Home Volunteer Recruitment Volunteers as Leaders
Volunteers as Leaders

Does your volunteer-support strategy combine service with learning? Does it intend to convert tutors and mentors into leaders and capacity builders. This video is a recording of a flash animation created in late 2000s by a University of Michigan Grad student to explain this concept. You can also view the video on this site.

View this article to see the original version of this volunteer-growth strategy. Click here.


Additional Resources for Volunteer Recruitment

* What are you doing to support volunteer recruitment? blog article

* Strategies for Recruiting Volunteers for your program - see PDF

* Recruiting Talent Volunteers for your organization - see PDF

* Strategic Thinking About Volunteering and Service - see PDF

* Building Support for your organization - see PDF


Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Phone. Skype #dbassill; FAX 312-787-7713; email: tutormentor2@earthlink.net | Powered by OpenSource!