May 2005 workshops


This conference was held at Northwestern University Law School, 375 E. Chicago Ave, Chicago, Il 60610 in partnership with the Children & Family Justice Center at the Northwestern University Law School (CFJC)

Visit the web page of CFJC to learn more about the important work of CFJC, visit: 

This is a list of workshops scheduled for the May 2005 Conference.   We thank everyone who donated their time to make a presentation and share their experience.    Visit this Link to review speaker biographies 

Book Raffle!  Win a free copy of Dr. Edward Gordon's new book, Peer Tutoring: A Teacher's Resource Guild.  Drawings were held at the end of each day. Thank you Dr. Gordon for donating copies of this book.

Thursday Workshops: May 12 

8:00 am: Registration opens

8:45 am:  Welcome and Introductions 

9:20 to 10:40 am

Marketing to Motivate You, Volunteers, and the Community, presented by Rosemary Walter, Mosaic Marketing Management, Inc.  
In this fun, fast-paced, hands-on seminar you’ll learn why MARKETING is critical to your success in delivering services to your community. We’ll show you how you can get started and where to target your efforts. The workshop format will equip you with knowledge, experience, and take home worksheets that you can use the very next day. Among other things you’ll learn:

  • Three reasons why you should market your organization
  • How and where you should start
  • The ONE marketing mistake you don’t want to make – ever!
  • The ABC’s of Web marketing

Feel free to send or bring current marketing materials and/or questions to the moderator prior to the event. She’ll be glad to talk to you before the program about them. This workshop is for Beginners and people who are just starting to market their tutor/mentor program. Sign up for MOSAIC's MONTHLY MARKETING TIPS at  Contact
Rosemary at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Improving Student Services through Partnerships: Tutor/Mentor Program Collaboration with Supplemental Education Service Providers presented by Otho Tucker, Ph.D. , Senior Vice President of Mosaica Education

Tutor/mentor programs are designed to increase the educational performance of students while making them aware of the “real-world” career options. NCLB Supplemental Education Service (SES) providers have academic resources, structured programs, tutor-training programs, and Federal funding that, through a collaborative effort, could be used to enhance the academic preparation of students and expand the number of students now being served in each to these programs.  

With that said, this session will be an open discussion of the resources that are available to tutor/mentor programs and NCLB SES providers and how the resources can be better utilized through collaborative relationships. A brief overview of tutor/mentor programs and SES regulations will lead to brainstorming the potential for partnership development to enhance student performance and career options for more students. Learn more about Mosaica Education at 

Making Networking Work For You: (Unmasking, Unleashing and Linking Your Personal Network), presented by Paul Collins, Jordan-Webb, Inc.
This encounter with networking will be quite different from what you may have previously experienced. The session will help you tap into the same hidden and valuable assets that experienced and successful networkers do, while possibly not realizing what they are doing.  By peeling away the six layers of a metaphorically speaking "networking onion", you'll learn about resources and techniques that are readily available yet often overlooked and underused.  If you've been exposed to networking before, please be prepared to think differently and come with an open mind and a willingness to be challenged.  You'll discover distinctive behaviors that will make a significant difference in your approach to and payback from networking.  Your new perceptions will transform your notions of collaboration, sharing and win-win and will enhance your capability and success in aligning yourself with others. (Note: visit the and click into the "Public Speaking section. Open the "Networking" section and you can review a power point outline of this workshop)

No More Throw-Away Children: Integrating technology into a peer tutoring program
, presented by Calvin Pearce, Time Dollar Institute 
The workshop will describe how to set up peer tutoring program, teach children how to help themselves improve their math and reading test scores and how to provide children with an internet ready computer to take home.  Contact:  Calvin Pearce This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   '; document.write( '' ); document.write( addy_text1092 ); document.write( '<\/a>' ); //--> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Child Maltreatment Awareness Training,
presented by Gail Brodkey, Coordinator for the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Chicago at Children’s Memorial Hospital 
In FY 2002, 9,324 children in Cook County were found to be abused and neglected. Child Maltreatment affects children throughout Chicago regardless of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. It is very important for staff and volunteers who work with children to understand Child Maltreatment issues.  This presentation is designed for staff and volunteers to learn to easily recognize, accurately assess, and appropriately refer child maltreatment injuries

9:20 am until Noon -- Planning and Conducting Useful Program Evaluation,
presented by Dr. Stergios Roussos.
NOTE: This is a 3- hour workshop, starting at 9:20 and ending at Noon.

