New additions to Tutor/Mentor library - 2025
Since mid 2022 I've posted new additions to the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC Library on a page like this. Each listing includes a link to the sub-section of the library where the link was posted. Those links are in alphabetical order. New additions from 2024 are posted here. New additions from 2023 are posted here. New additions from 2022 are posted here.
2-12-2025 - 'ORIGINAL SINS" - BOOK EXAMINES HOW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO HURT BLACK AND INDIGENOUS STUDENTS This link points to an interview of Eve L. Ewing, author of "Original Sins", published in Feb. 2025 in The Tribe. Find in this section
2-6-2025 - KEVIN'S MEANDERING MIND - BLOG BY CONNECTED LEARNING EDUCATOR Kevin Hodgson is a middle school teacher from Western Massachusetts who I've followed since 2014. Several links on this blog list go to articles he wrote. I point to his blog many times from the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC blog. He launched a new blog site in 2025. Check it out. Find in this section
2-5-2025 - AUTHENTIC CONNECTION PLATFORMS: THE FUTURE OF DISINTEGRATING SOCIAL MEDIA - 2025 ARTICLE This article on the Conferences that Work blog focuses on the demise of traditional social media as a place to connect and share ideas and the rise of smaller platforms, that are part of the Fediverse, a network of servers interconnected via a common protocol. Mastodon is one of these. Find in this section
2-4-2025 - 3 TOOLS TO HELP TEACH ABOUT BLACK HISTORICAL FIGURES IN A MODERN LIGHT This article on the KQED website offers tips for engaging children in learning about Black history throughout the year and beyond the surface level. Take a look. Find in this section
1-26-2025 LUV CITY - ENGAGES YOUTH IN MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION ttps:// From the website: "LUV City offers a 5-week Summer Institute where Chicago youth are immersed in workshops in filmmaking, editing, sound design, multimedia production, acting, storytelling and music production. Youth are invited to continue on with programming during fall, winter and spring semesters." Find in this section
1-21-2025 - LANDLORD MAPPER - NATIONAL LANDLORD DATBASE INITIATIVE Landlord Mapper is an initiative to advance research into urban property ownership networks. We seek to address the problem of ownership obscurity by leveraging data science techniques to uncover networks of taxpayer records. The goal is to provide tenants with easy access to information about landlords. We also seek to assist and collaborate with other researchers to improve the overall access to landlord data. The site uses network analysis and interactive GIS maps to share information about property owners in Chicago, Milwaukee. Find in this section
1-18-2025 - SEGREGATION ACADEMIES: DECADES AFTER DESEGREGATION, PRIVATE SCHOOLS STILL DIVIDE US This ProPublica series includes "a Private School Demographics database, which ProPublica launched in 2025, that anyone, anywhere can use to look up a school and view the years of data we were relying on for our reporting." The research shows that "Hundreds of the private schools that opened for white children fleeing the arrival of Black students still operate across the South. And they play a key role in persistent segregation." Find in this section
1-18-2025 - BACKBONE LEADERSHIP IS DIFFERENT: THE SKILLS AND MINDSET SHIFTS NEEDED FOR COLLECTIVE IMPACT This page on the Collective Impact Forum shares a new podcast discussion of how backbone leadership in collective impact efforts is different from traditional, more hierarchical leadership styles. The site has links to reports and is the result of over 10 years of work. Find in this section
1-18-2025 - DEEPER LEARNING ARTICLES ON TERRY ELLIOTT'S BLOG Unflattening. Unfurling. Invisible Practice - These are links to two long articles on Connected Learning (clmooc) member Terry Elliott's blog. Both focus on deeper learning. One includes podcasts created using Google Notebook LM's artificial intelligence product. These point to habits that teachers, tutors and mentors need to help students learn. Find in this section
1-18-2024 - GOOGLE NOTEBOOK LM - AN AI-POWERED COLLABORATOR It's described as a tool that "helps you do your best thinking". Look at the podcasts that I point to in this article to see ways this has been used in 2025. Find in this section