AMERICAN PANORAMA - ATLAS OF US HISTORY From the web site: "American Panorama is an historical atlas of the United States for the twenty-first century. It combines cutting-edge research with innovative interactive mapping techniques, designed to appeal to anyone with an interest in American history or a love of maps." CHICAGO METRO HISTORY EDUCATION CENTER From the web site: "The Chicago Metro History Education Center (CMHEC) inspires students’ interest in history and works to improve history education in middle grades and high school classrooms in Chicago and suburban Cook, Lake, Kane, and DuPage counties." CIVIL WAR BATTLES - FOR HISTORY STUDENTS From the web site: "The Civil War was one of the defining moments in American History. This section of our Site presents detailed information on the key Battles of the Civil War. See also -
CHRONOSCOPE WORLD - A FASCINATING TIME MACHINE TO ESPLORE THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, BROWSING MAPS Open your students to the history of the world using maps from the 13th to the 20th century. The video on the home page provides a useful introduction. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION In Eighth Grade every student must pass a Constitution test. This web site provides many ideas and resources that mentors and tutors and students can use. CREATING COMIC-FORMATTED TEXTBOOKS AND LEARNING MATERIALS The Illustrated Textbook is just one visual project on a site titled The Human Imprint created by a geography teachers from the US Midwest. There's a lot to see on this site, so take some time to browse and learn. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS ON ASIA From the web site: "Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context. Across the fields of arts, business, culture, education, and policy, the Society provides insight, generates ideas, and promotes collaboration to address present challenges and create a shared future." ENGAGE YOUTH IN BUILDING GLOBAL COMPETENCE - HANDBOOK This Asia Society and Partnership for Global Learning handbook could be used by volunteers and leaders of non-school tutor/mentor programs or by educators in traditional classrooms. GEOGRAPHY AND MAPS AT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS From the web site: "Welcome to the blog for the Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress. The largest and most comprehensive cartographic collection in the world, the Geography and Map Division contains over six million maps in addition to a wide array of atlases, globes, raised relief models, archives, a vast collection of digital data and a GIS research center. Please join us as we reveal the world of geography by exploring the past, present, and future of maps and mapping." GEOGRAPHY RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS, STUDENTS, TUTORS - #WORLDGEOCHAT click here One great, on-going resource for geography teachers and students is the #worldgeochat that takes place weekly on Twitter. You can join in. You can just follow and get ideas. You can search for the hashtag #worldgeochat at any time to find the chat and archives. A useful resource.
GEOGRAPHY LITERACY 'WORD OF THE WEEK' WORKSHEETS - FOR TEACHERS OR TUTORS - GOOGLE DOC This Google doc has a set of worksheets that each focus on one word, such as "distribution", "chronological", "displacement", etc. Take a look. HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH - RESOURCES Use the links on the left side of this page and dig deeper into Hispanic history in the US. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY - PODCAST LIBRARY Through a series of podcasts "Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, covering minor figures as well as major ones. The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition." ILLINOIS GEOGRAPHIC ALLIANCE From the web site: "Our purpose is the promotion and enhancement of geographic knowledge in the schools and among the general populace of Illinois. To achieve this purpose, the Alliance maintains a strong grassroots organization of geographic educators from schools and universities, participates in educational reform at the district, state, and national levels. We engage in an active program of preservice and inservice teacher education, develop curriculum materials based on the National Geography Standards, and foster public awareness of the importance of geography in our society."
LEARNING RESOURCES FROM NEW AMERICAN HISTORY SITE This link points to a "Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America" lesson plan on the New American History website. This site offers a wide range of resources as part of "A new way to teach American History".
LIBERATING NARRATIVES HELPS WORLD HISTORY TEACHERS DECOLONIZE THEIR CLASSES From the website: "Each post explores how to teach specific historical topics and includes primary and secondary source excerpts, historical images, and maps." NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - KIDS This web site of the National Geographic Society website is devoted to learning activities for kids of all ages.
NATIVE LAND DIGITAL - RESOURCE FOR LEARNING ABOUT INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN AMERICAS, AUSTRALIA AND OTHER PLACES This site has an interactive, color-coded map, that shows indigenous populations now and in the past. Put your mouse over any space and the click on the links provided. This takes you deeper, and deeper in to a rich library of history.
SOCIAL STUDIES ACCELERATOR - CREATES ACCESS TO INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION From the website: "Our goal is to increase connectivity across PK-12 social studies ecosystem by bringing together and supporting curriculum developers, professional-development providers, educators and school-system leaders alongside key partners in the education field to ensure that all of our nation's young people receive a social studies education that is high quality, culturally responsive, inquiry-based, diverse, inclusive, relevant and sustaining."
STUDYING THE HOLOCAUST - US HOLOCAUST MUSEUM From the web site: "The Museum promotes the responsible teaching of the Holocaust through a variety of resources and programs to help the nation's educators increase their knowledge of Holocaust history and implement sound teaching strategies. Education outreach programs provide teachers with quality Holocaust education, incorporating accurate history, appropriate pedagogy, classroom strategies, and teaching resources." TEACHING AFRICA - WITHOUT ALL THE SADNESS This is a WorldGEOChat blog article. Follow the article and the comments and find many links to resources that you can use to teach and understand more about Africa. THE HISTORY PLACE From the web site: "The History Place is dedicated to students, educators and all who enjoy history. The Web site presents a fact-based, common sense approach in the presentation of the history of humanity, with great care given to accuracy."
TIME ONLINE! From the website: "Time Online is here to make history fun and interesting for kids! We believe in promoting and spreading free education, and we want you to see that history is super-cool and interesting!" Browse the site and see the range of topics offered. WORLD HISTORY - COMPREHENSIVE SITE This site is an extensive resource for studying world history. Browse the site and see how it categorizes world historical events into many topics. Hosed by UK org. ZINN EDUCATIONAL PROJECT - TEACHING PEOPLE'S HISTORY From the web site: "The Zinn Education Project approach to history starts with the premise that the lives of ordinary people matter — that history ought to focus on those who too often receive only token attention (workers, women, people of color), and also on how people’s actions, individually and collectively, shaped our society. A people’s history flips the script. When we look at history from the standpoint of the workers and not just the owners, the soldiers and not just the generals, the invaded and not just the invaders, we can begin to see society more fully, more accurately. The more clearly we see the past, the more clearly we’ll see the present — and be equipped to improve it."