As volunteers become connected to youth living in high poverty areas they begin to understand the challenges facing those kids and their families and schools. Other sections of this library provide links to articles and research providing a deeper understanding of these challenges. This section point to websites that focus on political actions needed to elect people at the state and Federal level who understand these challenges and are committed to legislation and leadership that reduce and/or remove them.
NOTE: All of the articles below were posted before November 2024 and Trump's victory. They are still valuable resources but I think you should start with this one:
INDIVISIBLE: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DEMOCRACY ON THE BRINK: STRATEGIES, TACTICS, & TIPS FOR HOW EVERYDAY AMERICANS CAN FIGHT BACK TOGETHER WHEREVER WE LIVE From the website: "This document is for anyone who lives in America and is upset, scared and determined. It's a set of strategies and practical first steps to help you get started. Review this guide and start putting parts of this into action that makes sense for where you live.
Point your volunteers and supporters to this page when they ask "What more can I do?"
11 WAYS TO FIX AMERICA’S FUNDAMENTALLY BROKEN DEMOCRACY This September 2020 article in VOX outlines 11 ways to fix America's broken democracy. If you're looking for suggestions this is a good list.
A STRATEGY TO FIX AMERICAN DEMOCRACY - FINAL 5 VOTING From the website: "Final-Five Voting is the powerful combination of (1) top-five primaries and (2) instant runoff voting in the general election. In Final-Five Voting primary, all candidates running for congress will appear on a single ballot, and all voters can participate in the primary, regardless of whether they are registered with a party." US CONGRESS ELECTION - INTERACTIVE MAP This site includes map of the United States and details on every congressional race. Use to identify progressive candidates and give them your support and your vote. This link points to the current Congress and will be updated as redistricting is completed prior to November 2024 elections. 5-POINT VISION FOR A FUTURE AFTER COVID-19 The Democracy Collaborative has developed a vision for a future after Covid-19, centered around a 5-point strategy that you will find at this link. The article is dated June 2020. A BETTER OPTION THAN COURT-PACKING: LEGISLATING - 10-2020 ARTICLE This Oct. 2020 Washington Post article offers a solution to Democratic Party and Progressive fears that the Federal Courts have been packed with ultra conservative judges who will turn back progress made over past 50 years. Instead of adding more judges just legislate into law those policy issues. Read the article. It's an option to consider.
AN ARTICLE ABOUT RANKED CHOICE VOTING COMBINED WITH FINAL FIVE VOTING - 2023 This article from the Tuscon Sentinel shows describes what 'ranked choice voting' and 'final five voting' are, and how these new ways to vote are gaining traction in many states.
A GUIDE TO THE CORPORATIONS THAT ARE DE-FUNDING PUBLIC EDUCATION This 2018 article's full title is "A Guide to the Corporations that are De-Funding Public Education & Opposing Striking Teachers". The "article lays out some information about the corporations, banks, and billionaires that teachers in Oklahoma, Arizona, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Colorado are up against." A network analysis map for each state shows the wealthy donors who are supporting political efforts that reduce taxes on the wealthy and reduce funding for public education." ADVANCE ILLINOIS PROMOTES PUBLIC EDUCATION From the web site: "Advance Illinois is equity-driven, student-centered, data-focused and connected to community and educators. We identify, design, advocate for and help to implement policies that are grounded in nationally recognized best practices and then tailored to the needs of students in Illinois." The web site is full of great resources to help citizens better understand and debate the issues relating to public education in Illinois. ADVOCACY BY AND FOR COMMUNITY - WIKI PAGE This blog article, and the wiki that it points to, includes links to many web sites that focus on the three sectors of democracy, political, market place and civil society. Hosted by Brian G. Dowling. ALL ON THE LINE - REDISTRICTING From the web site: Whether you care about providing access to affordable health care, reducing the gun violence that plagues our schools and communities, protecting voting rights, achieving equal pay, or solving the urgent threat of climate change, there is a fundamental structural barrier that prevents progress: rigged electoral maps drawn with surgical precision by politicians to preserve their party’s political power and silence the will of the people." ALLSIDES - LOOK AT NEWS FROM ALL SIDES From the web site: "Unlike regular news services, AllSides exposes bias and provides multiple angles on the same story so you can quickly get the full picture, not just one slant." Browse the site and form your own opinion. BALLOT PEDIA - FOLLOW ELECTIONS ACROSS THE USA,_2024 This site is a comprehensive encyclopedia of election information, both historical, and upcoming. If you want to follow contested elections in every state this could be a good resource.
