Collect all that is known |
Read most recent blog article about "learning". This "mentoring kids to careers" graphic illustrates the career focused goal of the T/MC. This knowledge map, illustrates the different types of information being collected. This Debategraph outline is another way of trying to engage people from many places in this discussion. These are intended to serve as a "blueprint" which anyone can draw from, or contribute to. While we will never map all of the knowledge, the ideas we do collect may reach a tipping point where the broader range of ideas leads to more comprehensive solutions applied in more places around the world to help kids move out of poverty and into jobs and careers. In 2011 the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC was created to support the continued operations of the Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago and to help similar intermediary groups form in other cities. Throughout our web sites you'll see the names Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute used interchangeably. They both focus on the same mission but represent a non profit and a for-profit structure for generating resources. Read more about the T/MC goals in the Vision and Mission sections