While this section of the Tutor/Mentor library focuses specifically on various forms of volunteer-based tutoring and/or mentoring programs the links below focus on the broader topic of afterschool and out-of-school-time youth serving organizations, including tutoring and mentoring.
50 STATE AFTERSCHOOL NETWORK - FUNDED BY C.S. MOTT FOUNDATION http://www.statewideafterschoolnetworks.net/ This site has an interactive map that helps you identify afterschool networks in each state. It's a great resource to help build collaborations.
A CASE FOR CITY AND STATE LEADERS TO STRENGTHEN ALLIANCES AND BE A FORCE FOR GOOD - BROOKINGS.EDU REPORT https://www.brookings.edu/essay/why-state-and-local-relationships-matter-to-national-prosperity/#metro-area-data This 2023 article, titled "The importance of cities and metro areas to state economies", includes maps for each state showing the share of GDP of metro areas within each state. The article argues for shared regional interests to move beyond political polarization.
A COMMUNITY'S GUIDE TO MAKING THE MOST OF OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME http://www.niost.org/pdf/MOSTguide.pdf This PDF guide's full title is "Working Together for Children and Families: A Community's Guide to Making the Most of Out-of-School Time" and is a product of the National Institute on Out-of-School Time.
AFTER SCHOOL MATTERS - CHICAGO https://www.afterschoolmatters.org/ From the website: "Afterschool Matters is designed to provide after-school activities to Chicago youth, while simultaneously preparing them for the demands of the workplace. By interacting with caring adults and pursuing subjects that interest them, After School Matters students learn skills that are essential to their future success -- like problem solving, critical thinking, and teamwork. In addition, many have the opportunity to build on their experience by working as summer employees or interns in their communities."
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS FOR LOW-INCOME CHILDREN. PROMISES AND CHALLENGES https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10646261/ This is an article written by Robert Halpern, Ph.D., a professor at the Erikson Institute for Graduate Study in Child Development in Chicago, IL. From the abstract: " This article provides a profile of after-school programs for low-income children, focusing on supply and demand, program emphases, and program sponsors and support organizations. It also discusses the major challenges facing the field in the areas of facilities, staffing, and financing."
AFTERCHOOL ILLINOIS ACT NOW COALITION http://www.ianetwork.org/?id=57 ACT Now! (Afterschool for Children and Teens Now) is a campaign to give young people in Illinois access to quality afterschool programs. Visit the web site and learn more.
AFTERSCHOOL ALLIANCE http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/ The Afterschool Alliance was launched publicly in September 1999 as a coalition of public, private, and nonprofit organizations dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of afterschool programs and advocating for quality, affordable programs for all children.
AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS -- FROM VISION TO REALITY https://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/afterschool/index.html Concept to Classroom is an online series of FREE, award-winning professional development workshops covering important and timely topics in education. Offered since 2006. The workshops are intended for teachers, administrators, librarians, or anyone interested in education -- and there's no technical expertise required. They are self-paced, so you can explore them on your own time and go back as often as you like; you can take all of the workshops, or just one. This link points to a workshop on Afterschool Programs, titled "From Vision to Reality". This is a comprehensive resource and one you can use at your own pace and learning schedule. Give it a try!
AMERICAN CAMP ASSOCIATION - RESEARCH PAGE https://www.acacamps.org/resource-library/research/research-reports-summaries-data-maps Camp and out-of-school time programs offer great opportunities to teach resilience, grit and other habits that help young people become productive adults and effective learners. Research on this web site can be used by any out of school time program leader, board member and/or donor.
BORN THIS WAY FOUNDATION https://bornthisway.foundation/our-mission/ From the web site: "Born This Way Foundation is committed to supporting the wellness of young people and empowering them to create a kinder and braver world. We achieve this by shining a light on real people, quality research, and authentic partnerships."
CAMPAIGN FOR BLACK MALE ACHIEVERS - RESOURCES click here Created by the Campaign for Black Male Achievement and Candid, this curated collection of more than 250 reports offers data, analysis, and recommendations to strengthen the field of Black male achievement.