BASIC INCOME - RESOURCE THREAD ON TWITTER One of the most prominent advocates for Basic Income is Scott Santens, who has been researching and advocating for the concept of universal basic income (UBI) since 2013. He has been sharing research on this Twitter thread for several years. See his UBI Guide website at
BLUE24.ORG - RAISING MONEY FOR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES IN 2024 ELECTIONS From the website: "This website has links to ActBlue pages where you can donate directly to one, two or dozens of Dems running for office. All funds go to the campaigns listed. The website host receives nothing." BUILDING A MOVEMENT TOWARD EQUALITY IN AMERICA - ROBERT REICH Robert Reich's web site and Facebook page offer daily commentary on issues of inequality and how we mobilize to reduce this problem. CAMPAIGN ZERO MAPS STEPS TO POLITICAL ACTION TO REDUCE POLICE VIOLENCE From the web site: The website provides "a comprehensive package of urgent policy solutions - informed by data, research and human rights principles - to change the way police serve their communities." CAN WE HEAL OUR GREAT DIVIDE? | HEDRICK SMITH | TED X In this video, Hedrick Smith, "An investigative journalist explores the cause of economic disparity in the United States, its effects, and what we can do to correct our course as a country. In the earlier half of the 20th century, workforce productivity and median hourly wages increased equally. In the 1970's everything began to change as economic growth was channeled toward the 1%."
CENTER FOR POPULAR DEMOCRACY From the website: "The Center for Popular Democracy works to create equity, opportunity and dynamic democracy in partnership with high-impact base-building organizations, organizing alliances, and progressive unions. CPD strengthens our collective capacity to envision and win an innovative pro-worker, pro-immigrant, racial and economic justice agenda."
CENTER FOR AN INFORMED PUBLIC - UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON - FOCUS ON MISINFORMATION AND AN INFORMED SOCIETY From the website: The "Mission of the Center is to resist strategic misinformation, promote an informed society, and strengthen democratic discourse." This is an extensive resource. Take time to learn what is available.
CENTER FOR MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY - INVESTIGATES CORRUPTION AND CORPORATE FRONT GROUPS From the website: "The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is a nationally recognized watchdog that leads in-depth, award-winning investigations into corruption that undermines our democracy, environment, and economic prosperity." CENTERING BLACKNESS: THE PATH TO ECONOMIC LIBERATION FOR ALL This is June 2020 article from the Economic Security Project,, which says "In these times of extreme racial and economic inequality, we must move beyond “normal” in our COVID recovery efforts, and follow the lead of the Movement for Black Lives. By centering Black people in the creation of new policies, systems, and institutions — in the pursuit of economic liberation for all — we can and must reject the ideology grounded in white supremacy and anti-blackness, shift narratives to reinvigorate our shared imagination, and disrupt the imbalance of power in our society." The article includes links to other resources and is intended to provoke thinking and innovation "in the pursuit of economic liberation for all". Take time to read, reflect, and share with friends and family. CHICAGO PROJECT ON SECURITY AND THREATS - U. CHICAGO The Chicago Project on Security and Threats (CPOST) is doing cutting edge research on terrorism and motivations that drive participation in events, such as the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capital. Dig through the site to discover available reports. CHICAGO UNITED FOR EQUITY (CUE) From the web site: "Imagine a Chicago that Works for All of Us. Who we are: We are neighbors who believe in racial justice. We're fighting for a Chicago where all of our children have an equal opportunity to shine. Where zip codes can't predict school resources. Where our voices matter to our leaders. And we're working across race, class, and ward lines to build the Chicago we deserve." CITY RIGHTS IN AN ERA OF PREEMPTION - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES From the web site: "Preemption is the use of state law to nullify a municipal ordinance or authority. In some cases, preemption can lead to improved policy statewide. However, preemption that prevents cities from expanding rights, building stronger economies, and promoting innovation can be counterproductive when decision-making is divorced from the core wants and needs of community members." CIVIC ENGAGEMENT - UNDERSTAND THE CYCLE TO HELP KEEP PEOPLE INVOLVED From the web site: "This post introduces the Cycle of Engagement, a new framework for understanding the stages of how Americans engage in civic life today. The New Data Project recently made this research public during