This half-day workshop is specifically designed for program staff and program support organizations that need to plan and conduct program evaluation. The Workshop provides personal attention for your program evaluation needs, and time is spent on individual questions and answers. Using hands-on activities, participants will complete step-by-step exercises and leave with an evaluation plan tailored to their specific needs. Information and handouts will cover evaluation issues from simple to comprehensive programs and initiatives. Topics will include formative, process and outcome evaluation issues such as deciding what to evaluate, selecting measures and measurement tools, implementing evaluation procedures, and preparing and interpreting results. New and seasoned programs are welcome. No prior evaluation experience is required. Participants are highly encouraged to bring real questions and projects to the workshop. For examples of workshop materials and comments from prior workshop participants, please visit    Learn more at

10:50 am to 12:10 pm

Volunteer Recruitment Strategies, presented by Janet Takehara, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago
In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to identify potential volunteers and how to develop eligibility criteria and recruitment methods. This workshop is intended for program and marketing staff and leadership.  It is a hands-on workshop that draws on the collective wisdom of the participants  and the guidance of the presenter to provide each participant with tools they can implement when they return to their programs. 

Working with Hard to Reach Young People
, presented by Rev. Lorraine Bogan
Understanding and learning how to reach at-risk young people, using faith-based principles. The SAFE Over-Comers Drama Squad, who once participated in violent and criminal behaviors, will present a skit of their experiences and explain how they have overcome their adversities.  Visit Lorraine's web site and learn about her new book: 

Implications of Zero Tolerance, presented by Betsy Clarke, President, Juvenile Justice Initiative
Illinois is leading the nation in juvenile justice system reforms - learn about new alternatives to incarceration, hearings to look at youth tried as adults, juvenile correctional reform and the Children's Mental Health Partnership. Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Fund Raising Tips and Strategies
, presented by Kevin Hogan, Manager of Grants, YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago 
The goal of this workshop is that  attendees walk away with two to three "usable" ideas to help with fund raising, such as

  •  tips on effectively communicating the strengths of their program/organization to funders;
  • ways on effectively using their website, volunteers, newsletters, etc., to promote their program and organization and in turn, entice funders;
  • additional ways to effectively showcase their program/organization to funders and the best way to use the organizational resources that are available to assist in this process.

Team Building Skills for Youth: an Interactive experience
, presented by Kenneth  King, President, New Concepts
This workshop will focus on Team Building activities that can be use to strengthen student and volunteer relationships.
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12:10 to 1:30 PM - Lunch and Networking!  No formal speakers are scheduled so that participants  have maximum time to interact with each other, visit display tables, and build potential collaborations.

1:30 pm to 2:50 pm

Panel of Program Leaders, led by Stacey Jackson, Director, Partners in Education Tutoring and Scholarship, A program of CHICAGO LIGHTS @ Fourth Presbyterian Church Panel includes Mark Duhon, Highsight, Chicago, Il.  (, Toinette Pilgrim, Student Mentor Partners, Detroit, MI.    Panel members will provide brief description of their own programs, then talk about what works well (and what they did to make it work well) and what challenges they face (and how they are trying to overcome those challenges.  The participants of this workshop will be encouraged to share their own experiences, as part of this group learning experience.   

Tutor/Mentor Programs in Healthcare: Selling the Concept, facilitated by Sherard Jones of the Sinai Mentoring Program. 