CHICAGO AREA PROJECT (CAP) https://www.chicagoareaproject.org/ The Chicago Area Project has over 40 affiliates and special projects throughout the city. Over the years, the programs and issues have changed, just as the neighborhood change. But the democratic ideals of self-determination and self-improvement remain the same and these key principles of the Chicago Area Project continue to serve its neighborhood.
CHICAGO LEARNING EXCHANGE - COMMUNITY https://chicagolx.org/community/ From the web site: "CLX networks educators, parents, employers, technologists, and researchers; ignites innovation through grants; champions ways to remake learning; and equips educators, youth, and families with skills demanded in the digital age. Scroll through this section to see members."
CHILDREN NOW https://www.childrennow.org/ Children Now is a research and action organization dedicated to assuring that children grow up in economically secure families, where parents can go to work confident that their children are supported by quality health coverage, a positive media environment, a good early education, and safe, enriching activities to do after school.
CONNECTICUT AFTER SCHOOL NETWORK https://ctafterschoolnetwork.org/ From the web site: "We are a partnership of individuals and organizations promoting young people’s safety, healthy development and learning outside the traditional classroom. We do this by providing training and technical assistance to improve program quality; influencing policy on behalf of youth and families; and expanding funding opportunities."
CORE KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCIES FOR AFTERSCHOOL PROFESSIONALS https://naaweb.org/resources/core-competencies From the web site: "All professional societies share common characteristics. Among them are a body of knowledge and skills, culture, a code of ethics, and public recognition. The NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies have been developed to enable afterschool and youth development practitioners to demonstrate expertise and gain a higher level of recognition within their communities–particularly from school officials–that has long been sought after."
CREATIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT https://www.creativeyouthdevelopment.org/ From the web site "The National Guild for Community Arts Education, Massachusetts Cultural Council, The President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, and Americans for the Arts together have formed the Creative Youth Development National Partnership. This new coalition is collaborating to organize and accelerate the CYD movement through a collective impact strategy with a common agenda, shared systems and activities, cross-sector engagement, and continuous communications." Browse the web site to learn more and get involved.
ENGAGE EVERY STUDENT - NEW CALL TO ACTION (JULY 2022) https://engageeverystudent.org/ From the website: "Engage Every Student is a bold new call to action to provide high-quality out-of-school time learning opportunities for every child who wants to participate." This is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education and many partners.
ENLACE CHICAGO DIRECTORY OF SERVICES/MAPS - PILSEN, LITTLE VILLAGE AND BRIDGEPORT https://www.enlacechicago.org/education From the web site: "Enlace partners with public schools to transform them into safe, accessible community centers and to promote successful transition to high school and post-secondary opportunities. Enlace provides wrap-around family programming that promotes academic achievement, skill building, socio-emotional learning and leadership development in eight local public schools." A map showing the area and partner schools in the area is shown on the site.
EXPANDED LEARNING AND AFTERSCHOOL PROJECT https://www.expandinglearning.org/ From the web site: "Young people need—and deserve—more from their education. High quality afterschool and summer learning programs powered by school-community partnerships offer young people a variety of hands-on, engaging learning activities that build upon the school day. The Expanded Learning and Afterschool Project connects you with research, resources and best practices for building affordable and sustainable approaches to expanding learning in your community."
FANNING INSTITUTE FOR LEADERSHIP AT U OF GEORGIA https://www.fanning.uga.edu/ The Fanning Institute web site is a comprehensive resource for organizations that seek to develop youth and adult leaders. The Institute challenges and supports individuals to become productive members of their communities and organizations by learning to lead collaboratively.
FORUM FOR YOUTH INVESTMENT - KNOWLEDGE CENTER https://forumfyi.org/knowledge-center/ From the web site: "We connect leaders to ideas, services and networks that can help them make more intentional decisions that are good for young people, even in the face of limited resources." The Knowledge Center is an extensive resource. Take some time to become familiar with it.
GEORGIA STATEWIDE AFTERSCHOOL NETWORK https://www.afterschoolga.org/ost-interactive-map/ Visit the site and view the interactive map showing afterschool and summer learning programs in Georgia.