a talk at the 2018 NewFounders Conference in Chicago." CIVIL SOCIETY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY - 2018 SSIR ARTICLES This article series on the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) web site is presented in partnership with Independent Sector. It's described as "a chance to focus, for a change, on the oxygen that makes our common life possible and good—to examine and appreciate and question and commit. Over the coming weeks, some of today’s leading thinkers and practitioners will explore important issues of civil society in the 21st century: its origins and evolution, its boundaries and blind spots, its values and variety, its obstacles and opportunities." CLINE CENTER FOR DEMOCRACY AT UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS From the web site: "The Center's mission encompasses several research activities, including monitoring civil unrest around the world; tracking the over-time development of economic, political, and social indicators for 165 countries; and developing new machine algorithms and analysis tools for studying the tens of millions of articles in the Cline Center's global news archive. The Center's mission also supports a wide range of teaching and public engagement activities, from fellowship programs for faculty and graduate students to undergraduate research opportunities and topical symposium for the University of Illinois campus."
CLIMATE CHANGE - PROGRESS AT THE STATE LEVEL This LCV (League of Conservation Voters) website tracks legislation at the state and federal level and shows what's happening in different states. By aggregating this information people in different places can see what is succeeding in other places, and use this to fuel legislation success in their own states. COLOR OF CHANGE - FOCUS ON RACIAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA From the web site: "Color Of Change is building a new, effective strategy for changing the rules society lives by, and ending the injustices Black people face."
COMIC BOOK PROJECT AIMS TO STOP PROJECT 2025 A network of comic book artists and writers who are concerned about Project 2025 made a series of comics to explain some of the agenda items so people would not have to read the huge document to understand what is at stake.
COMIC BOOK REVIEW: THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE From the article: "This Is What Democracy Looks Like is a comic book that explores American Democracy, tackling not just the structure of government (from the very top — president, congress, courts — to the most localized — town meetings) but also to show how every voter has an obligation to take part in keeping Democracy alive and vibrant." Take time to read the article, then the comic book.
DATA CENTER RESEARCH FOR JUSTICE From the web site: "For over 30 years, DataCenter has been an independent research organization for social justice movements and grassroots organizing. Rooted in progressive social movements and grounded in values of justice and self-determination for communities, we use research as a tool to centralize community power and transform society." This link points to a page showing research tools and ideas.
DEMOCRACY LABS - VOTER RESOURCES TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY - 2-28-2024 From the website: "Democracy Labs is a hub for ongoing technology and creative innovation in service of a healthy democracy at the national, state and local levels. The LABS focus on long-term, sustainable and affordable solutions." The link points to one recent article. DEMOCRACYNOW.ORG - A RELIABLE NEWS SOURCE This site was recommended to me as a "trust worthy" news source (as opposed to the mainstream media).
DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE The Democratic National Committee is committed to electing Democrats from everywhere. DISTRICTr IS A FREE, PUBLIC WEB TOOL FOR DISTRICTING AND COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION, BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE MGGG REDISTRICTING LAB. From the website: "The goal of DistrictR is to put the tools of redistricting in the hands of the public, with an emphasis on meeting the needs of civil rights organizations, community groups, and redistricting commissions." The website is a tool for drawing district maps. Browse the site to learn what's available and how it can be used. ED TECH AND THE CIRCUS OF UN-REASON - HOW TO RESPOND POST 2016 AMERICA This 2016 article contains many links to other articles that reflect on a 2017 America with Donald Trump as President. While it invites educators to reflect on their roles, and the ways they interact, it really is an invitation to anyone concerned with the future of civil liberties, democracy, the environment, etc. The article is linked to an annotation tool called, which enabled anyone to add their own comments and join the discussion. That's one of the reasons I've posted it to this section of the Tutor/Mentor web library.
