Chicago Government, Chicago Schools, Chicago Faith Based and Misc Chicago NPOs Resource Links Section of the Tutor/Mentor Library.
In 1993 the Tutor/mentor Connection was created with a goal of building a library of resources that people could use to support non-school tutor, mentor and learning programs. We published our list in a printed Directory until 2003, and begin to put it on line in 1998. This section of the library includes links to Chicago government, Chicago schools, Chicago faith based youth serving orgs, and Non-Profit organizations that don't fit any other category. The site where this information has been hosted is now only available as an archive.

The first Directory was published in 1994. A new, updated Directory was published every year until 2003. At this link you can view 1995 Directory.
The links below are sub-categories in this section of the library. These lists are not intended to included ALL Chicago resources.
Almost every other section of the library also points to many Chicago based organizations.
If you find broken links send information to tutormentor 2 at
City of Chicago government & misc NPO links - click here
Chicago schools links - click here