GRANTMAKERS AND THOUGHT LEADERS ON OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME: SURVEY & AND INTERVIEW REPORT https://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/Documents/Grantmakers-and-Thought-Leaders-on-Out-of-School-Time.pdf From the web site: "This report takes a look at the priorities of grantmakers that support afterschool or other expanded learning efforts. It also examines the perspectives of key field leaders, including heads of youth-serving nonprofits and researchers. A survey finds that “improved academic achievement” and “increased student engagement” are the most common outcomes funders hope to see from their afterschool/expanded learning giving. For their part, field leaders offer a number of recommendations, including that funders work to move K-12 reform “toward a broader view” of what learning and growth for young people means.”
HARVARD FAMILY RESEARCH PROJECT (1983-2016) ARCHIVE https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news-tags/harvard-family-research-project This site includes some of the articles produced by Harvard Family Research Project between 1983 and 2016. They are also available in an archive section of our Global Family Research Project site which you can find through a Google search.
HISTORY OF THE AFTERSCHOOL MOVEMENT click here The How Kids Learn Foundation created this "1-hour video documentary on the history of afterschool in America. This is broken into 12 chapters suitable for use in staff training. The documentary is accompanied by a brief learning guide. These materials will be distributed to afterschool programs across the country at no charge."
ILLINOIS PARTNERS FOR HUMAN SERVICES https://illinoispartners.org/about-us/mission/ From the web site: "Illinois Partners hopes to create a stronger and more stable human service sector in Illinois by developing a collaborative and coordinated approach for creating a more rational system for providing human services; Improving the quality of service by developing common agreement around best operating practices, efficiency and effectiveness; and by Improving support for human services generally by highlighting the value of the human services to communities"
KALAMAZOO YOUTH DEVELOPMENT NETWORK https://kydnet.org/ KYDN serves as the intermediary organization for Kalamazoo County's Out-of-School-Time (OST) sector.
MY CHI MY FUTURE - CHICAGO MAYOR'S YOUTH SERVICE INITIATIVE https://partners.mychimyfuture.org/ From the website: "The mission that we collectively developed for My CHI. My Future. - to connect youth to engaging and safe out-of-school experiences that empower them to cultivate identities, build relationships, and explore future opportunities - remains the same. Our strategies to achieve this must now look different. We have decided to launch My CHI. My Future. as an online hub for youth (and you) to get connected to youth-centered experiences and "spaces" during this time of physical disconnection." Launched in 2020.
NATIONAL 4H COUNCIL https://4-h.org/ National 4–H Council provides grants, establishes programs/initiatives, designs and publishes curriculum and reference materials, and creates linkages fostering innovation and shared learning to advance the 4–H youth development movement, building a world in which youth and adults learn, grow, and work together as catalysts for positive change. Council partners with 4–H at all levels—national, state and local.
NATIONAL AFTERSCHOOL ASSOCIATION https://naaweb.org/ From the web site: "We are the national membership organization for professionals who work with and on behalf of children and youth during out-of-school time. NAA’s mission is to promote development, provide education and encourage advocacy for the out-of-school-time community to further the afterschool profession."
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR FAMILY, SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - NAFSCE https://nafsce.org/ From the website: "NAFSCE's mission is "advancing high-impact policies and practices for family, school and community engagement to promote child development and improve student achievement."
NATIONAL COLLABORATIVE ON WORKFORCE AND DISABILITY FOR YOUTH (NCWD/YOUTH) http://www.ncwd-youth.info/about-us/ From the web site: "The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) assists state and local workforce development systems to better serve all youth, including youth with disabilities and other disconnected youth."
NATIONAL CENTER FOR QUALITY AFTER SCHOOL TRAINING TOOLKIT https://sedl.org/afterschool/resources/toolkit.html Make the most of afterschool with fun activities that engage students and extend technology learning! In this web site, you will find what the research says about promising practices that work, ways to implement them in your afterschool program, sample lessons, and illustrative videos.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME (NIOST) https://www.niost.org/ Located at the Center for Research on Women at Wellesley College, NIOST focuses national attention to the importance of children?s out-of-school time. It's goal is to influence policy, increase standards and professional recognition, and spearhead community action aimed at improving the availability, quality and viability of programs serving children and youth. NIOST?s varied initiatives have moved the field forward using three paths: * Research, Evaluation and Consultation * Policy Development and Public Awareness * Training and Curriculum Development.
