This Library is part of an information-based problem solving strategy launched by Daniel F. Bassill and six other volunteers in November 1992, at the same time as they were creating a new volunteer-based tutor/mentor program to serve 7th to 12th grade teens living in the Cabrini Green Area.
Visit Mission, Vision and Strategy pages to learn more of the organization's goals.

This set of links points to articles written about the Tutor/Mentor Connection and to websites, blogs and social media pages.
The T/MC piloted a use of maps, beginning in 1993. At the left is an example. The map shows high poverty areas on the West and South parts of Chicago and points to the Cabrini-Green area on the Near North where it operated the Cabrini Connections tutor/mentor program.
The intent was to visually communicate a need for well-organized tutor/mentor programs in all high poverty areas, not just in one, or two places.
1965 TO JUNE 2011 TIMELINE FOR CABRINI CONNECTIONS, TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION This is one of several concept maps on this web site. It shows key actions from 1965 to June 30, 2011 which supported the development of a single Chicago volunteer-based tutor/mentor program Cabrini Connections and the Tutor/Mentor Connection (T/MC), which is a strategy designed to help similar programs be available to youth in all high poverty areas of the Chicago region. View Nov. 1992-2018 timeline for growth of the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC - In June 2011 this organization split into two separate structures, with the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC being formed to continue the work of the Tutor/Mentor Connection. A 1997 CASE STUDY OF THE TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION BY CHAPIN HALL This report details a case study of the Tutor-Mentor Connection (T/MC), an organization designed to build infrastructures to expand and improve after-school tutoring and mentoring opportunities for inner-city children in Chicago. The case study was conducted over a 3-month period in 1997 and was intended as a limited exploration of one model for developing an infrastructure among a particular type of primary support organization. ACACIA FRATERNITY NATIONAL NEWSLETTER ARTICLE FEATURES DAN BASSILL This article is saved as a separate document ARTICLE ABOUT TUTOR/MENTOR CONFERENCE ON YOUTH PROGRAM BLOG This 2012 article on the FeMe Outreach program blog was written following their participation in the 2012 Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference. We encourage more organizations to write stories about the resources offered by Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC.
BLOG ARTICLES WHERE DAN BASSILL DESCRIBES HOW HIS BACKGROUND CONTRIBUTED TO THE IDEAS AND STRATEGIES OF THE TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION AND TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC This link points to articles posted on the Tutor/Mentor blog since the late 2000s. Understanding the strategies shared on this web site may require understanding the different influences that have contributed to their growth. ASSOCIATED COLLEGE 2004 SHINING EXAMPLE OF LIBERAL ARTS FOR LEADERSHIP AWARD Daniel F. Bassill, a 1968 graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University, was named a 2004 Shining Example of Liberal Arts for Leadership by the Associated Colleges of Illinois (ACI). Bassill was honored for his commitment to helping low-income youth beat the odds to finish high school and go on to college. BLAU EXCHANGE INTERVIEW WITH DAN BASSILL This is a January 2007 interview that was originally posted on the Blau Exchange web site. It does a good job of expressing the goals of the Tutor/Mentor Connection. BLOG SHOWS HOW T/MC IS CONNECTING WITH LEADERS IN AFRICA This blog is written by Abdiel Kude who Dan Bassill began networking and sharing ideas with in the early 2000s. This article was written in February 2011. Bassill and Abdiel Kude stayed connected on Facebook and Twitter until 2020 when Mr. Kude sadly passed away. BLOGS WHERE OTHERS ARE WRITING ABOUT TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC This concept map is archiving blog articles that people from around the US and the world are writing to help communicate the ideas of the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Write about the T/MC and and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and Dan Bassill will add you to the map, too. BLOGS ON TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION NING SITE At this site you can read blog articles posted since 2007 by Dan Bassill and interns working with the Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago. You can ask to join the Ning community, then create your own profile and write your own blog articles. CABRINI CONNECTIONS BLOG - 2006 UNTIL JULY 2011 This was the main blog for Cabrini Connections up till July 2011, written by the administrative coordinator and focusing on activities of the program. On the right hand side of the blog you can see links to additional blogs written by students and volunteers who were part of technology and art clubs. This blog is no longer being used by the organization, but serves as a model of how a tutor/mentor program can be transparent with how it supports youth and volunteers and educates the public. Note: Cabrini Connections and the Tutor/Mentor Connection were both started in 1992, as part of a single organization committed to youth in the Cabrini Green area of Chicago, while also seeking to help mentor-rich programs grow in every poverty area of the city. This two-part strategy lasted until 2011 when the board of directors voted to discontinue support for the T/MC and focus only on the Cabrini Connections program. CABRINI-GREEN HOUSING PROJECTS Dan Bassill, the leader of the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and the Tutor/Mentor Connection, has been involved with youth living in the Cabrini Green area since 1973 when he joined a tutoring program that had been started by employees of the Montgomery Ward corporate headquarters in Chicago in 1965. This @ikipedia page provides a good amount of information about the Cabrini Green Public Housing Projects in Chicago. CLASSROOM 20 ED TECHNOLOGY FORUM - DAN BASSILL PAGE This was one of the earliest on-line communities for people who use technology in education and schools and continues to be a hob for a global learning community. This page points to the personal profile page and blog articles of Dan Bassill, founder of Tutor/Mentor Connection, who joined the forum in 2007. The site is only viewable as an archive now. CMAPS FROM AROUND THE WORLD - INCLUDES TUTOR/MENTOR MAPS This site hosts examples of Cmaps created by people from around the world, and includes the Tutor/Mentor Connection as one example. Scroll down to the second page to find T/MC. CONNECT WITH DAN BASSILL OF T/MC AND TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC ON LINKEDIN This is Dan Bassill's profile page on LinkedIN where he connects with a wide range of people, including youth development & tutor/mentor program leaders, systems thinkers, network builders and former volunteers from tutor/mentor programs Dan led from 1975 to 2011. Dan is also part of several Groups on LinkedIN. "CROWDSOURCING THE MACARTHUR AWARD" ARTICLE IN PC WORLD RECOGNIZES T/MC LEADER This 2009 article on a PCWorld blog, by Phil Shapiro, a librarian living in the Washington, DC area. He recognizes Dan Bassill, founder of the Tutor/Mentor Connection (and this web library) and eleven others for innovative ideas and suggest that they be considered for MacArthur Genius Awards. CULTURE OF EMPATHY BUILDER: DAN BASSILL This is April 2012 interview of Dan Bassill on the Center for Building a Culture of Empathy web site.
DAN BASSILL - APRIL 2022 INTERVIEW W ALIYU B. SOLOMON, FROM NIGERIA In this on hour video Dan Bassill talks about how he became involved in mentoring, the importance of organized tutor/mentor programs, the intermediary role of a Tutor/Mentor Connection, and ways people in Nigeria and other countries can duplicate the strategy. Hosted by Aliyu B Solomon, a Nigerian who first connected with Dan on the site in the late 2000s.
