ADVANCED TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION (ATE CENTRAL) From the web site: "ATE Central is a freely available online portal and collection of materials and services that highlight the work of the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) projects and centers. These National Science Foundation funded initiatives work with educators from two-year colleges to develop and implement ideas for improving the skills of technicians and the educators who teach them. ATE Central is designed to help educators, students, and the general public to learn about, and use materials from, the entire depth and breadth of the Advanced Technological Education program." ALGO-RYTHMIC PIANO AI - MUSICAL APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY This blog article describes how a technologist built an AI on a Raspberry Pi that listens to his piano playing, and then produces improvised, real-time accompaniment. Read the article to see how this led to an animation, too. Cool project for students and mentors to work on. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS - STUDENT OUTREACH From the web site: "AIChE is the world's leading organization for chemical engineering professionals" Browse the web site and see variety of resources to support students. AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY WEB PAGE APS is a leading voice for physics education and supports physics educators at all levels through its programs, publications, and resources. Visit the policy and advocacy section for articles that you can use in your own program development. One article talks about strengthening the science education of future teachers and addresses the pressing national need for improving K-12 physics education and recognizes that these teachers play a critical education role as the first and often-times last physics teacher for most students.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAREERS - A COMPLETE GUIDE FOR WOMEN IN STEM PURSUING CAREERS IN AI This is a comprehensive guide that can help close the gender equity gap in STEM, and draw more girls and women into careers based on Artificial Intelligence.
BLACK IN ROBOTICS AIMS TO INCREASE PRESENCE OF BLACK AND UNDER-REPRESENTED MINORITIES IN ROBOTICS From the website: "Black in Robotics (BiR) is a non-profit organization that was formed to address the systemic inequalities found in our robotics community by focusing on three primary pillars - community, advocacy and accountability."
BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS WITH STEM-RICH INSTITUTIONS - PDF This PDF on the Afterschool Alliance web site describes how can science centers, universities and corporations rich in STEM resources can help after-school programs and expanded learning.
CAREER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC - PROMOTES ACHIEVEMENT IN STEM PROFESSIONAL CAREERS - HOSTS STEM CITY USA CCG website shows a wide range of programs, publications and events that promote achievement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math careers. One program is STEM CITY USA, which is a virtual reality learning platform which you can see at The link provided above points to the CCG pre-college program that provides middle and high school students the opportunity to learn about STEM careers and acquire skills.
CAREERS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - RESOURCE From the web site: "Science Buddies web site has detailed information on over 100 careers. Students can browse these "to discover what scientists really do and what it takes to prepare for these careers" CAREERS IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATH The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is a non-profit resource center for those exploring career paths in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computing.
CHICAGO ASSOCIATION OF STUDENT ENGINEERS Open to all high school students across Chicago, for no cost. "Aims to promote engineering pathways to high schools throughout the Chicagoland area by building an enthusiastic STEM community offering career resources to support students."
CHICAGO ENGINEERS FOUNDATION The Foundation's mission is "to inspire youth to explore engineering and to create pathways that empower young people to become the next generation of engineers." CHICAGO INVENTORS ORGANIZATION From the web site: "he Chicago Inventors Organization’s (CIO) vision includes being the premier provider of positive, affordable, credible resources to inventors whose products range across all markets including digital apps." CHICAGO STEM PATHWAYS BLOG From the web site: "The Chicago STEM Pathways Cooperative (the Coop) is a collaborative effort aimed at increasing youth and family access to quality STEM experiences in both formal and informal settings, from cradle to career." Not updated since 2016. COMPUTER SCIENCE WEB RESOURCES From the web site: "Computer science skills can be used across all industries, making for virtually endless career possibilities. And it doesn’t hurt that technology professionals are some of the highest paid out there. This guide is here to help you on your computer science journey. Inside you’ll find myriad resources to help expand your understanding of this wide-ranging field of study. Whatever your level of expertise, you’ll find something of interest here – from great introductory resources, practical coding resources, study resources and lists of podcasts and blogs." COMPUTER SCIENCES EDUCATION AND CAREER RESOURCE SITE From the web site: "Our purpose is to provide an in-depth overview of the computer sciences field – including education – that stays up-to-date with its constant fluctuations. We intend to be the point of introduction for the next generation of programmers, engineers and developers, as well as a go-to resource for current professionals. Use our free resources to cultivate as much knowledge as you can."
CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION, STEM, K-12 ROBOTICS, MORE - CARLOTTA A. BERRY, PhD BLOG Browse through the articles on this blog and you'll find many focuses on creativity and innovation, engineering and design process, robotics, STEM and more.
CREATING A STEM LEARNING ECOSYSTEM This initiative seeks to "cultivate STEM Learning Ecosystems that encourages collaborating across sectors in new and creative ways to increase equity, quality and STEM learning outcomes for all. " Many of the ideas and goals are similar to strategies of the Tutor/Mentor Connection and could be used to support the universe of non-school tutoring, mentoring and learning programs needed in high poverty areas.
CYBERSECURITY CAREER RESOURCES AND GUIDES https:// This site provides extensive information about cybersecurity and careers in this evolving profession. ENCOURAGE ENGINEERING CAREERS TO STUDENTS - DISCOVER-E From the web site: "We are DiscoverE (formerly the National Engineers Week Foundation). We help unite, mobilize, and support the engineering and technology volunteer communities. Why? They will increase their collaborative footprint in K-12 education and celebrate with the public as it discovers the value of engineering education and careers." ENCOURAGING GIRLS TO SCIENCE, MATH, TECH CAREERS From the web site: "The vision of the NGCP is to bring together organizations throughout the United States that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)." ENGINEERING LEARNING ACTIVITIES FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GRADES From the web site: "The Engineering is Elementary® (EiE) project fosters engineering and technological literacy among children. EiE has created a research-based, standards-driven, and classroom-tested curriculum that integrates engineering and technology concepts and skills with elementary science topics. EiE lessons not only promote K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning, but also connect with literacy and social studies." EXPRESSING CREATIVITY AND LEARNING NEW SKILLS VIA YOUTH LEARN The YouthLearn Initiative offers youth development professionals and educators comprehensive services and resources for using media and technology tools to create exciting learning environments. FERMILABYRINTH - CREATIVE ON-LINE LEARNING This link points to on-line STEM learning activities provided by The Leon M. Lederman Science Education Center, located in Batavia, Illinois. Students learn about the tools, methods, and ideas of physicists studying the nature of nature at the smallest scales. The activities are challenging and fun. Students earn Einstein bucks as they complete each activity. FINANCIAL EDUCATION IN CLASSROOMS - PATHWAYS TO FINANCIAL SUCCESS From the web site: "Discover created Pathway to Financial Success to help bring financial education into classrooms across the country in a fun, exciting and interactive way and help children graduate understanding personal finance as well as science, history and math." View map on web site to see grantees from across the USA.
FIRST® (FOR INSPIRATION AND RECOGNITION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) FIRST® is "a global nonprofit that prepares young people for the future through a suite of inclusive, team-based robotics programs for ages 4-18. The programs are suitable for schools or structured afterschool activities."
FORESIGHT DESIGN INITIATIVE - EDUCATION INITIATIVE From the web site: "Since 2003, Foresight Design Initiative has been consulting individuals and organizations on sustainable development in Chicago, in Illinois, and beyond. We like to think of ourselves as a nimble culture change studio. And we like to think of you as a fellow change agent. Foresight has developed a variety of education programs to support youth involvement in energy and sustainability issues. GIS EDUCATION COMMUNITY SITE SPONSORED BY BY ESRI ESRI is one of the world's leading innovators in using GIS mapping technology. This page can be a starting point or on-going resource for anyone interested in GIS tools. GIS SOCIETY OF CHICAGO - ENGAGES YOUTH IN GEOGRAPHY From the web site: "The mission of the Geographic Society of Chicago (GSC) is to advance the art and science of geography; encourage the study of geography in the schools; recognize outstanding achievements in the field; provide leadership on geographic issues; and promote public understanding and appreciation of Earth's people and places."
GUIDE FOR WOMEN IN TECH - INFORMATION, RESOURCES, ETC. This article includes links to many resources and inspirational articles for tech entrepreneurs, with a goal of helping more women enter the world of STEM careers.
HOW THE STEM WORLD EVOLVES - CHANGES IN PROFESSIONAL PRIORITIES - 2023 This is a research and insights page on a professional staffing company's website. It's an extensive resource for women in STEM, or considering STEM careers, as well as for executives in such companies.
ILLINOIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COALITION (ISTC) From the website: "The Illinois Science & Technology Coalition, based in Chicago, is a member-driven non-profit that strengthens the state's innovation economy through data collection, policy advocacy, and impactful programs. Our affiliated Institute provides STEM-education programs that connect classrooms with companies to prepare the next generation of problem-solvers."
ILLINOIS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (ISPE) From the web site: The Illinois Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE) is a professional association representing the interests of engineers in Chicago and Illinois from all fields of practice."
INCREASING STEM ENGAGEMENT THROUGH OPPORTUNITY LANDSCAPING - 2025 RESEARCH PAPER This paper on Opportunity Landscaping, co-authored by Nichole Pinkard, with Sheena E., Caitlin K. Martin, Yolanda J. Majors, PhD, & Natasha Smith-Walker, explores how we can better understand and design learning ecosystems to ensure equitable access to STEM and out-of-school learning opportunities. An example of this work is the South Side STEM Opportunity Landscape described at
INTEL STEM EDUCATION INITIATIVES Visit this page and learn about the different education initiatives supported by Intel.
K-12 STEM RESOURCES: A COMPLETE GUIDE This article introduces students and parents to the STEM field and to different career paths that are available. Resources for learning more about a career in STEM are included. MAKERS + MENTORS NETWORK, A STEM INITIATIVE From the web site: "Makers + Mentors Network, a STEM initiative of Citizen Schools, partners with communities and organizations to uplift STEM mentoring and maker-centered learning as essential tools to build a stronger, more diverse workforce. Recognizing that unlike talent, opportunity and access are not equally distributed, we focus on underserved and underrepresented students, including girls, students of color and youth from low-income communities. Makers + Mentors Network advances its mission through three primary models: a National Community of Practice, Make For All, and Maker Fellows."
MAKING ROOM FOR DIVERSE POPULATIONS IN STEM: 101 RESOURCES TO HELP YOU IMPROVE STEM ENGAGEMENT This article includes an extensive library of links and is part of a larger web resource on the Discovery Data Science website. It's goal is to "provide prospective data science students with accurate and expert-driven information about data science, business analytics and intelligence, and associated fields." MATH COUNTS - FOCUS ON MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS From the web site: "The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides engaging math programs to U.S. middle school students of all ability levels in order to build confidence and improve attitudes towards math and problem solving." MATHEMATICAL MANIPULATIVES HELP VISUALIZE CONCEPTS This web site provides interactive Java-based mathematical manipulatives that help students visualize relationships and applications. MIDDLE SCHOOL CODING PROGRAM FROM BLACKBIRD This 2021 article describes a "new middle school coding program available through Blackbird, the creators of the world’s If you're a youth entrepreneur, or a STEM volunteer or educator working with youth, this is a web site where youth can learn to build their own apps first educational version of JavaScript. All teachers can use the platform without any prerequisites when it comes to coding. Parents can also support students through this program. Blackbird made this program with teachers in mind, in particular, those who don’t have a background in technology and for use with all grade levels and content areas."
MILLION GIRLS MOONSHOT From the website: "The Million Girls Moonshot seeks to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build, who can make. It's intended to inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs over the 2022-2027 period. MIT APP INVENTOR - TEACH YOUTH TO BUILD OWN APPS If you're a youth entrepreneur, or a STEM volunteer or educator working with youth, this is a web site where youth can learn to build their own apps. MORE STUDENTS SHOULD LEARN TO CODE - CODE.ORG From the web site: " is a non-profit dedicated to growing computer programming education. Our vision is that every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn computer science. We believe computer science should be part of the core curriculum in education, alongside other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses, such as biology, physics, chemistry and algebra." NATIONAL CENTER FOR WOMEN & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (NCWIT) From the web site: "The National Center for Women & Information Technology is a non-profit community of more than 300 prominent corporations, academic institutions, government agencies, and non-profits working to increase women's participation in technology and computing. NCWIT helps organizations recruit, retain, and advance women from K-12 and higher education through industry and entrepreneurial careers by providing community, evidence, and action." NATIONAL ENGINEERS WEEK From the website: "Founded by National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE} in 1951, EWeek (February 21–27, 2021) is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers." NATIONAL NETWORK OF LIBRARIES OF MEDICIINE From the web site: "The mission of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) is to advance the progress of medicine and improve the public health by providing all U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information and improving the public's access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health. The Program is coordinated by the National Library of Medicine and carried out through a nationwide network of health science libraries and information centers." NATIONAL SCIENCE DIGITAL LIBRARY From the web site: "The National Science Digital Library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings."
