Home Understanding Issues and Benefits Strategy Visualizations by interns
Strategy Visualizations by Interns


Projects done by interns to help clarify and share our strategies - Page 2 of many

Many of the ideas that we share are in the form of pdf essays that were originally created using Power Point.  Many of the graphics and maps are included in blog articles to illustrate strategies that we hope others will support and/or adopt.  

Since 2005 interns from different universities have been converting some of these to flash animations, which help viewers build a better understanding of volunteer-based tutoring/mentoring programs, and the information that is shared by the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. Please view these and apply the ideas. Share the presentations in your network. Invite students in your own school, college or tutor/mentor program to create their own interpretations.

See additional Strategy Presentations by intern: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 View strategy videos created by interns.

Note:  Several of these projects were created using Flash animation, which no longer is supported by most browsers. If you want to view the presentation, download a swfplayer from a site like this. A YouTube video has also been created to show the animation.

This animation can be viewed on this YouTube site.

It can also be seen in this Video

This STRATEGY MAP animation was built using this concept map as the original idea.

Visit this forum to see how projects are introduced to interns and how they are coached to complete them.

We are hope

This graphic is from an intern project completed in Feb. 2012. Parts of
it were included in this video.

This animation can be seen in this YouTube video.   

This 2010 presentation, created by a University of Michigan Grad student, explains how volunteers grow as a result of longer-term involvement in a tutor/mentor program.  Note: you may need to download swfplayer to view animation. http://www.tutormentorexchange.net/images/flash/vol_leadership.swf

View this presentation video to see the many resources available in the Tutor/Mentor Connection Learning Library. See Flash Animation using link below. Note: you may need to download swfplayer to view animation.


year-round strategy

Year Round Strategy of Tutor/Mentor Connection. See in YouTube video.

See  new version in this 2017 YouTube Video.

This Flash Animation presentation was created by an intern from South Korea, via IIT, in 2010 It illustrates the Tutor/Mentor Connection's Quarterly Events strategy. Creating year round visibility

You may need to download swfplayer to view the animation.

  • Role of Many Leaders - video version

    Flash animation version, This was created in 2010 by an intern from South Korea.. Illustrates the power of individuals, businesses, faith groups and colleges. Download swfplayer to view.

  • This Learning Path concept map can be seen here.

    in 2015, Wona Chang, an intern from South Korea, created this video to guide you through the map. 

    (Wona originally created this using Prezi, and created a Korean language version, too. That is no longer available)

    push pull flash


    View video of this presentation.

    Download swfplayer to view animated view of this push pull graphic., shown in this blog article.  





    This graphic was created  in 2007 by one of our first interns from Hong Kong borrowing from ideas in this PDF  essay.  The animation is no longer available, but you can see it's development in this 2007 blog article.




    See video of this Flash animation.



    This is a revised version of the animation created in 2007. The new version was created by In Hee Cho in 2011.  Flash animation is no longer available.

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    Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Phone. Skype #dbassill; FAX 312-787-7713; email: tutormentor2@earthlink.net | Powered by OpenSource!