NEXT GENERATION AFTERSCHOOL SYSTEM BUILDING - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES https://www.nlc.org/initiative/afterschool-and-summer-learning/ The Institute for Youth, Education, and Families has over a decade of experience and knowledge working with cities and municipal leaders to help strengthen local efforts to create, expand and improve afterschool and summer learning opportunities. Through these efforts, municipal-led, citywide afterschool systems and quality summer learning have developed across the nation. Municipal leaders recognize the importance of this work and the essential role that afterschool and summer learning play to improve academics, develop skills and provide exposure to new, stimulating experiences."
PARTNERSHIP FOR AFTER SCHOOL EDUCATION (PASE) click here https://pasesetter.org/?fbclid=IwAR3vT9hWynue_RvFMzkC9BJWe9Ioc4oIrfWLJnQVpF5at9HajyZb944TtBw The Partnership for After School Education (PASE) is a child-focused organization that promotes and supports quality afterschool programs, particularly those serving young people from underserved communities.
PROGRAM IN EDUCATION & AFTERSCHOOL RESILIENCY, HARVARD https://www.pearinc.org/ From the web site: "The PEAR Institute's mission is to create and foster school and afterschool settings in which all young people can be successful. Dedicated to "the whole child–the whole day," PEAR continuously integrates research, theory, and practice for lasting connections between youth development, school reform, and mental health."
PROVIDENCE AFTER SCHOOL ALLIANCE https://www.mypasa.org/ PASA'S mission is to help close persistent opportunity gaps by expanding and improving quality after school, summer and other out of school time learning opportunities for all the youth of Providence.
SEARCH INSTITUTE https://searchinstitute.org/ Search Institute is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. To accomplish this mission, the institute generates and communicates new knowledge, and brings together community, state, and national leaders.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS https://www.socialworkers.org/ This is the National Association of Social Workers web site.
SPARK ACTION! ONLINE JOURNALISM AND ADVOCACY FOR YOUTH https://sparkaction.org/impact-toolbox/ SparkAction is managed by the Forum for Youth Investment, a nonprofit "action tank" and the founder of the Ready by 21 initiative. SparkAction is an online journalism and advocacy center by and for the child and youth field. Browse the site to learn more.
THE AHLQUIST CENTER FOR POLICY, PRACTICE AND INNOVATION AT CHILDREN'S HOME & AID https://www.childrenshomeandaid.org/thecenter/ From the web site: "The Ahlquist Center for Policy, Practice and Innovation aims to: * Promote effective state and federal public policies and services; * Improve the quality of services available to vulnerable children and families; * Incubate innovative practices to improve outcomes and inform public policies."
THE CHILDREN'S PARTNERSHIP https://www.childrenspartnership.org/ From the web site: "The Children’s Partnership (TCP) is a California–based national children’s advocacy organization committed to improving the lives of underserved children where they live,learn, and play with breakthrough solutions at the intersection of research, policy, and community engagement. Since 1993, TCP has been a leading voice for children and a critical resource for communities across California and the nation, working every day to champion policies that provide all children with the resources and opportunities they need to thrive."
THE DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL FOR YOUTH https://allstars.org/our-work/programs/development-school-for-youth/ From the web site: "The Development School for Youth (DSY) is the All Stars Project's innovative outside-of-school leadership and business training program. In partnership with businesses and caring corporate professionals DSY offers supplemental educational, social and internship experiences in a variety of workplace settings. This training prepares inner-city youth to enter the professional workforce, pursue educational opportunities and face challenges in new ways."
THE AMERICAN CHILDREN'S CAMPAIGN'S https://iamforkids.org/who-we-are/ From the web site: "Since 1992, The American’s Campaign has educated and engaged diverse citizens, stakeholders and experts in a non-partisan way to strategically initiate system change for Florida’s children and families." From the web site: "Since 1992, The Children’s Campaign has educated and engaged diverse citizens, stakeholders and experts in a non-partisan way to strategically initiate system change for Florida’s children and families."