EMPOWERING AMERICAN WORKERS AND RAISING WAGES - COMMUNICATED USING KUMU.IO Senator Elizabeth Warren posted this "Empowering American Workers and Raising Wages" presentation on her website when she ran for President in 2016. It goes into great detail. The first link goes to the presentation on her website. The second goes to a visualization, using, that outlines the components of this plan. It's a great example of what leaders might do to communicate complex ideas.
FAIR VOTE - AIMS FOR RANKED CHOICE VOTING (RCV) The Fair Vote strategy says "In 2020 FairVote invested in a strategic planning process to define our long-term goals, theory of change and unique roles within the electoral reform ecosystem. Our long-term goals are to enact ranked choice voting (RCV) for all federal elections and the proportional form of RCV for U.S. House elections, as embodied by the Fair Representation Act, by 2030." Browse the site and see how this would affect ever state.
FIND MY REPS - RESOURCE FOR FINDING WHO REPRESENTS YOU Enter your address and the tool will build a list of local, state and federal representatives, along with contact information. FIXING OUR BROKEN POLITICAL SYSTEM (USA) This June 2020 article is titled: "Yes, our political system is badly broken. But it doesn't have to be this way." The writers point out reasons the current system fails to benefit citizens and offers suggestions of needed change. Applies to 2022 and future elections. FIXING US INFRASTRUCTURE - STATE-BY-STATE PRIORITIES This 2017 article should be a 'must read' resource for anyone concerned with what's happening in America. The issues are still priorities in 2022. FOLLOW THE LEADERS. CONNECTING THE DOTS This is a Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC blog article that focuses on connecting the ideas and web sites of different progressive groups and leaders in central spaces where others can learn and form their own involvement. Look at the comment section of the blog where I add links to new articles as I find them. FRAMEWORKS INSTITUTE - CHANGING CONVERSATION ON SOCIAL ISSUES From the web site: "Mission is to: advance the nonprofit sector's communications capacity by identifying, translating, and modeling relevant scholarly research to frame the public discourse on social problems." Visit the "learn to frame" section of the web site learn "to use communications to build public understanding, cultivate public will, and move policy."
GET INFORMED ON PROGRESSIVE ISSUES - THE SANDERS INSTITUTE From the web site: "The mission of the Sanders Institute is to revitalize democracy by actively engaging individuals, organizations, and the media in the pursuit of progressive solutions to economic, environmental, racial, and social justice issues." Visit the Issues tab and do deeper learning around each category. GUIDE FOR USING LANGUAGE EFFECTIVELY IN SOCIAL ACTIVISM This resource guide is titled "A Progressive's Style Guide". Part of the introduction reads "A Progressive’s Style Guide is explicitly multi-voiced and is created with the following commitments. 1) We combat discriminatory language. 2) We seek advice or more information when we’re unsure. 3) When writing, speaking, or using images, we aim to use examples that reflect a broad range of identities and perspectives." If you're engaged in on-line communications, this is a resource you should spend time getting to know. HERE’S THE REASON GOVERNMENT CAN’T VOTE IN THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE. This is a 2012 article on A Matter of Scale - Science, Technology, Social Commentary blog. In this article writer shows how big business and US government overlap. This continues to be major problem. HOW MEMBERS OF HOUSE AND SENATE VOTED ON GUN LEGISLATION (NPR) This article includes information and charts showing how elected leaders in all 50 states have voted on gun legislation over past 30 years or longer. HOW TO SUSTAIN CURRENT LEVEL OF POLITICAL RESISTANCE FOR LONG TERM This Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) article offers tips for sustaining the current level of political involved over the long term. HOW WE RISE: POLICY SOLUTIONS TO UPEND STRUCTURAL RACISM The Brookings Institute launched this new web site in June 2020 and a blog project "focused on policy solutions to upend structural racism and create a more equitable society for all." ILLINOIS CIVICS HUB From the web site: "The Illinois Civic Mission Coalition (ICMC) is a broad, non-partisan consortium which includes educators, administrators, students, universities, funders, elected officials, policymakers and representatives from the private and non-profit sectors. Formed in 2004 by the Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago, the ICMC is part of the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, a national initiative to restore a core purpose of education to prepare America's youngest citizens to be informed and active participants in our democracy." ILLINOIS COALITION FOR IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE RIGHTS From the web site: "ICIRR is dedicated to promoting the rights of immigrants and refugees to full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of our diverse society. In partnership with our member organizations, the Coalition educates and organizes immigrant and refugee communities to assert their rights; promotes citizenship and civic participation; monitors, analyzes, and advocates on immigrant-related issues; and, informs the general public about the contributions of immigrants and refugees."
