100 YEARS AFTER WOMEN GOT THE VOTE, WHY IS #STILLMARCHING AS CENTRAL AS EVER TO HUMAN PROGRESS? https://oxfamapps.org/fp2p/100-years-after-votes-for-women-why-is-stillmarching-as-relevant-as-ever-to-human-progress/ 2018 article on From Poverty to Power blog shows that much work needs to still be done. Follow the links. There's a wealth of information here.
A MIGHTY GIRL - DEDICATED TO RAISING SMART, CONFIDENT, AND COURAGEOUS GIRLS https://www.amightygirl.com/blog The website says "A Mighty Girls is the worlds largest collection of books, toys, movies, and music for parents, teachers and others dedicated to raising smart, confident, and courageous girls and, of course, for girls themselves." This link points to the Mighty Girls blog. Follow A Mighty Girls on Facebook and see how they share relevant information on a regular basis. https://www.facebook.com/amightygirl
A SAFE WORLD FOR WOMEN http://www.asafeworldforwomen.org/fieldpartners.html From the web site: "Throughout the world there are thousands of small organisations working on the ground in their regions, helping people to develop sustainable livelihoods. These organisations and groups seldom receive publicity and often struggle to connect with potential donors. To help with this, Safe World partners with grassroots organisations and groups working with women and children. We help our Field Partners by highlighting their work, and encouraging public support for individual grassroots projects."
CLOSING THE GENDER GAP - FROM LEARN HOW TO BECOME.ORG https://www.learnhowtobecome.org/career-resource-center/closing-the-gender-pay-gap/ This site provides a well illustrated guide to help others understand the gender gap, and to become involved in closing it. Spend time looking around.
GENDER APARTHEID - VIDEO BY BILL MAHER Open link This video was posted in 2024 on Twitter and LinkedIn. In it Bill Maher calls on young people to take on GenderApartheid as their cause. The video shows dramatic reasons for taking such a stand. The link I've provided points to a Twitter post with the video.
GIRL EFFECT - GIRL-CENTRED COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT https://www.girleffect.org/ From the web site: "Deeply rooted in our theory of change, our unique approach to social norm change uses the latest ideas in media, technology and girl-centred community engagement to challenge discriminatory gender norms and start conversations about how girls are viewed in society. By connecting with girls in their communities and building confidence in their own potential, we're changing the way millions of people think, feel and act towards girls."
HOW DOES CHICAGO REPORT ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN? https://chicagojustice.org/2013/05/20/violence-against-women-reporting/ This link points to a 2013 Chicago Justice Project study of "a year of coverage of violence against women in the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times to understand how closely the coverage resembles how the crimes occur in Chicago’s communities."
NOVO FOUNDATION - FOCUSES ON ISSUES RELATED TO GIRLS AND WOMEN https://novofoundation.org/ This foundation focuses on empowering adolescent girls, preventing violence against women, social and emotional learning and promoting local economies.
RESPECT WOMEN - PREVENTING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN - UNITED NATIONS WOMAN RESOURCE https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2020/07/respect-women-implementation-package From the website: "UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. It's an extensive resource site. UN Women also coordinates and promotes the UN system's work in advancing gender equality, and in all deliberations and agreements linked to the 2030 Agenda."
TED TALK BY ASHLEY JUDD ABOUT ON-LINE ABUSE AND HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AND GIRLS https://www.ted.com/talks/ashley_judd_how_online_abuse_of_women_has_spiraled_out_of_control? The video is introduced with this statement: "Enough with online hate speech, sexual harassment and threats of violence against women and marginalized groups. It's time to take the global crisis of online abuse seriously. In this searching, powerful talk, Ashley Judd recounts her ongoing experience of being terrorized on social media for her unwavering activism and calls on citizens of the internet, the tech community, law enforcement and legislators to recognize the offline harm of online harassment." The language in this video is raw so may be unsuitable for younger age children.However, the lessons need to be learned at an early age.
THE GIRL INNOVATION, RESEARCH, ANDLEARNING (GIRL) CENTER - GLOBAL RESEARCH HUB https://popcouncil.org/hub/girl-center/ The GIRL Center "is a global research hub that envisions a gender-equitable world where girls and boys make a health and safe transition into adulthood and reach their full potential". This is part of a global research center called The Population Council. View their strategic plan at https://popcouncil.org/strategy/
WOMEN'S SPEECH PROJECT https://www.womensmediacenter.com/speech-project/ This site is" Dedicated to raising public and media awareness about online harassment."