Note: other sections of this library have data resources, too. As you become familiar with this list, visit this section and view the lists there.
A BETTER CHICAGO YOUTH OPPORTUNITY DASHBOARD This dashboard offers a comprehensive view of how kids in each Chicago community area are doing in school, in finding work, and financially. You can sort by community area and view a range of data indicators. The dashboard is described in this WBEZ article.
A LEADER'S FRAMEWORK FOR DECISION MAKING - HBR ARTICLE Thanks to Bruce Waltuck for sharing this HBR article on leadership, written by David J. Snowden and Mary E. Boone. A TOOLBOX FOR CREATIVITY & INNOVATION From the web site: "Mycoted is a company dedicated to improving Creativity and Innovation for solving problems worldwide, with that in mind, we provide a central repository for Creativity and Innovation on the Internet as a summary of tools, techniques, mind exercises, puzzles, book reviews etc, that is open to all - and can be written by all." ACTION RESEARCH - OVERVIEW (1998 ARTICLE) From the web site: "This paper will answer the question “What is Action Research?”, giving an overview of its processes and principles, stating when it is appropriate to use, and situating it within a praxis research paradigm. The evolution of the approach will be described, including the various kinds of action research being used today. The role of the action researcher will be briefly mentioned, and some ethical considerations discussed. The tools of the action researcher, particularly that of the use of search conferences, will be explained. Finally three case studies will be briefly described, two of which pertain to action research projects involving information technology, a promising area needing further research." Compare what is written in this article to what is happening 20 years later. ACTION RESEARCH RESOURCES - SUPPORTING ACTION AND RESEARCH (2002 PAPER) From the web site: This is "A paper originally prepared for the seminar "Doing good action research" held at Southern Cross University, Monday February 18, 2002" ALLTRANSIT - MASTER DATA RESOURCE TO UNDERSTAND PUBLIC TRANSIT From the web site: "CNT has created a robust, one of a kind database consisting of stop, route and frequency information for 805 transit agencies in regions with populations greater than 100,000 as well as a large number of smaller regions and agencies." AN UNDERSTANDING OF COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE This article on Wikipedia provides some understanding of the strategy of "competitive intelligence". One section states "Marketing research is a tactical, methods-driven field that consists mainly of neutral primary research that draws on customer data in the form of beliefs and perceptions as gathered through surveys or focus groups, and is analyzed through the application of statistical research techniques." In contrast, Competitive Intelligence, CI; typically draws on a wider variety (i.e., both primary and secondary) of sources, from a wider range of stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, competitors, distributors, substitutes, media, and so on), and seeks not just to answer existing questions but also to raise new ones and to guide action. ANALYSIS OF TWEETING AT CONFERENCES, USING NODEXL click here This article is one of several posted by Dr. Graham MacKenzie, using social network analysis to understand participation in medical conferences held in 2017 and 2018. I point to these with hopes that others will do similar work, looking at conferences organized to bring people together who focus on poverty, youth development, inequality, and any other issue which requires involvement of large numbers of people with diverse backgrounds. ANNENBERG NETWORK OF NETWORKS From the web site: "ANN, the Annenberg Network.supports a variety of efforts designed to develop social network theory. One key strategy to developing new theory is the exploration of information-based communication networks that are the foundation of a new social form called the network society. Another useful approach takes the form of exploring multiple existing social theories to identify new implications for social networks that accrue from combining multiple theories at multiple levels. A third technique is to apply a theory developed to explain other phenomena to information and communication networks, as in the case of evolutionary theory. ANN also undertakes empirical research projects to test these network theories." APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY - WHAT IS IT? This is one of several definitions of appreciative inquiry on this web site: “Appreciative Inquiry [is] a theory and practice for approaching change from a holistic framework. Based on the belief that human systems are made and imagined by those who live and work within them, AI leads systems to move toward the generative and creative images that reside in their most positive core – their values, visions, achievements, and best practices.” ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE – DREAMS AND FEARS From the website: “In this website we attempt to provide an overview of these questions about AI. The answers to these questions will need individual awareness and participation, as many of these questions will undoubtedly become political and require votes.” ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - REAL LIFE APPLICATIONS - 60 MINUTES TV This 60 Minutes TV show from October 2016 shows how Artificial Intelligence is being applied in different settings, and offers a peak into the future. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - WE'RE BUILDING A DYSTOPIA JUST TO MAKE PEOPLE CLICK ON ADS" As artificial intelligence use grows, it's use to influence behavior of people throughout the world, without their knowing it, is a growing danger. View the entire 24 minute TED Talk Video. AUSTIN AREA SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS - EDUCATION & CHILDREN From the web site: "The Austin Area Sustainability Indicators Project measures sustainability and quality of life in the six county greater Austin region." Browse the different sections of the web site and see how data is used to support problem solving in the Austin region. BETTER DATA NEEDED. FORBES ARTICLE. This blog article makes a compelling case for better data to support social innovation and problem solving. I've been looking for data-maps showing locations of poorly performing schools on the individual school level, with overlays of poverty, and with indicators for English as second language. Such information could enhance understanding of root causes of youth performance in school, and thus lead to better solutions. BOSTON INDICATORS PROJECT From the web site: "Boston Indicators is the research center at the Boston Foundation, which works to advance a thriving Greater Boston for all residents across all neighborhoods. We do this by analyzing key indicators of well-being and by researching promising ideas for making our city more prosperous, equitable and just. To ensure that our work informs active efforts to improve our city, we work in deep partnership with community groups, civic leaders and Boston’s civic data community to produce special reports and host public convenings." Note: The T/MC has followed this site since mid 2000s. Great resource. BUILD INITIATIVE - DATA INDICATORS - 50 STATE CHART BOOK From the web site: "For planning and policy purposes, state leaders need accurate information about the well-being of their youngest children and the services being provided to them. This information should include data pertaining to the population of children in the states as a whole and to different racial and ethnic groups. While available information can not sufficiently answer all questions state leaders may ask, administrative data sets, national surveys and census data provide a basis for understanding the current well-being of young children across health, social, developmental and economic realms – and for examining disparities that exist by race, ethnicity and income level. The Fifty State Chart Book provides the available information compiled in a way that enables comparisons, by race, ethnicity and income level, both within and across states, of differences and disparities in well-being, service use and environmental conditions. The nineteen indicators in the Chart Book span various domains of well-being and offer a holistic picture of how children from different racial and ethnic backgrounds are faring." BUILDING A COLLABORATIVE BUSINESS - MAKING BETTER DECISIONS This is a review of a 2012 book by Morten T Hansen, titled "Collaboration How Leaders Avoid The Traps, Create Unity And Reap Big Results." The book outlines "the opportunities and barriers to building a collaborative culture and the kind of initiatives and solutions he recommends to getting it right." CARNEGIE MELLON CENTER FOR CENTER FOR ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING, INNOVATION AND KNOWLEDGE click here From the web site: "the center brings together researchers from different disciplines, including psychology, organizational behavior, information systems, operations management, economics and strategy to advance our understanding of the psychological, social, cultural, organizational, technological and economic factors that affect knowledge creation, retention and transfer in firms." CENSUS BUREAU REPORTS The Census Bureau's web site is the "leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy". Browse the site to find a wide range of reports and publications. CENSUS REPORTER - HELPS REPORTERS USE CENSUS DATA From the web site: "Census Reporter is a Knight News Challenge-funded project to make it easy for journalists to write stories using US Census data. Expanding upon the volunteer-built, Census Reporter will simplify finding and using data from the decennial census and the American Community Survey." Take time to visit and explore. CENTER FOR CYBERLEARNING RESEARCH - GRAPHICS AND COMPLEX THINKING From the web site: "New technologies change what and how people learn. Informed by learning science, cyberlearning is the use of new technology to create effective new learning experiences that were never possible or practical before. The cyberlearning movement advances learning of important content in several different ways." Visit the web site to learn more. CHICAGO METRO PULSE COMMUNITY INDICATORS RESOURCE This is a resource of the Regional Indicators Project serving the Chicago area (Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP. Created to support effective decision making and map progress toward goals of region's 2040 Comprehensive Plan.
