Mapping Network Growth |
This graphic is part of an essay that you can read at this link. It describes a need to share ideas from the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC with a growing number of people in Chicago and around the country if we are to achieve long-term success in connecting larger numbers of inner city K-12 youth with adult tutors/mentors through well-organized non-school and school-based tutor/mentor programs. What is Network Analysis? How does this impact youth? Understand Geographic Mapping, Too.
Links to follow: * Read report showing analysis of 1994-2014 Tutor/Mentor Conferences by IVMOOC2015 team at Indiana University. Looking for researchers who will do follow up on this work * Collaboration and Community building articles - library * Social Capital articles and research articles - Library * Articles on Tutor/Mentor Blog. a) Network Building, b) Network Analysis c) Networking * Mapping social network using NodeXL - tutorial * Talent needed to support this work - network map (this could be used as worksheet for any organization)
* Tutor/Mentor Conference analysis - 2008-2009 New advances in network mapping -