DAN BASSILL FEB 2022 INTERVIEW ON ZOOM This YouTube video was created by Anthony Brogdon, from Detroit, who is producing a movie about mentoring. Learn more at
DAN BASSILL'S TUTOR/MENTOR BLOG - FOCUSES ON BUILDING STRONG ORGANIZATIONS Bassill and 6 other volunteers created the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Cabrini Connections in 1992. Bassill started writing this blog in 2005 and uses it as a "text book" of ideas that anyone in the world can learn from. Past articles are as valuable as current ones. D. BASSILL INTERVIEW WITH MEG MINOR OF ILLINOIS WESLEYAN (PDF) This is a transcript of an interview conducted in 2016, asking about Dan Bassill memories of former IWU president Minor Myers, Jr, who was tremendously supportive of the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Dan's work with inner city kids between 1990 and 2003. FIND TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE - @TUTORMENTORTEAM ON TWITTER Follow the Tutor/Mentor Connection on Twitter @tutormentorteam. Dan Bassill started using this in mid June 2009.and continues in 2020. Visit the lists hosted on the @tutormentorteam profile and connect with the same people Dan has been following. GIRAFFE HERO - DAN BASSILL, FOUNDER OF TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION The Giraffe Project recognized people around the world for "sticking their necks out" to solve local and world problems Dan Bassill. founder of the Tutor/Mentor Connection (1993) and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC (2011) was nominated in 1997. Bassill started leading a site-based volunteer-based tutor/mentor program in 1975 and continued through 2011. He formed the T/MC to share his experiences, along with those of others, to help similar programs reach k-12 youth in all high poverty areas of Chicago and other cities. Through this web site the Giraffe Project draws attention to their Giraffes just as T/MC does to various tutor/mentor programs in Chicago. We're proud to be a part of this. GIVE THIS MAN A GENIUS AWARD: DAN BASSILL OF CHICAGO'S TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION 2014 introduction of Dan Bassill and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, written by Steve Sewall on his blog. HAVE FUN DO GOOD: T/MC STORY ON NON PROFIT BLOG EXCHANGE This is a blog shares many ideas that non profits can use to build more effective fund raising strategies. The article this link points to is one where the writer points to the Tutor/Mentor Connection, as part of a 2005 "Non Profit Blog Exchange" HOLIDAY 2009 VIDEO - CABRINI CONNECTIONS This video shows the students and volunteers at Cabrini Connections (the tutor/mentor program led from 1992 to 2011 by Dan Bassill, founder of T/MC and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC) as they give thanks to each other during the holidays. Student blogs and videos like this not only helped draw attention to the single program we were leading, but helped us draw attention to all tutor/mentor programs in the Chicago region. HOW TO BUILD A T/MC IN OHIO CITIES - ARTICLE ON I-OPEN BLOG (2015) This article was shared via the I-0pen blog on September 19, 2015. It's an article that could be re-written by leaders in any city, focusing on building T/MC type intermediaries in the 100 largest cities of the US, and in similar large cities of the world. This is one of five T/MC guest articles on the I-Open blog. See others at - -
INTERVIEW WITH NELLIE DEUTSCH ON WIZ IQ (2012) This is a brief recording from a one-hour session hosted by Nellie Deutsch in 2012 on WizIQ. INTERNS AT TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC This blog has links to many other pages and blogs where we show the work interns did to help visualize and communicate strategies of Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC between 2006 and 2015. We encourage youth from around the world to look at our blog articles and create their own interpretations, focusing the strategies on their own cities if not in Chicago. LIST OF AWARDS AND RECOGNITION OF DANIEL BASSILL AND TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION This is a list of awards and recognition Dan Bassill received for work with volunteer based tutor/mentor programs and the Tutor/Mentor Connection since the mid 1970s. In 2011 the two parts of this organization split and the Tutor/Mentor Connection is now supported through the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, led by Dan Bassill. MAPTOGETHER.ORG 2009 INTERVIEW WITH T/MC The MapTogether project provided free map-related training and tools for community and nonprofit groups around the world. Its resources included software, data sets, online mapping services, documentation, and training resources. In addition, its geographers provided free in-person "community mapping clinics" in cities across the United States and Canada. The MapTogether team was also available for private consultation and training as well as full-scale GIS application development and hosting. This link points to an archive of an interview on the site with Dan Bassill, founder of Tutor/Mentor Connection (1993) and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC (2011). MENTORING'S PROMISE AND LIMITS - THE ATLANTIC - 12-2016 The article features an interview with Dan Bassill, who created the Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993, and Leo Hall, who Dan first met in 1973 when Leo was a 