I'd like to invite you to take part in a conversation about Tutor/Mentor Programs in HealthCare. The vision is for hospitals to become actively involved in these programs through the providing of information, volunteers and countless other resources.  The result of such partnership over many years should be to lower the health care costs associated with poverty by increasing the educational and career success of youth living in these neighborhoods.  This workshop outlines a proposal highlighting the need for external volunteerism programs in our hospitals.

This workshop is intended for people who lead youth development, diversity, career mentoring, violence prevention and similar programs in hospitals or  health care organizations, as well as for those who already operate tutor/mentor programs supported by hospitals, health care organizations or health insurance companies.  The purpose is to discuss ways of building a Hospital Tutor/Mentor Connection that links organizations, shares ideas, builds relationships and partnerships within the hospital community and leads to greater support and partnership with tutor/mentor programs operating in the neighborhood surrounding inner city hospitals.   If you know people in the health care industry, or who work in inner city hospitals, please encourage them to attend.

Sinai Mentoring Program (SMP) is a school-based mentoring program targeting school-aged children grades 4th - 8th in the North/South Lawndale community of Chicago.  The mentoring program links professionals from Sinai Health System and other members of the Chicago community with youth from two Lawndale elementary schools, Melody Elementary School and Chalmers Specialty School. The program offers mentees opportunities to engage in organized activities that expose them to varied socio-economic and culturally diverse settings. Learn more at

A  Vision of Change, A Vision of Growth,
presented by Jeri Warner, Program Director for Trusted Partners, Indianapolis, IN
Have you ever made a change or accomplished a goal?  Mentoring often creates an expectation of change, but change does not happen without a vision of what is possible and what things will be like when change has occurred.  Participants will consider there personal  journey and how "a vision of change" assisted them in achieving growth and how this awareness can translate into their work in the community.  Using storytelling, personal reflection and group discussion, this session will focus on:

  • the role of vision in the work of the volunteer, of programs and of the entire community
  • personal reflection to lead to an  understanding of how goals are accomplished, what goals are important, and how the vision of the future can help achieve our goals

By the end of the session, participants will

  • understand the connection between growth, vision and change
  • understand how they have been able to accomplish goals in their personal/organizational community
  • have a personal/organizational vision

Gang History Project,  presented by John M. Hagedorn, University of Illinois at Chicago 

Celebrate What Works,  facilitated by Odette Samuelson, Manager, Organization Development and Carol McClement, Corporate Services, Harper Community College, and Carol L. McClement, and Organizational Consultant and Trainer.  

Sometimes we fail to acknowledge the success and the differences that we are making in our work, and we end up focusing on the frustrations instead of the positive results we create.  

During this session you’ll use some tools from Appreciative Inquiry (AI) to discover a shared focus of what’s already right within your work.  Appreciative Inquiry is the cooperative search for the best in people, their organizations and the world around them….AI assumes that every living system has untapped, rich and inspiring accounts of the positive (from The Change Handbook).    Looking at the world in light of the strengths and energy already contained in it offers each of us concrete affirmations of the direction we’re heading.  It’s a chance to create community between the participants and develop a synergy of shared knowledge.  The best part is you’ll feel reenergized about the good work you do and the meaning you create in people’s lives. 

3:00 pm to 4:20 pm

Leadership-Oriented Strategies for Sustainable Partnering with Business, presented by Ian Bryan, 
This workshop addresses nonprofit administration and development, exploring creative ways to find, forge and execute highly productive and sustainable partnerships between business and community interests.

Each year, an increasing number of businesses open their doors to creative partnerships with non-profit organizations, with the intention of designing a shared agenda that supports everyone involved. Traditionally, however, these partnerships often become under-productive or lose their momentum over time. This workshop will explore traditional and nontraditional approaches to these partnerships, focusing specifically on co-creative, sustainable pairings. Citing recent case studies and established best practices, participants will explore leadership-oriented strategies for creating long-term, healthy non-profit/for-profit partnerships.