THE FREECHILD PROJECT - COMMUNITY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT https://freechild.org/2016/01/21/community-youth-development/ From the web site: "Community youth development weaves the growth of young people as they naturally desire to create change in their surrounding environments into the development of their communities. Actively partnering youth and adults to create new opportunities, youth serve their communities while developing their own skills, knowledge and abilities." This is just one of many projects. Browse the site to learn more.
THE NATIONAL PARTNERSHIP FOR STUDENT SUCCESS https://www.partnershipstudentsuccess.org/mission-vision/ From the website: "The NPSS helps schools, educators, and communities connect all students with the holistic, people-powered supports they need to learn and achieve their potential."
THE NATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER FOR YOUTH SERVICES https://nrcys.ou.edu/ From the web site: "The National Resource Center for Youth Services at the University of Oklahoma, College of Continuing Education has been resourcing the youth services community for more than twenty-five years, providing training and technical assistance to programs in Oklahoma and nationally.
THE SUPPORT GROUP - YOUTH EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMS https://thesupportgroup.org/ From the web site: "The mission of The Support Group is to execute programs which provide the best opportunities for youth to understand the importance of excelling academically and athletically. Emphasis is placed on academic success, test-taking skills,leadership, and character building. TSG establishes partnerships with businesses, community and faith-based organizations in an effort to provide ongoing support to youth through empowerment programs."
THE WALLACE FOUNDATION KNOWLEDGE CENTER https://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/pages/default.aspx From the web site: "Wallace identifies important problems, funds real-world tests of possible solutions, and disseminates what’s been learned nationally to inform field leaders, policymakers and others who can effect beneficial change.? The Knowledge Center is a repository of what the Foundation and its partners are learning about the areas in which they work. Included are formal reports produced by researchers on behalf of the Foundation, as well as stories that illustrate innovative ideas in action. Knowledge about what works."
THRIVE CHICAGO COLLECTIVE IMPACT INITIATIVE https://thrivechi.org/ From the website: "Thrive Chicago's Mission is "To prepare Chicago’s youth for a vibrant future by aligning efforts and outcomes from cradle to career." Thrive believes "Children must be supported at all stages from cradle to career in order to achieve success. Thrive Chicago believes the only way to accomplish this in a systemic way is to align efforts across sectors and among organizations working at various stages of a child’s development toward adulthood."
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENSION AND OUTREACH INITIATIVE https://extension.illinois.edu/ From the web site: "University of Illinois Extension is the flagship outreach arm of the University. Extension’s statewide network of educators and county-based offices provide programming in economic development, health and nutrition, agriculture and natural resources, and youth development. The U of I Extension and Outreach Initiative was aimed at establishing new partnerships with departments and units across campus."
WHAT KIDS CAN DO http://www.whatkidscando.org/resources/index.html From the web site: "What Kids Can Do (WKCD) is a national nonprofit organization founded in the winter of 2001 and operating until Feb. 2018. The site is an archive now, but the resources are still valuable. WKCD documented the value of young people working with teachers and other adults on projects that combine powerful learning with public purpose for an audience of educators and policy makers, journalists, community members, and students.
YMCA OF METRO CHICAGO https://www.ymcachicago.org/ The YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago prepares Chicago residents for economic independence by providing educational, entrepreneurial, and workforce training and support.
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT IN COMMUNITY SETTINGS: A COMMUNITY ACTION FRAMEWORK (2002) PDF http://ydol.net/ydsi/pdf/publication_02.pdf This report outlines a comprehensive strategy for creating and sustaining youth development activities. I found the PDF while searching for any on-line information about the Chicago Youth Agency Partnership, which was launched in 1994-1995 and had many of the same goals.
YOUTH TODAY - OUT-OF-SCHOOL TIME RESEARCH & RESOURCES https://youthtoday.org/ Youth Today is a nationally distributed newspaper that provides in-depth coverage of the issues and programs of most interest to those in the child and youth services field. The web site is an extensive resource. Browse the section with Out-of-School Time research and resources.