139 FOUNDATIONS THAT TWITTER https://philanthropy411.wordpress.com/2009/10/15/130-foundations-that-tweet/ This is a 2009 article listing 130 foundations that were active on Twitter. Not sure how many of the links still work, or the foundations are still active. Would be great to find updated list. However, much of this is probably still good.
7 WAYS TO GROW YOUR NONPROFIT DONOR BASE WITH SOCIAL MEDIA https://www.nptechforgood.com/2024/10/11/7-ways-to-grow-your-nonprofit-donor-base-with-social-media// This article is posted on the Nonprofit Tech for Good site and offers advice that nonprofit organizations need to follow to build their volunteer and donor base using social media. A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF WEB EVANGELISM https://web.archive.org/web/20180722122957/http://www.internetevangelismday.com/medium.php Push or pull: why the web is a different medium. It is essential to understand the nature of the Web if we are to use it effectively for evangelism. Note: This article from mid 2000 reflects many of the beliefs the Tutor/Mentor Connection incorporates into its own Internet strategy. I hope you find it useful. ALLIANCE MAGAZINE BLOG - SUPPORTS PHILANTHROPY/SOCIAL INVESTMENT https://www.alliancemagazine.org/blog/ From the web site: "Alliance aims to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among philanthropists, social investors and others working for social change worldwide in order to maximize the impact of funding for social development. In addition to the subscriber only content Alliance also regularly makes its content free to read by all. This includes features, articles and interviews hand selected from recent issues or from Alliance Extra. Much of our fully searchable archive is also free to read by all. AN INVESTMENT APPROACH TO PHILANTHROPY - 2011 ARTICLES https://www.tacticalphilanthropy.com/2011/03/an-investment-approach-to-philanthropy/ This is the first of a series of 2011 articles by Sean Stannard-Stockton, CEO of Tactical Philanthropy Advisors. The are still well worth reading.
BLUESKY: THE GROWTH OF CHARITY ON BLUESKY https://madlinblog.wordpress.com/2024/11/27/the-growth-of-charity-bluesky/ This blog is focused on the UK but is a great example of using a blog to show ways to get started and connect with others on BlueSky, which is a growing alternative to using Twitter. The blog includes links to several fund raising/non profit accounts and "starter packs" which are lists of accounts focuses on specific topics, like nonprofits. CHICAGO GRASSROOTS INNOVATION BLOG, BY BRIAN BANKS https://brianlbanks.com/ From the blog: "Our focus is on improved outcomes for low-moderate income communities employment, public education, business enterprise development, community organization, and collaboration building. We design and implement action research projects based on client needs."
ENGAGE FOR GOOD - GOOD ADVICE FOR NPOS https://engageforgood.com/resources/ From the web site: This site offers wealth of "employee engagement, social good and cause marketing examples, campaigns and resources that will help provide a solid foundation on which to build your own social good initiatives, or perhaps some inspiration to infuse your next cause marketing campaign with the critical consumer and employee engagement it deserves. FIO PARTNERS PERSPECTIVES - NPO STRATEGY https://fiopartners.com/blog This non-profit consultant firm shares a variety of ideas on their blog that can be used by nonprofit organizations, those who fund them.
FUND RAISING STRATEGIES FROM THE ENGAGE BLOG https://blog.blackbaud.com/fundraising/ This is one of six different blog categories which focus on philanthropy and non profits.
GIFT HUB BLOG - IDEAS ABOUT PHILANTHROPY https://www.gifthub.org/ The author, Philip B. Cubeta, has been writing about philanthropy for many years and offers stimulating comments to spur thinking. GIVE TILL IT FEELS GOOD. THE TORAH PERSPECTIVE https://crownheights.info/something-jewish/16074/give-until-it-feels-good-the-torah-perspective-on-giving/ Give Until It Feels Good - The Torah Perspective On Giving offers advise that many of us in the non profit sector should embrace. We create opportunities for others to take a role in helping make a brighter future for others. HOW TO DO FUND RAISING RIGHT, STARTING NOW https://www.futurefundraisingnow.com/future-fundraising/ This blog has been around since 2009. The author says "I post almost every work day, on topics ranging from donor demographics to creative tips for fundraising professionals. I believe there's a marketing revolution going on, with visionary marketers winning big by radically putting their customers first; it's high time for nonprofits to join that revolution. I also talk frequently about online fundraising, because we know so little about this important and growing channel." HOW TURN SLACKTIVISTS INTO ACTIVIST W/SOCIAL MEDIA https://mashable.com/archive/slacktivists-activists-social-media This 2010 blog article has good suggestions for how non profit leaders can increase social media’s impact on the volunteer and donor cycle. The ideas are still relevant. INSIDE THE STORY TELLING MATRIX - PROBLEM AND PARADOX https://www.getstoried.com/inside-the-storytelling-matrix-part-1-problem-and-paradox/ This article offers some great ideas about how we might tell our stories different and attract more supporters for our social purposes. LEARN HOW TO GROW YOUR NONPROFIT – CARE2 BLOG http://www.care2services.com/care2blog From web site: "Learn how to grow your nonprofit through Donor Recruitment, Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media with Care2’s team of expert nonprofit professionals." MARKETING DIVE BLOG https://www.marketingdive.com/ This blog aggregates articles that focus on brand strategy, mobile phones, social media, data analytics, influencer marketing, etc. NETWORK FOR GOOD (NOW BONTERRA) NON-PROFIT FUND RAISING BLOG https://www.bonterratech.com/blog Network for Good site has extensive resources for nonprofit organizations and donors. Includes daily articles on how to reach more people, engage more supporters and raise more money.