CHICAGO SOUTH SIDE STEM OPPORTUNITY LANDSCAPE - DATA FOR NINE COMMUNITY AREAS From the website: "Argonne National Laboratory in partnership with Northwestern University's Digital Youth Network has created a platform showing STEM assets in nine community areas. You can vide data on interactive information tables and on an interactive asset map. CIRCULAR DESIGN GUIDE - UNDERSTAND METHODS AND CONCEPT This site focuses on design of products that don't end up on a trash pile, but recycle as other useful products and services. CITY DATA.COM - RESOURCE FOR CHICAGO, ILLINOIS AND ALL OTHER STATES From the web site: "By collecting and analyzing data from a variety of government and private sources, we're able to create detailed, informative profiles for every city in the United States. From crime rates to weather patterns, you’ll find the data you're looking for on" The site also hosts a forum which has thousands of users. CITY OF CHICAGO INFORMATION PORTAL From the web site: "The OIG Information Portal is a data visualization tool that allows users to analyze City of Chicago data. Currently, the dashboard contains over 100 ways to visualize city data related to the City’s budget, employees, and police department." CIVIC APPS (FOR CHICAGO) BUILT WITH OPEN DATA This site shows apps built by volunteers who connect weekly at the ChicagoHackNight event held at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago. Browse the list. Many include maps. CO-INTELLIGENCE. WHAT IS IT? From the web site: "The term "co-intelligence" refers to a shared, integrated form of intelligence that we find in and around us when we're most vibrantly alive. It is also found in cultures that sustain themselves harmoniously with nature and neighbor." Visit the site and read more. COLLABORATIVE KNOWLEDGE MAPPING - 2016 ARTICLE If you're building a knowledge base to support an organization, or an industry, this article can be useful reading. If you're building a knowledge base to support a social sector, as the Tutor/Mentor Connection has been doing since 1993, this shows the time and talent that should be devoted to the work, which we've never had. COMBINING COMPLEXITY THEORY WITH NARRATIVE RESEARCH - SNOWDEN This is a video of a keynote address given by Dave Snowden,, It's posted in Vialogues, with annotation features available. COMMUNITY INDICATORS CONSORTIUM PROJECT LIST - This is a comprehensive list of "indicators projects" in the US and the world. Each project is a "community information" resource that covers a wide range of issues important to each community. COMMUNITY INDICATORS OF THE GREATER ROCHESTER (NY) AREA From the web site: "A community indicators program of Rochester Area Community Foundation, ACT Rochester provides an objective assessment of the area's nine-county region's performance on key indicators of well-being. The robust website creates a "one stop shop" for data and analysis, over 100 indicators, as well as links to more than 300 community initiatives and resources. Center for Governmental Research conducts the research and analysis provided on the site. More than 200 local organizations and many individuals provided input and guidance into the design of ACT Rochester. CONCEPTIONS OF THE GLOBAL BRAIN - HISTORICAL REVIEW This article from the LearningChange web site describes "The “Global Brain” as a metaphor for an emerging, collectively intelligent network that is formed by the people of this planet, together with the computers, knowledge bases and communication links that connect them." CONNECTED PAPERS - VISUAL TOOL TO HELP RESEARCHERS FIND RELATED PAPERS click here This seems like a useful tool to help researchers find published papers related to specific topics. The website says "Connected papers is a unique, visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their field of work." Visit the site, enter a topic, then see how it works. It's FREE. CONNETICUT DATA HUB - A WEAVE USER From the web site: "The Connecticut Data Collaborative is a public-private partnership that advocates for the public availability of open and accessible data to drive planning, policy, budgeting and decision making in Connecticut at the state, regional and local levels. We are a user-driven organization, serving nonprofits, advocates, policymakers, community groups, and funders in using data to drive policy and improve programs and services." COUNTERINTUITIVE IDEAS ABOUT MOTIVATION, INNOVATION, AND LEADERSHIP This pdf, titled "The Flip Manifesto", was created by Daniel F. Pink. The ideas can be applied in any organization, and by individuals at any level, to build stronger, more effective organizations and personal practices. COVID-19 MEANS SYSTEMS THINKING IS NO LONGER OPTIONAL This article describes the importance of systems thinking to solve complex problems. It leads off with this statement: "Never has the interdependence of our world been experienced by so many, so directly, so rapidly and so simultaneously. Our response to one threat, Covid-19, has unleashed a deluge of secondary and tertiary consequences that have swept across the globe faster than the virus itself." The article then goes on to "highlight core systems thinking components that can help us learn from the current crisis." Note: The Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC has been encouraging a systems thinking approach to reducing poverty and inequality in America for many years. Here is a set of blog articles where you'll see some of the concepts from this current article. CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING From the web site: "Our vision is to unlock the creative genius in everyone. The Creative Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization of leaders in the field of creativity theory and practice. Every day, principles fostered by CEF programs are helping someone, somewhere in the world, develop new products, make business operations run more profitably, restructure organizations and agencies to become more effective and less encumbered, reinvigorate economies, make improvements in our schools, revitalize communities, and replace ineffective methods and systems with new, more workable ones." CREATE A CULTURE OF INNOVATION This article by Soren Kaplan is titled "Disruptive Innovation is Not a Business Strategy" is well worth reading. While people look at how companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, Wal-Mart and others have disrupted their industries with new products and services, they don't realize that when these companies started is was not aimed at the home-run, but at finding a more effective way to meet a perceived need. The article points to the importance of "Incremental and sustaining innovations" which over time may be viewed as having been "disruptive". CURATED LITERATURE HUB FOR TRACKING UP-TO-DATE SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION ABOUT COVID-19 VIRUS.. From the website: "LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel Coronavirus. It is the most comprehensive resource on the subject, providing a central access to 106139 (and growing) relevant articles in PubMed." Editor note: This platform demonstrates how information in web libraries can be hosted and made more accessible to interested users. This Tutor/Mentor web library would benefit from finding a technology partner to rebuild the site, making all the information more easy to access.