Workshop topics will include:

  •  Foundation: Internal Strategy for Prospecting
  •  First Steps: The Most Important Dialogue of All
  • Co-Creation: Manifesting the Win/Win Scenario
  • Execution: Ensuring Sustainability and Effectiveness
  • Motivation: Mobilizing and maintaining citizen support

Student-Alumni Youth Panel.
Young adults who were tutored and mentored as youth return to share their thoughts on how these services effected their development. This moderated panel will discuss services and activities that were most and least helpful, and give suggestions to current program leaders from the consumer perspective. Participating students are from the following programs:  ACI, Big Brothers Big Sisters, High Sight, Cabrini Connections, and College Bound.  Moderated by Renee Tucker,  Associated Colleges of Illinois, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Working with Youth  in Juvenile Justice System,
presented by Helen A. Warren, Mentoring Network for Juvenile Court Wards, Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Justice Department.   
This session will provide information for volunteers and programs who work with youth on probation, or who have a history of at-risk behaviors

Much More than Math Tutoring!,
presented by Mary Charles and Dr. Diane Schiller, Loyola University, Chicago.
Learn engaging methods to support your math tutoring.  In this presentation you will learn how to use literature, games, manipulatives and computers to make your tutoring more productive.  You will be introduced to a free access standards based web site that allows you to explore math concepts at your own pace as you plan for tutoring.  The video clips on have been edited from shows originally broadcast in Chicago on a call-in format cable access show.   


One goal of the T/MC Conference is to create a community of people who learn from each other, network, and collaborate to help volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs grow in all places where they are needed.  A second goal is to create public awareness that draws volunteers and donors directly to programs in various neighborhoods.

We encourage all workshop presenters, conference participants and interested supporters, including business and foundation leaders,  to visit the DISCUSSION Section at where you can join one or more groups in this community. 

If you would like to do a workshop at future conferences, email the T/MC at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it    

Friday  Workshops: May 13

8:00 am: Registration opens

8:45 am:  Welcome and Introductions 

9:20 to 10:40 am

Helping Students Navigate High School Choice, presented by Mark Duhon, Highsight, 
Chicago and other big cities offer many high school options, yet many students never take advantage of them because they or their parents are not aware of the opportunities, or because public schools do not have enough counselors to help youth navigate these choices. Volunteers in tutor/mentor programs can coach this process and Mr. Duhon provides information that programs can pass on to their volunteers.

Follow the Yellow "Book" Road - Strategies for Tutoring Reading, Grades 1-8,
presented by Dr. Jan Fitzsimmons, director of the Junior/Senior Scholars Program, at North Central College.
Prepare to be successful with the students you tutor!  Follow the yellow book road to reading success with your students!  Armed with an array of ready to use handouts and using interactive techniques these presenters will share the best strategies in reading that they have used in the Junior/Senior Scholars Program at North Central College  to facilitate reading success among first through eighth grade students. Prepare to be successful with the students you tutor! 

The Junior/Senior Scholars Program recruits students at North Central College to  tutor students in grades 3-5 at Oak Park Elementary School in East Aurora every Tuesday and Thursday from 12-2 p.m., or tutor students in grades K-5 at Johnson Elementary School in Chicago on those same days from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Student volunteers can also facilitate an after-school study group for middle school students from East Aurora and Chicago on the North Central campus every Thursday from 3:30-5:30 p.m. There is also an evening study group for high school students every Thursday from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

The college students who volunteer learn as much from the experience as the  youth who receive tutoring/mentoring help.  Call Dr. Jan Fitzsimmons, director of the Junior/Senior Scholars Program, at ext. 5359 for more details

Exploiting the Strengths of Communication Styles (How You Communicate and How Others Perceive You), presented Paul Collins, 
How we communicate affects everything - our interactions at work, in play, in romance, in recreation, in sports, etc.  What we communicate is often perceived differently than what's intended.  Misperception often leads to conflict, which distracts us from accomplishing our intended goals. Communications systems help individuals, teams and organizations understand how their strengths across four categories govern their everyday behavior as much as 50% to 70% of the time - decision-making style, social interaction, pacing style and systems interaction.  The session will cover a number of profiles and examine how the intensity of the styles controls attitudes, actions and responses. Participants will learn how style characteristics reflect how one thinks, understands, relates, adapts and comes across to others. Participants will learn to appreciate the value of understanding and exploiting one's own communication strengths as well as recognizing the strengths of others.