LEARN TO EVALUATE WHAT YOU ARE READING - ARTICLE / GRAPHIC This article looks at the wide range of media available to the public and rates them as left (liberal) or right (conservative) or in the middle. Useful tool to understand the bias present in what you are reading. MAKING THE CASE FOR IMPEACHMENT OF POTUS45-47– This web site was built during the first term of Donald Trump. It has three sections. One is a list of impeachable offenses. The second includes a list of criminal activity within the Potus45 administration and family. The third includes motivational and informational videos. Use this site to do your own research. Potus45 was impeached in early 2020 and again in January 2021. He was not convicted by the Senate either time. Now he's back in office again. Maybe this list will be useful. MIND MAP OF GLOBAL CIVILIZATION'S COLLAPSE This site provides a unique set of visualizations of "Why Nothing is Happening in Response to Global Challenges " along with an extensive library of resources related to the maps. MORE RECOMMENDED READING ON RACE / POVERTY - LIST ON DROP BOX click here In 2017 I started building a list of articles about the 45th President of the US and root causes of racism, poverty and inequality. Take a look.
NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE INTERSTATE COMPACT This agreement among the states (if it is reached) will assure that whichever candidate wins the popular vote in a Presidential election will be the winner. Open this link and learn more. NEW AMERICAN ECONOMY - IMMIGRATION REFORM RESOURCE From the website: "New American Economy is a bipartisan research and advocacy organization fighting for smart federal, state, and local immigration policies that help grow our economy and create jobs for all Americans." This is a robust information base; Browse the Map the Impact section to find data for each state and metro area. NEWS FROM LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT - WHICH ARE YOU READING? This article on the Zenpundit web site includes three charts that classify various media outlets as far left/right "garbage" or more to the center, and reliable. It's an interesting article and may help some decide where they want to go for their news. NEXTGEN AMERICA - A BROADER PLAN OF RESISTANCE From the web site: "Since 2013, we’ve worked to prevent damage to our climate by transitioning to a clean energy economy based on equality, inclusion, and a shared and sustainable prosperity. Now, the values that drive our work on climate are under increased and unprecedented attack. We’re proud to step up the fight for immigrant rights, affordable health care, and core American values — as NextGen America." OPEN DEBATE COALITION - ENGAGE MORE PEOPLE The Open Debate process is described in this statement: "In the Open Debate format, regular voters across the nation submit and vote on questions on an online platform for several weeks in advance of the televised event. For the live debate, moderators choose from among the questions that received the most votes – asking follow-up questions along the way." Browse this web site to learn more about this. OPEN PRIMARIES - GIVE EVERYONE A RIGHT TO VOTE From the website: "The mission of Open Primaries is to advocate for open and nonpartisan primary systems, counter efforts to impose closed primaries, educate voters and policymakers, advance litigation, train spokespeople, conduct and support research, and participate in the building of local, state and national open primaries coalitions."
OPEN SECRETS - FOLLOWING THE MONEY IN POLITICS From the website: "Nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit, OpenSecrets is the nation's premier research group tracking money in US politics and its effect on elections and public policy."
