* Forefront -Illinois' statewide association of nonprofits, foundations and advisors. click here


* AfterSchool Alliance resources - click here


* Chicago Public Schools locator map - click here


* National Mentoring Resource Center - click here


* Digital Divide resources - click here


* Proven Tutoring clearinghouse - click here


* Chicago STEM Pathways Cooperative - click here


* South Side STEM Asset maps - read about using maps - click here


* Incarceration Reform Resource Center - click here


* Prison Policy Initiative - click here


Recent Tutor/Mentor Blog articles that point to Tutor/Mentor Connection archived files:

(Do you have a blog? Share it on social media)


Super Bowl articles - expanded role for athletesclick here


Stay focused. Do what you can every day - click here


Do you host conferences? Map the network to enhance connections - click here


If it is to be, it is up to you and me - click here


Use AI to Build Deeper Understanding of Ideas I and Others Share - click here


Tutor Program? Mentor Program? Tutor/Mentor Program? What's the Difference? - click here


What comes after the election?click here



Bookmark these Tutor/Mentor Resources


* Lists of Chicago area, volunteer-based tutor, mentor programs - click here


* Homework help and volunteer training resources - click here


* Resource Library - click here


* Strategy essays by Tutor/Mentor - click here


* Work done by interns in past - click here


* Maps and Map-Stories from past 30 years - click here


* Political Action resources - click here


* Featured collections on Wakeletclick here


* Tutor/Mentor Institute Videos - click here


* About T/MI articles on blog - click here


* History of T/MC - T/MI articles - click here


* Create a New Tutor/Mentor Connection - click here


* Reaching out to Universities to adopt the Tutor/Mentor Connection strategy - click here



* Chicago Youth Serving Organizations in Intermediary Roles - click here to view a concept map showing many organizations working to help improve the lives of Chicago area youth. Follow the links.


Thank you for reading.


While I try to send this only once a month, I write blog articles weekly. Throughout the newsletter I post links to a few of the articles published in the past month or earlier. I encourage you to spend a little time each week reading these articles and following the links. Use the ideas and presentations in group discussions with other people who are concerned about the same issues.


I encourage others to duplicate what I'm doing. Write a blog and share your own vision, strategy and challenges. Share your link and I'll add it to this list in the Tutor/Mentor library.

View current and past newsletters at this link.

Please share this newsletter with people you know who work in non-school youth serving programs. If they are not receiving these newsletters then we have no way of engaging them. Also encourage friends, family, co-workers to sign up to receive this newsletter.


To subscribe, just Click here.

(If you subscribe, don't forget to respond to the confirmation email).

It costs $44 a month for me to send these newsletters and another $51 a month to host the web library.

Please help me pay these expenses.

Visit this page and add your support.

Tutor/Mentor Connection, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC


Serving Chicago area since 1993

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | http://www.tutormentorexchange.net


Connect with Dan (tutormentor) on one of these social media platforms.

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Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Phone. Skype #dbassill; FAX 312-787-7713; email: tutormentor2@earthlink.net | Powered by OpenSource!