Home 2022 Tutor/Mentor eNews July 2022 eNews
July 2022 TM eNews
July 2022 - Issue 212
Building a Brighter Future for Youth
Most American's have just celebrated the birth of this country, but not all. For many, the country's founders did not include them in their declaration. Only through the efforts and sacrifices of millions has that changed.

For some, like those in Highland Park, Il, the celebration was another tragic example of a gun culture out of control.

As we head into the second half of 2022 much of the freedom gained is at risk of being lost. The kids we serve in organized tutor/mentor programs are among the most vulnerable.
Thus, in this newsletter I'm pointing to civil liberties resources from the Tutor/Mentor library that you can use to prepare for the November 2022 election and what happens after that.

Use this newsletter as a study guide.

The ideas and resources shared in this monthly newsletter point to a library of resources that can be used by anyone, in Chicago, or around the world, to help mentor-rich youth programs thrive in all of the neighborhoods where they are most needed.

If you are a consistent reader, consider a contribution to help fund the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
Remove the Barriers as youth move through school and into adult lives.

This concept map shows many of the challenges facing kids in high poverty areas as they move through school. Not all are present in every neighborhood, or all the time. Most require a consistent effort to be overcome.
Civic Engagement and Civil Liberties resources. click here

Open the links in each node on this concept map and you'll find extensive lists of websites to help you become engaged in making America work better for everyone.

Form a student/volunteer team and create and share your own versions of the concept maps shown on this page.
Prepare for Back-to-School
Look for ways to help recruit volunteers for all youth tutor and/or mentor programs in your city.

Review these articles about volunteer recruitment
Is your Chicago area tutor/mentor program included on this list?

Visit the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC site and look at the three lists where we point to Chicago area tutor and/or mentor programs. Email tutormentor2 at earthlink.net with corrections or to add/delete programs from the lists.
Find links to more volunteer recruitment resources on this concept map.

This points to our list of Chicago programs but to many other resources you can use to find volunteer opportunities or share information about your organization. The lists cover the entire USA.
Chicago STEM Pathways
Visit this link and learn how this network is trying to connect the ecosystem of Chicago stakeholders to address inequities in the STEM learning continuum by facilitating cross-sector knowledge building, collaboration, and collective action. If you offer STEM programming complete the survey on the website.
How are you using education technologies?
Over the past two years most school and non-school programs have had to move much, or all, of their programming to the internet. Most had little preparation or experience, and learned as they tried to keep kids and volunteers connected.

Here's a recent article from offering new ideas on using edtech as we move into 2022-23 school year.
Human Centered Education
Every day I'm introduced to new ideas which I often add to sections of the Tutor/Mentor resource library. This graphic is from an article on the Human Restoration Project website.

The four circles show a comprehensive set of values and updates made recently as a result of on-going learning. NPO youth programs could use this same thinking and set of graphics to refocus their own work. Take a look.
Below are resources to use to help youth in your community.
Recent Tutor/Mentor Blog articles:

It's a Democracy, If you can Keep It. - click here

Looking at Internet Archive - two articles - here and here

OnLine opens 4th timeframe to connect with kids - click here

Follow up to Juneteenth - Build the Network - click here

20 Years Later. Children's Needs Still Not Being Met - click here

Show the Love of Mentoring Bonds - click here

Want to Make a Difference? Rethink Philanthropy - click here

Bookmark these Tutor/Mentor Resources

* Featured collections on Wakeletclick here

* Resource Library -
click here

* Strategy PDFs by Tutor/Mentor -
click here

* Concept Map library -
click here

* Work done by interns - click here

* Digital Divide resources -
click here

Chicago Youth Serving Organizations in Intermediary Roles - click here to view the concept map shown below. Follow the links.
Resources & Announcements

* The Ripple Effect - How Gun Violence Touches us All - click here

* Youth Mentoring Research Symposium (April 27-28) recordings - click here

* College Changes Everything Conference, week of July 11, 2022 - click here

* TechForward Conference: Transforming Nonprofits Through Technology - Sept 18-20. Learn more

* To & Through Project website -
click here: Follow on Twitter - @UChiToThrough

* Center for Effective Philanthropy - click here

* Forefront -Illinois' statewide association of nonprofits, foundations and advisors. click here

* National Mentoring Partnership, resources - click here

* The Chicago Community Trust on Twitter -
click here

* Chicago Mentoring Collaborative -
click here

* Chicago Public Schools locator map - click here

* Chicago Health Atlas - click here

* Strengthening Chicago Youth website,
click here;  blog - click here

* Thrive Chicago collaboration - click here

* Chicago Learning Exchange - click here

* Incarceration Reform Resource Center - click here

* AfterSchool Alliance - resource center - click here

* ChiHackNight - remote civic technology meet-up; every Tuesday in Chicago - see weekly agenda
About this newsletter.

While I try to send this only once a month, I write blog articles weekly. Throughout the newsletter I post links to a few of the articles published in the past month or earlier. I encourage you to spend a little time each week reading these articles and following the links. Use the ideas and presentations in group discussions with other people who are concerned about the same issues.

Encourage friends, family, co-workers to sign up to receive this newsletter. Click here.
(If you subscribe, don't forget to respond to the confirmation email).
Thank you for reading. Thank you for contributions.
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Phone. Skype #dbassill; FAX 312-787-7713; email: tutormentor2@earthlink.net | Powered by OpenSource!