Home Business involvement
Case for Business Involvement
Service Learning







Involvement of a volunteer in a tutor/mentor program is a form of Service-Learning.


The Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC (T/MI) seeks to recruit volunteers from every profession and industry in Chicago who can model different career aspirations than are normally modeled in high poverty neighborhoods, and who can provide coaching, mentoring and support to help kids succeed in school and move to college, then careers.

See full size version of this graphic. This video shows animated view of this graphic, which was created by intern in late 2000s.  View this Total Quality Mentoring visual essay. 

Click this link to see strategy map that illustrates this concept.  View this "Strategic Investment by Business" concept map.


OUR VISION: Business must take the lead.
By recruiting volunteers from the business community, and supporting their long-term connections with kids, we create a link between our programs and the strategies of large and small corporations who are seeking strategies that lead to greater workplace diversity, greater learning and innovation, and more workers prepared for 21st century careers.

Business leaders are frustrated that the public school system is not preparing enough youth for the  jobs and careers that they need filled. The Tutor/Mentor Connection feels this is an opportunity for some leaders to open another channel of learning and another path for reaching kids with career education.

That path is the non-school hours and the Internet.

See Leadership Strategies section.

Workforce Development

The articles in this section are intended to illustrate how volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs serve many important and strategic benefits to different industry sectors.

Our aim is that leaders from every slice of this leadership pie become owners of the strategies on this web site and in these essays.



Case for Strategic Business Investment and Employee Involvement

    The Tutor/Mentor Connection Logic Model

Creating Network of Purpose, Creating a Network of Purpose – The Tutor/Mentor Connection

Tutor/Mentor Connection’s Theory of Change

Tipping Points - actions that would lead to create change


  1. What will it take to assure that all youth now living in poverty are entering careers by age 25? A Workforce Development Strategy
  2. Why Business Involvement? Review concept map #1; map #2
  3. Tutor/Mentor Connection – Case for Business Involvement
  4. The T/M Connection - a Retail Business Model- Virtual Corporate Office

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Phone. Skype #dbassill; FAX 312-787-7713; email: tutormentor2@earthlink.net | Powered by OpenSource!