Volunteer Recruitment Strategies, presented by Daniel F. Bassill, President, Tutor/Mentor Connection.
While many may look at May as a time to wind down and get ready for a summer vacation, this is the time when programs should be looking for ways to improve their process so that as school starts in September their volunteer-recruitment strategies will have provided enough volunteers for a program to serve all of the youth who seek tutor/mentor support in their lives.  Bassill will share strategies he has learned in recruiting thousands of workplace volunteers over a 30 year career of leading a volunteer-based tutor/mentor program.  These are strategies that have been proven and can help any organization recruit volunteers.    Visit the Tutor/Mentor Institute at for background reading prior to the conference.

Teaching Study Skills in a Volunteer-Based Tutor/Mentor Program, presented by Andrea Scott, StudySmart, Inc.
The workshop will introduce study skills as an integral part of every student's education and therefore a necessary program for any tutoring organization. An overview of StudySmart's study skills program will be presented, as well as a guideline for how to create a study skills program for your organization. Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of different study skills and be armed with resources to make this program a reality for their students. 

10:50 am to 12:10 PM

Peer Tutoring: A Teacher's Resource Guide
, presented by Dr. Edward Gordon, Imperial Consulting Corp.
In this era of high stakes testing, teachers across America are struggling with the demands of raising student achievement. Tutoring programs can become important learning strategies that will assist students in learning to solve problems, collaborate with others, and think creatively.  All these are part of the creative thinking process important for students to master since a greater percentage of high school graduates enroll in some form of post-secondary education.

Dr. Gordon will draw from his new book, Peer Tutoring: A Teacher's Resource Guild, to provide teachers and tutor/mentor program leaders methods to help students raise their skills and critical thinking abilities. It provides step-by-step guidance on:

  • designing a tutoring program
  • training tutors
  • conducting meaningful assessment and evaluation

This workshop will offer a wide variety of success stories drawn from published research that describes how ordinary teachers have successfully used peer and cross-age tutoring in a wide variety of elementary, high school and college applications. The Internet offers a whole new world of information, ideas, and experiences to students. What most teachers lack are successful ways of framing the art of teaching to take advantage of this new resource-rich environment. This presentation will help teachers co-construct knowledge with students to help classroom learning become more "student centered".   Learn more at 

The Art of Business and the Business of Art,
presented by Lara Dieckmann, Cabrini Connections,  
Do you operate an arts program at your youth-based organization or would like to? Do you want to explore innovative ways to raise funds for your organization utilizing the creativity of your artists-in-training? In this session, we will explore different types of artistic projects that require little funding to complete and types of artistic projects that can actually generate funds. In addition to discussion and brainstorming, each participant will complete a model of an inexpensive, fun and potentially lucrative crafting project. You will leave the session with some new ideas for your program, some fundraising tips to make art work for your organization and a creative project of your own to take home!

The Hispanic Demographic: Mentors for a Growing Population, presented by Alyssa Gendron, Program Coordinator for Alumni Services, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, San Francisco.  
This session will be part informational and part round table discussion about generating a volunteer base for a specific population as well as establishing program goals that meet the needs of that community.  A brief overview and best practice exercise of The Hispanic Scholarship Fund's (HSF) Alumni Mentor Program will be conducted, addressing the obstacles, opportunities and next steps for success.  