OUR COMMON PURPOSE - REINVENTING AMERICAN DEMOCRACY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY From the website: "This project of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences was launched in 2018 to explore how best to respond to the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in our political an civic life and to enable more Americans to participate as effective citizens in a diverse 21st-century democracy." POLICE VIOLENCE VIDEOS ON TWITTER - AGGREGATED ON ONE LIST This link points to a blog article describing how two activists are aggregating links to videos showing police violence that have been posted to Twitter. The link to a Google spreadsheet is included in the article. This aggregated information supports the work of protesters and those seeking to create different structures for community well-being. POLICY SOLUTIONS TO END POLICE VIOLENCE IN AMERICA From the website: "#NixThe6 is a project of Campaign Zero, a national platform of data-driven policy solutions to end police violence in America. The project focuses on six ways police unions obstruct, delay or defeat local efforts to hold police accountable and reimagine public safety." POLICYED - SEEKS TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT PUBLIC POLICY From the web site: This Initiative at the Stanford University Hoover Institute is "Seeking to become the foremost source of policy knowledge, wisdom, and insights educating Americans in Public Policy. The initiative seeks to: * Equip Americans with accurate facts and information, as well as a discerning analytical perspective, so they can better perform their civic duties, hold their elected leaders accountable, and “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” * Provide political leaders with reliable knowledge and analysis—tools with which they might assess alternatives in the shaping and execution of public policy." POOR PEOPLE'S CAMPAIGN From the web site: "The Poor People's Campaign is a national call (started in 2016) for a moral revival to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation, and the nation's distorted morality."
PROTECT DEMOCRACY: "TOWARDS PROORTIONAL REPRESENTATION FOR THE U.S. HOUSE" - MARCH 2023 ARTICLE This article suggest returning to a pre 1967 America where U.S. House members were elected via a "proportional representation system in which multiple winners secure legislative seats in rough proportion to the votes they receive."
RANKED-CHOICE VOTING - LEARN ABOUT IT From the website: "A ranked-choice voting system (RCV) is an electoral system in which voters rank candidates by preference on their ballots. If a candidate wins a majority of first-preference votes, he or she is declared the winner. If no candidate wins a majority of the first-preference votes, the candidate with the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated." read more
REALIZING A MULTIRACIAL DEMOCRACY FOR ALL - SSIR SERIES (2024) This link points to a series of Policy Link essays on the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR). It starts with "Imagine a nation that values the humanity of everyone living in it. One where all people can participate, thrive, and shape their own futures. This flourishing multiracial democracy in the United States is ours to create." The five articles in the series outline the challenges we face and propose specific short and long-term solutions. RECLAIM THE AMERICAN DREAM: IT'S UP TO US This is "an informational gateway aimed at helping people who are upset about America today to get engaged in fixing our democracy and making our economy fairer at the local level, where people power still has clout." RESOURCES ABOUT NAVIGATING THE MIS- & DISINFORMATION LANDSCAPE This link points to a curated set of vetted resources about navigating the mis- & disinformation landscape in preparation for the November 2020 election and beyond.
RESOURCES REGARDING ONLINE HARRASSMENT, DEFAMATION, LIBEL AND CYBER STALKING This page on the Jayne Cravens website is an extensive resource for anyone who may become a target of online harassment, based on what you post on the Internet. RESULTS.ORG - MULTIPLY IMPACT THROUGH THE ENORMOUS POWER OF ADVOCACY From the web site: "RESULTS is a movement of passionate, committed everyday people. Together they use their voices to influence political decisions that will bring an end to poverty."
RETRO REPORT - INDEPENDENT, NONPROFIT NEWS ORGANIZATION From the website: "At a time when misinformation is rampant and there's disagreement over objective facts, our team of award-winning journalists and educators is creating trusted documentary videos and classroom resources. Our work brings a greater understanding of current events, fights misinformation and encourages inquiry." SOCIALIST ECONOMIST - ARTICLES From the website; "SE's mission: to analyze the economic system (capitalism) and explore fair, egalitarian, democratic and green alternatives (indeed, some kind of socialism).' Thoughtful articles such as this one stimulate thinking about why and how we try to create a different future than the one we're in (2020). SWINGLEFT.ORG HELPS IDENTIFY SWING DISTRICTS FOR 2026 AND FUTURE ELECTIONS From the web site: "Swing Left is building a lasting culture of grassroots participation in winning elections for the Left by making it as easy as possible for anyone to have maximum impact on the elections that determine the balance of power in our country.” TALKING ABOUT ECONOMIC JUSTICE - OPPORTUNITY AGENDA From the website: This memo offers communications guidance for talking about anti-poverty initiatives, and economic equality generally, with a range of audiences. It draws on available opinion research, practical experience, and communications principles." THE LONGVIEW INSTITUTE - THINK ABOUT OLD PROBLEMS IN NEW WAYS From the web site: "The mission of the Longview Institute is to articulate and promote a vision of our nation based on a moral economy and a just society. Our belief in individual liberty, accompanied by collective responsibility, is deeply rooted in the highest ideals of the American progressive tradition. Working with others, we seek to influence Americans to think about old problems in new ways and to change the terms of debate. Our ultimate goal is to rethink and promote public policy that will lead to an America admired for its moral economy, its personal freedom, and its social and economic justice." THE MOVEMENT ACTION PLAN: A STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK DESCRIBING THE EIGHT STAGES OF SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL MOVEMENTS This article was written by Bill Moyers in 1987 and describes an 8 stage strategy to guide social movement growth and ultimate success. The steps remain as relevant today as they were then, although the tools have dramatically changed. THE MOVEMENT FOR BLACK LIVES MATTER From the web site: "Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives." THE OTHER 98 - MOVEMENT BUILDING TO TAKE BACK AMERICA From the web site: "The mission of Other 98% is simple but bold: to be a storytelling force that stirs people to action. We challenge the stranglehold of corporate power by creating our own educational tools and crafting our own narrative, one that sparks the cultural shift we need to build new systems for a healthy and vibrant new world."
