Suggested Annual Calendar of Events supporting tutor/mentor program growth in cities like Chicago
See animated explanation of this event strategy in this video.
This graphic represents a calendar of quarterly events developed between 1994 and 2000 and supported through 2015 as part of an on-going effort to bring more attention and resources to volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs operating in Chicago and other cities.
Due to a June 2011 change in organizational structure the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC was created to keep this calendar of events in place. Conferences have not been held since 2015 but the Chicago directory of youth tutor and/or mentor programs and an extensive resource library is still hosted. Ideas are shared via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
This is now a template that others can adopt to support needed youth development, tutoring and/or mentoring programs in all geographic parts of any city. Any business, non-profit and/or civic group could organize or lead these events, and creating opportunities for program leaders and supporters to connect, while drawing resources directly to the different youth tutoring and/or mentoring programs operating in Chicago or other cities.
For programs to benefit, they must be included in on-line directories. Is your Chicago area volunteer-based tutoring and/or mentoring program included on this list of Chicago youth organization web sites? View map on this page to see how locations of programs in Chicago are plotted on a map. Email
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to add and/or delete organizations from this list.
Read more about the quarterly events organized by the Tutor/Mentor Connection between 1993 and 2015. click here
Make a contribution to help fund Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. Click here