This session is intended for educational professionals, community leaders, and new program organizers who run a mentor program and are asking themselves the following questions:

  • Where do I find volunteers that satisfy the needs of a specific community, namely the growing number of Hispanic children in need of a Mentor?
  • What are the benefits and best approaches to partnership-building?
  • How do I develop a meaningful curriculum that effectively reaches my population?
  • How do I build a mentor program that encourages college-readiness?

To answer these questions the presenter will provide volunteer "discovery" options/suggestions based on her experience with the HSF Alumni Mentor Program, outlining their efforts to build partnerships on a local and national level, providing a group activity (case study or relationship-development exercise), as well as materials and information on college-readiness for students grade 9-12.

"Leading to the Beat of Different Drummers:  How Leadership and Management can Avoid Sabotaging their own Programs", , presented Paul Collins, 
Managing and leading are two different ways of organizing people. One notion is that a manager uses a formal, logical and rational method for organizing and directing while a leader uses intuition and passion and stirs emotions.  Firstly, this presentation will outline some of the concepts that differentiate management and leadership roles.  Secondly, this presentation will tap into some fundamental truths of organizational culture that may help explain the effects of disconnects between the intentions of and the behaviors of managers and leaders.  Participants will examine a straightforward model of organizational culture, and will discuss the positive and negative effects of systems within that model.  They will also review examples of stated values and hidden beliefs of managers and leaders and how the dichotomy between values and beliefs affects employee behavior and productivity and organizational health. 

Hospital/Health Care Networking with Youth Programs, facilitated by Sherard Jones, Sinai Mentoring Initiative. Including Asim Mishra, University of Chicago Hospitals. 

You are invited to take part in a conversation about Hospital/Health Care Networking with Youth Programs.  This is a panel discussion with the purpose of brainstorming a framework for developing continuing partnerships between Hospital/Health Care agencies and programs that seek to help the youth in underserved communities through tutoring and mentorship.  The panelists would like to invite you to participate in discussing best practices and operating models, as well as anything that our guests feel is relevant.

This panel will be made up of Asim Mishra, Manager of External Volunteerism at University of Chicago Hospital; Jackie Rouse, Director of Community Affairs at Sinai Community Institute; Sherard Jones, Program Coordinator, Sinai Community Institute. (If you would like to be part of this panel, email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )  


12:10 to 1:30 PM - Lunch and Networking!  No formal speakers are scheduled so that participants  have maximum time to interact with each other, visit display tables, and build potential collaborations.

1:30 pm to 2:50 pm

Simple, Low-Cost Ways to Monitor a Program's Effectiveness, presented by Dr. Joseph DiCara, MD, MPH, Chicago Youth Programs, Inc., 
Dr. DiCara has been leading a volunteer based tutor/mentor program since 1984.  This workshop will give practical examples on monitoring short and long-term youth participation, short and long-term educational outcomes, literacy, and at-risk behavior monitoring. Will also provide examples of potential comparison data, and some methods of developing outcome data at low cost.  

Training Volunteers
, presented by Ken Black, AIMS Mentoring Program 
Since training is critical to a successful mentor program, a simulated training session will be conducted using a power point presentation.  Mentor materials for attendees will be given out. These materials consist of a Mentor Messenger newsletter,  and a public relations brochure.  You will receive a CD-ROM that includes a complete mentor handbook, an administrative packet, and a power point training presentation.  A DVD will also be provided of an actual training session for mentors.  In addition, a few  comments will be made regarding the recruitment of mentors. 

Ken will share training materials being used successfully in mentoring programs operated by Trinity Lutheran Church in Roselle, Illinois.   Four years ago, it became apparent that older adults needed opportunities to make a difference in the community with activities that give them a sense of worth. This led to a program that currently has thirty-five senior adults who serve as mentors as well as many others.  The range of ages for mentors is from a recent high school graduate to age eighty. The church began a community based mentor program three years ago. Currently, there are eighty-five mentors serving in nine feeder schools to Lake Park High School in Roselle, IL.  Materials that will be presented at the conference have been shared with educators in fifteen states.

