350.ORG - CLIMATE CHANGE MOVEMENT INTERMEDIARY https://350.org/get-involved/ 350.org acts as an intermediary, gathering information about climate change movement throughout the world and sharing it on their web site. As a hub of information it's a valuable resource. ADVOCATES FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE (AUA) https://www.auachicago.org/ From the web site: "AUA is a coalition of individuals, organizations and businesses working to support and expand sustainable agriculture in the Chicago area, from home- and community-based growing to market gardens and small farms. Our goal is to make this website a comprehensive hub for projects, activities, information, resources, and opportunities in urban agriculture." View the Chicago Urban Agriculture Mapping Project page to learn about projects throughout the city.
CLIMATE ACTION PROJECT UNITES TEACHERS AND STUDENTS ACROSS 149 COUNTRIES https://www.climateactionproject.org/ This website supports involvement of students and teachers from around the world in activities that explore, brainstorm, discuss, create and have fun, while building skills like creativity, empathy and real-world problem solving. CLIMATE CHANGE SECTION OF UNITED NATIONS LIBRARY https://research.un.org/en/climate-change This United Nations' web site has an extensive library of resources. This link points to climate change research. Click into sections for North America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. On the page this link points to is a pdf map showing disasters throughout the world in 2014.
CLIMATE CHANGE - WHAT IS IT? COMPREHENSIVE RESOURCE https://www.perlego.com/knowledge/study-guides/what-is-climate-change/ This page offers and extensive, in-depth review of climate change. It's offered by a company called Perlego, based in the UK, which offers "unlimited access to academic and personal development resources on one simple platform". The article on climate change is one of dozens of "what is...?" article on the site. This and similar articles are FREE for learners, but there's a membership fee and cost to read the text books that are suggested with the articles. CLIMATE CRISIS: ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM - RECOMMENDED READING http://tutormentor.blogspot.com/2016/10/climate-crisis-environmental-racism.html In this blog article Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC has been aggregating links to articles related to climate change and environmental disasters around the world. CLIMATE JUSTICE ALLIANCE - JUST TRANSITION https://climatejusticealliance.org/ From the website: "Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) formed in 2013 to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities and organizations into a formidable force. Our translocal organizing strategy and mobilizing capacity is building a Just Transition away from extractive systems of production, consumption and political oppression, and towards resilient, regenerative and equitable economies. We believe that the process of transition must place race, gender and class at the center of the solutions equation in order to make it a truly Just Transition.'
DATA RESOURCE - STATES AT RISK WEBSITE https://statesatrisk.org/ From the website: "States at Risk is a project aimed at showing how Americans in all 50 states are experiencing t he impacts of climate change. Our work focuses on five threats - extreme heat, drought, wildfires, costal flooding and inland flooding -- and the states most affected by these threats." This site has a page for every state full of maps and charts to visualize climate changes.
ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY CENTER (ELPC) https://elpc.org/ From the web site: "The Environmental Law & Policy Center is the Midwest’s leading public interest environmental legal advocacy and eco-business innovation organization, and among the nation’s leaders. We develop and lead successful strategic advocacy campaigns to improve environmental quality and protect our natural resources." ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS PLATFORM - UBUNTOO https://ubuntoo.com/home From the website: "Ubuntoo is a global environmental solutions platform promoting sustainable economic growth. We help scale environmental solutions and innovations in the areas of plastics, packaging, food, and fashion. Our community includes innovators, academicians, scientists, and corporate professionals from over 150 countries. We help make eco-friendly business a reality.' The site hosts and extensive knowledge and solutions library. The platform has a FREE level of participation, then fee-based levels. EXTENSION REBELLION - CHICAGO https://xrchicago.org/ From the website: Extension Rebellion Chicago (XRC) is a growing group of activists formed in 2019 to demand, through creative and non-violent direct action, that government act now to stop climate catastrophe." HELPING PEOPLE RECOVER FROM HURRICANE HARVEY AND SIMILAR DISASTERS https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/08/28/546745827/looking-to-help-those-affected-by-harvey-here-s-a-list Following Hurricane Harvey in 2017 NPR created a list of places people could offer contributions. While the names will change in different locations, the type of resources would be similar. MAKING SENSE OF THE RENEWABLE REVOLUTION https://www.gpny.org/making_sense_of_the_renewable_revolution The environment is not the primary focus of the Tutor/Mentor Connection, yet it is of concern to all of us and offers a great opportunity for student/volunteer learning and civic engagement activities. This post is recommended reading.