THE PROPAGANDIST' PLAYBOOK: HOW CONSERVATIVE ELITES MANIPULATE SEARCH AND THREATEN DEMOCRACY - 2022 BOOK This book by Francesca Bolla Tripodi "peels back the layers of the right-wing media manipulation machine to reveal why its strategies are so effective and pervasive." Find it on
THE STATE OF LOCAL NEWS - 2022 REPORT This report by Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communication documents the state of local news in the USA post-COVID-19, focusing on the health of both local newspapers and digital sites.
THE WEEKLY LISTS - DOCUMENTS US MOVEMENT TOWARD AUTHORITARIANISM (ENDED 1/21/2021) From the web site: "On a weekly basis, the List tracked specific news stories representing eroding norms under the current regime. Taken together, they revealed a nation pushed towards authoritarianism, the wielding of unchecked governmental authority by one person or group at the expense of the freedom of those who oppose them." This project ended with the inauguration of Joe Biden in January 2021. The site is now an archive....and a warning.
VOTING AND ELECTIONS RESOURCE FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE This site has been updated for 2024 and is a comprehensive resource about voting rights and elections in the U.S.A. WHAT IS "NEOLIBERALISM" - A DEFINITION As the wealthy class grows and the poor grow poorer, America and the world are becoming divided along political, social and economic lines. This link provides a definition, possibly biased, of what 'Neoliberalism' is, and its affect on society. WHO LEADS? IS WEB SITE FOCUSING ON POLITICAL POWER IN US This site has a powerful animation and other information showing how political leadership in the US is dominated by White men. Useful for understanding challenges. WHY DEMOCRATS KEEP LOOSING RURAL VOTERS - ARTICLE This Opinion article in Political offers a vision for work Democrats need to do in 2021 and beyond to rebuild rural America and recapture the trust of rural voters.
WHY IS INEQUALITY SO STICKY? THE POLITICAL OBSTACLES TO A FAIRER ECONOMY - 2024 ARTICLE This Poverty to Power article "looks at the politics of inequality and how and why governance systems do - or more often don't - introduce new policies to address income and wealth distribution." WORKING FAMILIES PARTY - PUT FAMILIES FIRST IN GOV'T POLICY From the web site: "Working Families is fighting for a brighter future for America. One where the economy works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. One where politicians are accountable to working people, instead of Wall Street lobbyists and corporate CEOs. One where all of us, no matter where we come from, can find a good job, get healthcare when we need it, afford a home, send our kids to good schools, and have a secure retirement. YOUNG INVINCIBLES - AMPLIFY THE VOICES OF YOUNG ADULTS IN THE POLITICAL PROCESS From the web site: "Young Invincibles was founded by a group of students in the summer of 2009, motivated by the recognition that young people’s voices were not being heard in the debate over health care reform. In the years since, YI has expanded from a group run out of a school cafeteria to a national organization with offices across the country. We take on issues related to health care, higher education, and economic security. We are committed to expanding economic opportunity for young adults ages 18 to 34 and making sure that our perspective is heard wherever decisions about our collective future are being made. "