Global Youth Empowerment Movement: Transforming our Communities
, presented by Dr. Gary Goldman, President, Organization: International Quality Leadership Institute
This exciting youth movement, with National and Global Mayors and cities, will tap the enormous power of youth in impacting whole communities through youth-adult partnerships.  We will show how other urban and suburban cities are implementing this process and strategies to become a youth-centered community.

Lessons participants might expect to take away from the workshop.

      a.       create successful partnerships with youth and adults and organizations
b.       Identify a communities level of readiness for youth involvement
c.       have a better understanding of the importance of student involvement in impacting a community culture
d.       Get new knowledge about how other communities are implementing this adaptable plan unique to their own community

Secure new knowledge/mindset and skills/strategies in starting up this youth-centered community process in their own community.

Children of Prisoners-
How can Mentoring Programs Help?presented by Ann Adalist-Estrin, Federal Resource Center for Children of Prisoners, Child Welfare League of America, Inc.,
As agencies develop and implement mentoring children of prisoner programs, longevity of mentor/mentee relationships becomes more and more vital to the success of the program and to the increase in positive outcomes for children. This session is focused on training and supervision topics from the presenter’s publication, Mentoring Children Of Prisoners Curriculum that are designed to promote longevity of matches.  Strategies for providing specific information about children of prisoners as well as for providing opportunities for mentors to examine feelings and motivations, connect with  parents and caregivers and honor the significance of the incarcerated parent to the child will also be discussed.  Research on mentoring and mentoring children of prisoners will be reviewed and principles of effective mentoring will be applied to a variety of real life stories about children of prisoners. Presentation objectives include:

  • To understand the impact of parental incarceration on children

  • To understand the needs, characteristics and issues related to incarcerated parents

  • To understand the guiding principles of programs mentoring children of prisoners

  • To understand how mentoring programs can mediate the impact of parental incarceration.

  • To understand the training necessary for mentors to achieve long lasting relationships with children of prisoners

This will be an interactive and didactic workshop that presents new information, challenges assumptions and provides examples of programmatic responses relative to Children of Prisoners. Participants will also be engaged in question and answers.

Supplemental Education Services: Making it work for Students, Parents, Schools and Providers, presented by Erica L. Harris, Program Manager for Supplemental Education Services for the Chicago Public Schools
As part of No Child Left Behind, schools that have not made adequate yearly progress for three years in a row must offer free math and reading tutoring programs called Supplemental Educational Services (SES), to all low-income students.  SES tutoring in Chicago is currently provided by 28 private providers. In this workshop the presenter will explain how SES operates in Chicago, the new plans for SES for the 2005-06 year, how to become a state approved provider, how to get the word out to parents and community members, and the challenges of running this type of after school program at such a large scale. 

In this workshop, the discussion will include, but will not be limited to the following topics:

  • How does SES work in Chicago (for families, schools, and private providers?
  • How does Chicago inform parents and the community about SES?
  • What do I need to know if I am an approved provider to be ready for next year?
  • What does one need to do to become a provider?
  • How can I tutor with one of these SES programs?
  • What types of challenges have surfaced with the implementation of SES in Chicago

All are welcome to attend. Visit the CPS afterschool web site at 

3:00  pm to 4:20 pm

Next Steps for Tutor/Mentor Programs - Summer Planning Leads to Better 2005-06 Programs, facilitated by Daniel F. Bassill, President of the Tutor/Mentor Connection.
This will be a wrap-up question and answer and brainstorming session for people who stay to the end of the conference.  Bassill will share information about eConferences and other Internet forums where people who attend the conference can stay connected with each other in an on-going learning and collaboration process.  
Read Bassill's Blog at

Stay connected!  Plan to attend the May 23 eConference, hosted by IUPUI.  Visit the e-conference link at the left to learn more.

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Phone. Skype #dbassill; FAX 312-787-7713; email: | Powered by OpenSource!