Does your Mayor show a "master plan" to help youth born today be in jobs and careers in 25 years? Does the plan include maps and strategies to mobilize and distribute talent and operating dollars into every neighborhood with high poverty?
Visitthis page to see a library videos where Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC ideas are explained. Visit this pageto see videos done by interns working with T/MC and T/MI since 2005.
Also. Videos added to Vialogue site with annotated comments. Here's one. By viewing the video on Vialogue you can see updates since the video was created in 2010. You can also add your own comments
See illustrated PDF strategy essays on and Slideshare. Use these presentations in discussion groups as part of your own strategic planning.
This video shows work that was being done at the Cabrini Connections tutor/mentor program in the mid 1990s. Dan Bassill, who formed the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC ( T/MI) in 2011 was the founder of this program in 1993 and leader until 2011. The goal of the T/MI is to help programs like this become available throughout Chicago and in every major city of the country.