4th grader living in the Cabrini Green area of Chicago. MAPPING FOR JUSTICE TUTOR/MENTOR MAPS BLOG Between early 2008 and spring 2011 the T/MC was creating new maps every few weeks, to tell a story of how business and professional leaders, or media, can point volunteers and donors to tutor/mentor programs in different parts of Chicago. This blog was started and written until 2011 by Mike Trakan, who worked part time making maps for the Tutor/Mentor Connection. Since 2011 stories have been written by Dan Bassill, founder of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. NETWORK WEAVING PROFILE OF DAN BASSILL ON ABOUT US.COM During the mid and late 2000s Dan Bassill and the Tutor/Mentor Connection connected with people from around the world on a variety of platforms. The link points to a profile posted on one of many platforms. Visit the NetworkWeavers page at to see the vision behind this group. Oprah's Angel Network stopy “Cabrini Green Mentor Expands Networks for Students” This story and a grant of $50,000 came from the Oprah Angel Network in 2009. OUR SOCIAL SERVICE SAMURAI: DAN BASSILL This is a 2013 interview of Dan Bassill, founder of the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, on the "kellyfairthementor" Blog. Kelly is founder of leader of the Polished Pebbles tutor/mentor program. POLICYLINK STUDY - BRIDGING ORGANIZATIONAL DIVIDE (INCLUDES TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION) This 2001 report describes innovative uses of technology in the non profit sector. The Tutor/Mentor Connection is mentioned on page 24. Much has changed since this report was written. The only thing that has not changed is the consistent access to funding needed to be able to innovate these uses of technology at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection. TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION IN RELATIONAL POVERTY NETWORK LIBRARY The Relational Poverty Network promotes uses of GIS mapping in solving local/global problems. It's based at the University of Washington. The Tutor/Mentor Connection was added in June 2015 TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION USE OF MAPS - ARTICLE ON SOCIAL BUTTERFLY This writer talks about Tutor/Mentor Connection maps and says " I look forward to sharing Dan’s work with you as I think Dan is doing a fantastic job of creating a 1, 2 Punch when it comes to tackling giant issues (i.e. poverty and education) through mapping technology." TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION ON NING.COM Tutor/Mentor Connection established a community space on in 2007 in an effort to connect people from the ecosystem of youth tutor/mentor programs. One of it's primary successes was to host the work of interns from IIT and other universities in one group on the forum. TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION USE OF MAPS. YOUTHTODAY - 2009 This article in a 2009 issue of YouthToday features Tutor/Mentor Connection's use of GIS maps. Scroll down on the article to find the section featuring the T/MC. TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC ON FACEBOOK Tutor/Mentor Connection is now part of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. Same goals as before. Hopefully more ways to generate revenue and share ideas. Join our Facebook Group or invite us to be part of your group. TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC ON INSTAGRAM TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC ON PINTEREST.COM TUTOR/MENTOR LEADERSHIP & NETWORKING CONFERENCE As part of its year-round strategy to support tutor/mentor program growth the Tutor/Mentor Connection held a networking conference in Chicago every six months between May 1994 and May 2015. The conference web site is now an archive, showing goals, participation maps, and attendee lists and encouraging this ecosystem to connect in social media spaces like Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook. Prior to hosting conference information on the site it was hosed on a site - Here's the archived link: TUTOR/MENTOR INSTITUTE, LLC STRATEGIC PLANNING ON WIKI TUTOR/MENTOR BLOGS POSTED ON I-OPEN (CLEVELAND) IN 2014 The blogs posted in 2014 and 2015 on the I-Open site are no longer available, except in the Internet Archive.
WEBHEADS DISCUSSIONS FEATURING TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION Webheads is an international group of educators formed in the late 1990s. Members meet on-line weekly to network, share ideas and learn new ways to use technology in learning. Dan Bassill of Tutor/Mentor Connection (1993-present) and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC (2011 - present) has been part of the group since 2004. This links points to an archive of some events Bassill participated in. WHAT MADE ME WHO I AM - FIRST 20 YEARS OF DAN BASSILL This is an article posted on the I-Open blog that shows my growth from a volunteer offering one hour a week, to a leader devoting countless hours to helping youth tutoring, mentoring and learning programs grow. YOUTH TODAY: AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS LEARN TO TUTOR - INTERVIEW WITH DAN BASSILL This article, titled After School Programs Learn to Tutor appeared in the July 2006 issue of Youth Today. LIST OF TUTOR/MENTOR CONNECTION, INSTITUTE, LLC WEBSITES In addition to the websites listed on this page, you can find a similar list on the Tutor/Mentor strategic planning wiki site.