NAVIGATING THE CHALLENGES OF WOMEN IN STEM AND GAMING This article focuses on careers in the gaming technology industry, but includes an extensive list of STEM resources. The article is hosted on a WordFinderX website, which anyone who plays word games might find interesting. NEW WAYS TO TEACH KIDS ABOUT MATH AND SCIENCE - HOW TO SMILE From the web site: "howtosmile is a collection of the best educational materials on the web, in addition to learning tools and services – all designed especially for those who teach school-aged kids in non-classroom settings." ONLINE MATH EDUCATION RESOURCE This site offers many resources to help math students, teachers, volunteers and parents. Take time to browse and see what's offered. PEAR (PARTNERSHIPS IN EDUCATION AND RESILIENCE) STEM RESOURCES From the website: "PEAR has developed a comprehensive approach to informing on the quality of students' science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) learning experiences and providing a common language around STEM outcomes so students can learn, dream and thrive in school and afterschool settings.
POWER MY LEARNING - DIGITAL LEARNING PROGRAM (NYC) From the web: "The PowerMyLearning Network is a multidimensional learning community of organizations who believe in the power of digital learning to strengthen the learning relationships among educators, families, and students." PROJECT LEAD THE WAY - STEM EDUCATION CURRICULAR PROGRAMS From the web site: "PLTW offers innovative STEM education programs and teacher training at K-12 schools throughout the country. Lessons engage students in activities-, projects-, and problem-based (APPB) learning, which provides hands-on classroom experiences. Students create, design, build, discover, collaborate and solve problems while applying what they learn in math and science." Browse web site to learn more.
RESOURCES FOR WOMEN IN COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY From the website: "This article reviews the history of women in computer science, current opportunities for women, and resources to help women explore and grow in computer science fields." RUSH UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER - RUSH EDUCATION AND CAREER HUB (REACH) From the web site: "REACH is a “cradle-to-career” program that deepens Rush’s involvement with students, teachers and families from pre-K through college. The hub is designed to boost high school graduation rates and college enrollment; build pathways to careers in science, technology, engineering, math, or STEM, and health care; and improve readiness for college and the work force." SCIENCE AFTERSCHOOL CONSUMERS GUIDE From the web site: "TThe SAS Consumers Guide contains reviews of high-quality, hands-on science content for afterschool programs. Materials include semester and year long curricula, activity kits, instructor guides consisting of many related activities, and Web sites that offer content appropriate for afterschool programs. Users of this guide are able to search and sort entries by title, subject, grade level, target audience, and cost." SE MICHIGAN MATH-SCIENCE LEARNING COMMUNITY This Coalition's mission is to built a "learning community" to leverage and link science and math educational resources and career information to all children. Be sure to visit the REACH OUT! Teen Mentoring Link.
SHOULD STUDENTS LEARN TO CODE? PROS AND CONS - AND RESOURCES - 2023 ARTICLE This extensive article provides a lot of information about coding and offers pros and cons about weather or not students should learn to code. Skim the entire article to see the depth of what is presented. SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS - CHICAGO SECTION From the web site: "SWE Outreach programs inspire the next generation of women engineers and technologists. We engage young girls in the possibilities of this rewarding career path with inspiring workshops and interaction with SWE role models." STATE OF COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION: 2023 REPORT From the website: “This annual report on K-12 computer science in the United States provides an update on national and state-level computer science education policy, including policy trends, maps, state summaries, and implementation data.” When you visit the site be sure to look at the interactive data dashboard. STEMNASTICS – EXTENSIVE LIBRARY OF STEM EDUCATION & LEARNING RESOURCES From the website: “Stemnastics LLC is an exciting and unique social services enterprise, based in Baltimore, focusing on STEM enrichment.” The site has an extensive library of digital divide and STEM learning resources.