NINE CONCRETE STEPS FOR BUILDING A SELF-FUNDING NONPROFITMODEL - FORBES ARTICLE https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesnonprofitcouncil/2022/01/06/nine-concrete-steps-for-building-a-self-funding-nonprofit-model/?sh=c61f59c1dd50 This article offers strategies nonprofit organizations might used to build self funding that helps keep operations running.
NON PROFIT BLOG EXCHANGE https://nonprofitblogexchange.wordpress.com/ This blog has links to many informative blogs that non profit leaders can learn from and network with.
NONPROFIT LAW BLOG SHARES LISTS OF NONPROFIT RESOURCES EVERY WEEK https://nonprofitlawblog.com/curated-nonprofit-resources-of-the-week-9-3-23/ This blog looks to be an extensive resource for those involved in non-profit fund raising and leadership. The link points to curated nonprofit resources for the week of 9/3/2023
NON PROFIT MARKETING GUIDE BLOG https://www.nonprofitmarketingguide.com/blog/ This blog and web site shares many ideas that non profit leaders can use in building support for their organizations and missions. NON PROFIT MARKETING FROM NON PROFIT SOURCE BLOG https://nonprofitssource.com/blog/ If you're involved in fund raising and marketing for a non profit organization this blog may be a useful resource for ideas that can help you improve your impact. NON PROFITS AND DIGITAL STRATEGY - WHERE WOULD YOUR ORG RANK? https://nonprofitquarterly.org/nonprofits-digital-strategy-organization-rank/ This 2017 article shows results of a survey of UK non profits. The findings apply to the US as well. PHILANTHROPY TIPS, TRENDS, INSIGHTS - FROM CANDID https://blog.candid.org/ Candid is an umbrella organization that includes GuideStar, Philanthropy News Digest, the Foundation Directory and much more. This link points to their blog articles. Open the "Candid at a glance" tab in the upper right and see links to other websites in their portfolio.
PUBLIC NARRATIVE (WAS COMMUNITY MEDIA WORKSHOP) BLOGS https://publicnarrative.org/blog/ Chicago's Public Narrative (was Community Media Workshop) has always been a great resource for non profits who were looking for better ways to tell their story and get into the media. Now their blog gives you daily learning opportunities where you can interact with experts without leaving your home or office. TACTICAL PHILANTHROPY http://www.tacticalphilanthropy.com/ TacticalPhilanthropy.com was written from 2006 through 2011 by Sean Stannard-Stockton, a wealth adviser at Ensemble Capital Management. While the blog is not being updated currently the articles written in the past still offer many significant ideas and lessons for non profit and philanthropic leaders. THE EVOLUTION OF PHILANTHROPY & THE FALL OF THE FUNDRAISING PYRAMID https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/evolution-philanthropy-fall-fundraising-pyramid-mccabe-callahan/ Useful article talks about using philanthropy to "transform the social well-being of others through generosity.” THE NEW NONPROFIT LEXICON - NEW WORDS SUGGESTED FOR NPO SECTOR https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-nonprofit-lexicon-ben-bisbee/ In this blog article Ben Bisbee shares new words he has created over past few years to express frustrations within the NPO world. Take a look. THE PIONEER GAP AND PHILANTHROPY - 2013 https://mitchellkutney.com/the-pioneer-gap-and-philanthropy/ This 2013 article by Mitchell Kutney, based in Canada, ends with this statement: Investors need to start caring more about the social impact side of impact investing and less about the profitable investing end. The need is still with us. THE VALUE OF VOLUNTEERS - 2008 ARTICLE http://causepr.blogspot.com/2008/04/value-of-volunteers.html This 2008 blog article talks about value of volunteers, asking When was the last time you examined your organization's volunteer program? Could you, without hesitating, draw a map of a volunteer's experience with your organization from the moment they transition into your volunteer program, to the moment they transition out? While this is an old article the question remains relevant.
TOP FUND RAISING BLOGS FOR 2022 https://www.futurefundraisingnow.com/future-fundraising/2022/01/top-fundraising-blogs-for-2022.html One way to improve your fund raising skills is to read blogs like these. Many will have many links to additional blogs. UNITED WAY OF CHICAGO - STORIES https://liveunitedchicago.org/stories/ This United Way of Chicago page is not exactly a blog, but uses stories to communicate information about its work and the agencies it supports. WAYS TO ENGAGE VOLUNTEERS (IN FUND RAISING) TO HELP YOUR NPO https://katherinespinney.com/keep-blowing-it-volunteers-fix-it/ The title of this blog article is How we keep blowing it with volunteers (and how to fix it). It's a long article with lots of good suggestions. Take time to read it if you involve volunteers in your organization.