OPENLANDS - FOCUSES ON ENVIRONMENT AND LAND USE https://openlands.org/ From the web site: "Openlands protects the natural and open spaces of northeastern Illinois and the surrounding region to ensure cleaner air and water, protect natural habitats and wildlife, and help balance and enrich our lives.' Students in schools and non-school programs can use the Openlands web site as a source of information and inspiration for on-going research, learning and service activities.
RESILIENCE.ORG - FACING A WORLD WITH MULTIPLE EMERGING CHALLENGES https://www.resilience.org/about-resilience/ From the web site: "Resilience.org aims to support building community resilience in a world of multiple emerging challenges: the decline of cheap energy, the depletion of critical resources like water, complex environmental crises like climate change and biodiversity loss, and the social and economic issues which are linked to these. We like to think of the site as a community library with space to read and think, but also as a vibrant café in which to meet people, discuss ideas and projects, and pick up and share tips on how to build the resilience of your community, your household, or yourself." THE BELMONT FORUM - FUNDERS OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE RESEARCH https://belmontforum.org/about From the web site: "The Belmont Forum is a group of the world's major and emerging funders of global environmental change research. It aims to accelerate delivery of the environmental research needed to remove critical barriers to sustainability by aligning and mobilizing international resources. It pursues the goals set in the Belmont Challenge by adding value to existing national investments and supporting international partnerships in interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary scientific endeavors." THE CHICAGO SUSTAINABILITY LEADERS NETWORK (CSLN) https://www.ica-usa.org/chicagosustainability.html From the website: "The Chicago Sustainability Leaders Network (CSLN) connects grassroots leaders from communities across Chicago to share resources, support each other’s work, collaborate, build a stronger collective voice, and nurture equitable and impactful relationships with policy makers. " View the timeline on the home page, showing actions since forming in 2013. THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND (US) - CLIMATE-SMART CITIES PROGRAM https://www.tpl.org/ From the web site: "The Trust for Public Land works to protect the places people care about and to create close-to-home parks—particularly in and near cities, where 80 percent of Americans live. Our goal is to ensure that every child has easy access to a safe place to play in nature. We also conserve working farms, ranches, and forests; lands of historical and cultural importance; rivers, streams, coasts, and watersheds; and other special places where people can experience nature close at hand." The Climate-Smart Cities Program is one of the feature projects.
VISUALIZED: THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY 101 - 2022 ARTICLE https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualized-the-circular-economy-101/ This article by Visual Capitalists discusses "what the circular economy is" and "ways to minimize waste and shift current consumption trends". The graphics used to tell the story make it easier to understand.
WATER.ORG - ACCESS TO SAFE WATER AND SANITATION https://water.org/ This site focuses on creating greater access to safe water and sanitation for people living in poverty throughout the world.
WHAT DOES IT TAKE ... TO DECARBONIZE YOUR STATE? https://decarbmystate.com/about This is a new site that offers ideas for ending climate pollution by using clean electrification, at the state policy level, rather than Federal. Take a look. This site was developed by Chicago volunteers via the weekly ChiHackNight event.
WATTS OF LOVE - END CYCLE OF POVERTY BY BRINGING SOLAR LIGHT https://www.wattsoflove.org/ This group sees "solar lighting as one of the strongest tools available to break the cycle of poverty". Although located in the Chicago region it's service reach the most vulnerable people in the developing world, who live without access to electrical light. Visit the website and learn more.