STEM LEARNING ECOSYSTEMS - CONNECTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES WITH A NATIONAL NETWORK OF PEERS AND STEM LEADERS From the website: "Built on over a decade of research, the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice is a first-of-its-kind global collaboration of 114+ communities growing STEM collaborations that prepare all people for emerging opportunities. More than 70 million learners find themselves going from cradle to career within the space of a STEM Learning Ecosystem." STEM PATHWAYS COOPERATIVE - CHICAGO From the web site: "The Chicago STEM Cooperative is a community-based effort to survey out-of-school-time programs and consider the way educational institutions, businesses and city services could cooperate to build and support pathways into science, technology, engineering and mathematics for Chicago’s young people."
STEMM OPPORTUNITY ALLIANCE - LAUNCHED IN 2022 The mission of this Alliance is to build a STEMM ecosystem rooted in equity, inclusion, and scientific excellence to power progress, innovation and prosperity for all by 2050. Note that the extra M added to STEM stands for Medicine.
STEM TALENT. MOVING BEYOND TRADITIONAL BOUNDARIES This article suggests that "if we want more students involved in STEM careers, we need to think of other places than schools where we can connect with youth and inspire such learning." Volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs operating in non-school hours can be such places.
STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF ILLINOIS (SEAOI) - FOUNDATION From the web site: "The Structural Engineers Foundation is an independent, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to one goal: the advancement of structural engineering. To attain this goal, and thus prepare for tomorrow's horizons, the SEF has committed itself to sponsoring and funding scholarships, lectures, awards, publications and research - all aimed at improving structural engineers and structural engineering."
THE CENTER FOR PLANETARY SCIENCE From the web site: "The Center for Planetary Science is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are dedicated to inspiring young children from underserved and low-income communities into becoming the next generation of scientists. Our vision is to bring astronomy to all those who aspire to be future scientists! The Center, moreover, conducts astrophysical research for publication in peer-reviewed journals – including gamma-ray pulsars and black holes."
THE HIDDEN GENIUS PROJECT - OAKLAND, CA From the web site: "we train and mentor black male youth in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills to transform their lives and communities."
THE PER SCHOLAS INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY - CINCINNATI From the web site: "At Per Scholas, we believe a thriving workforce starts with equitable access to education. Learn about Per Scholas and how we provide skills training and access to employer networks to individuals often excluded from tech careers. Per Scholas envisions a technology workforce as diverse as the customers it serves. Over 15,000 graduates have launched successful careers in tech to date through our no-cost technical training. Our mission is to advance economic equity through rigorous training for tech careers and to connect skilled talent to leading businesses."
THE SCIENTIFIC IMPERATIVE OF ACHIEVING DIVERSITY IN STEM CAREERS This Forbes magazine article makes a case for stronger workplace and career diversity strategies, especially in Science, Math, Technology and Engineering (STEM) fields.
THE US GEOLOGICAL SERVICE LEARNING WEB From the web site: "The USGS Learning Web is divided into three sections: Students, Teachers, Explorers. Located in the Student's section, the Finding a Balance environmental study project examines real world water use dilemmas. The Homework Help section features both USGS and other web resources for Geology, Hydrology, Biology and Geography. The glossary section provides a list of web links to a variety of USGS and other Web glossaries."
TIPS AND RESOURCES FOR WOMEN IN TECH This article offers many tips for women entrepreneurs who are interested in pursuing a career in technology. It includes many links to additional resources.
TRY ENGINEERING - EMPOWERS EDUCATORS TO FOSTER THE NEXT GENERATION OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATORS From the website: "TryEngineering is an initiative of IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization. It provides educators and students with resources, lesson plans, and activities that engage and inspire."
WOMEN IN TECH SEEKS TO ADD MORE WOMEN TO THE TECHNOLOGY SECTOR - LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE This is an international non-profit organization on "a mission to close the gender gap and to help women embrace technology. They promote girls' and women's empowerment around the world, with a focus on Sustainable Development Goal 5b."
YOUTH TECHNOLOGY CORPS AND NETWORK From the web site: "YTC Mission Statement - YTC is transforming teens, empowering them with the skills necessary for the technology of the 21st century. Enlisting teens as allies, YTC youth improve their skills while donating technology to their communities."
ZOONIVERSE - PEOPLE POWERED RESEARCH OF THE UNIVERSE From the web site: "The Zooniverse enables everyone to take part in real cutting edge research in many fields across the sciences, humanities, and more. The Zooniverse creates opportunities for you to unlock answers and contribute to real discoveries." Browse the site and look at different projects, where thousands of volunteers have been involved.