NOTE: The Prevention Resources section of this library also includes resources that parents should be aware of.
100+ STATISTICS ON CRIME IN US SCHOOLS This article has a comprehensive collection of statistics about all types of crime and student behavior in US schools. Each topic is supported by creative visualizations. It concludes with tips to prevent school crime and violence.
BIRTH2WORK INITIATIVE - DO YOU HAVE A LEADERSHIP PLAN FOR YOUR FAMILY? From the web site: "At Birth2Work, our mission is to enable anyone involved in the life of a child to become a more confident leader in preparing children and families for a successful future."
CEREBRAL PALSY AND BULLYING - RESOURCES FOR PARENTS This web site provides extensive information about cerebral palsy, and also includes information about bullying, and the annual National Bullying Prevention Month.
CONSUMER FINANCE - RESOURCES FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS From the web site: "Children learn from watching you earn, shop, save, and borrow – you’re the top influence on their financial lives. And you don’t need to be a money expert to help them start out strong.
DRUG AND ALCOLHOL ADDITION TREATMENT AND PREVENTION RESOURCES - FROM CRESTVIEW RECOVERY (PORTLAND, OR) This website provides an extensive collection of resources and services for people in the Portland, Oregon area and for those seeking information on-line. The link I've provided is to the blog on the website.
Chicago Public Schools PARENT UNIVERSITY The Parent University was launched in Chicago in 2015 with the goal of providing parents and guardians of CPS students with facilities and resources to learn in the same schools attended by their children.
FAMILY RESOURCES CENTER ON DISABILITIES - RESOURCE LINKS The Family Resource Center on Disabilities (FRCD) provides "Parents families in the Chicago region with of Children with Disabilities with Information, Training, and Assistance." This link points to the resources page.
FAMILY-WORKS AND PARENTING WISELY From the web site: "As an introduction, Family Works, Inc’s Parenting Wisely is evidence, research, and skills-based. It holds the distinction of being the only online parent education course for families that is currently listed on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Registry for Evidence-based Programs and Practices. Our work with family service agencies, probation officers, court appointed special advocates, counselors, therapists among others has shown that PW improves parental communications. This allows parents to utilize the communication skills learned in the program to remain focused on creating successful outcomes which are in the best interest of their child(ren). We offer the curriculum in a variety of formats, as well as different versions for your target population."
MESOTHELIOMA.NET - ON-LINE RESOURCE This site offers extensive resources about Mesothelioma. The link points to a blog article titled "Mesothelioma in Children and Young Adults."
NATIONAL CHILD TRAUMATIC STRESS NETWORK - RESOURCE CENTER From the web site: "Established by Congress in 2000, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) brings a singular and comprehensive focus to childhood trauma. NCTSN’s collaboration of frontline providers, researchers, and families is committed to raising the standard of care while increasing access to services. Combining knowledge of child development, expertise in the full range of child traumatic experiences, and dedication to evidence-based practices, the NCTSN changes the course of children’s lives by changing the course of their care."
PARENT TOOL KIT FROM NBC From the web site: "Parent Toolkit is a one-stop resource developed with parents in mind. It’s produced by NBC News Education Nation and supported by Pearson and includes information about almost every aspect of your child’s development, because they're all connected. Healthy, successful children can excel in many areas – in the classroom, on the court, and in their relationships with peers and adults. Our advice also covers important topics for navigating life after high school."
PARTNERSHIP FOR DRUG FREE.ORG - RESOURCES From the web site: "By bringing together renowned scientists, parent experts and communications professionals, we translate the science of teen drug use and addiction for families. At, parents can find a wealth of information, tools and opportunities to connect with other parents and caregivers who may have a child struggling with addiction."
RESEARCH-BASED RESOURCES ON PARENTING, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING AND SCHOOL-FAMILY PARTNERSHIPS From the web site: "The mission of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and the Social and Emotional Learning Research Group is to help make evidence-based social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school. Because parents are critical partners in achieving that mission, we are providing resources to help them learn more. We have partnered with parenting and SEL expert Jennifer Miller to develop a thoughtfully curated list of resources that might assist parents in learning more about social and emotional learning in schools or in their own parenting practices with their children. There is also a section specific to supporting school-family partnerships with resources to help parents engage in their children’s school. These particular sites were chosen because they regularly utilize the research literature to ensure that their work is well-informed by science."
RESOURCE FOR PARENTS WITH KIDS WHO HAVE ASD, CFS OR FIBROMYALGIA The Caring 4 Kids web site is an extensive resource library for "parents who have children on the Autism Spectrum or who suffer from inflammatory diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia." Browse the resource page and the Library for relevant links.
SCHOOL COMMUNITY NETWORK - RESOURCES FOR PARENTS From the web site: "The School Community Network (SCN) provides resources, training, and tools to build strong school communities focused on student learning." This page points to a resource page. You need to use the search feature and drop down menu to find categories and links to articles.
SPECIAL EDUCATION RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES AND BIRTH INJURIES This website has an extensive list of resources for parents of children who need special education programs due to disabilities and/or birth injuries.
STOP BULLYING NOW RESOURCE SITE provides information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
SUBSTANCE ADDITION PROGRAMS IN WASHINGTON STATE While this site focuses on Washington State the resources about substance addition treatment are valuable and might be a template that other states could duplicate.
TAKING THE BULLY BY THE HORNS - ARTICLES, LESSONS The Taking the Bully By the Horns web site contains articles instructing adults on how to prevent children from becoming victims of violence and abuse on school grounds, along with links to other similar web sites.
TALKING TO CHILDREN ABOUT CANCER This article is an extensive resource parents, care givers and mentors can use when talking to their children about cancer.