DATA.ORG - DEMOCRATIZING DATA, FOR GOOD From the website: " is a platform for partnerships to build the field of data science for social impact, working with organizations from all over the world to increase the use of data science in order to improve the lives of millions of people."
DATA COMMON - MASSACHUSETTS RESOURCE From the web site: "The DataCommon provides a wealth of information about the Massachusetts’ people and communities through a variety of topics -- from arts and education to the environment and transportation. A resource for residents, stakeholders, planners, city and town officials, educators and journalists explore data and make informed decisions.
DATA SCIENTISTS CENTRAL - HUB OF INFORMATION This link points to an article titled, "10 Modern Statistical Concepts Discovered by Data Scientists: It is just one of many resources that people interested in data visualization will find on this site. DATAHAVEN: COMMUNITY KNOWLEDGE CENTER SERVING CONNECTICUT From the web site: "At DataHaven, our mission is to improve quality of life by collecting, interpreting and sharing public data for effective decision-making. We have served Greater New Haven and Connecticut as a nonprofit organization since 1992, working with many partners to develop reports, tools, and technical assistance programs that make information more useful to local communities."
DECISION-MAKING PROCESS FOR COMPLEX SITUATIONS IN COMPLEX WORLD This article is worth reading and discussion in any group focused on trying to solve complex problems such as poverty. It is one of a series of articles that can be found on the "Learning Change" site. DEFINING WHAT KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IS. BLOG Add this to your collection of articles if you're trying to understand knowledge management and apply it to supporting the growth of needed social services in high poverty areas. DIVERSITYDATAKIDS.ORG - MEASURES OF CHILD WELL-BEING From the web site: " is a comprehensive information system to monitor the state of wellbeing, diversity, opportunity and equity for U.S. children. For a wider selection of metro data, visit our partner site, D-PORTAL.ORG - MAPPING FLOW OF DEVELOPMENT DOLLARS From the web site: " is a country-based information platform that tracks resource flows. It is aimed at providing line ministries, parliamentarians and civil society in developing countries with information that can assist with the planning and monitoring of development activities."
Comment: This looks like the type of information collection portal that could show distribution of resources to different zip codes in the US, and to show where the money comes from. DYNAMIC VISUALIZATION, COMMUNICATION OF IDEAS. BRET VICTOR This link points to a TED talk titled "The Humane Representation of Thought" presented by Bred Victor. The site also includes a list of links to follow for deeper exploration of this topic. ENTOVATION NETWORK - GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE LEADERSHIP MAP From the web site: "Since 1987 our purpose is to leverage the competencies of one another in the spirit of knowledge and innovation to provide innovative consulting support to enterprises, governments, cities and nations to transform and redesign the way we think and where we live. We are results oriented and want you to be successful." Click on the map and connect to members of the network EXAMINATION OF HOW TECHNOLOGIES OF SURVEILLANCE, DATA MINING, AND ALGORITHMIC INFLUENCE ARE SHAPING OUR LIVES This is a continuation of an on-line learning event that started in 2018 under the broad topic theme of “Networked Narratives” (a.k.a. #NetNarr on Twitter). The 2021 event will ask questions about the role of care, digital citizenship and digital wellbeing, and the way to build meaningful online communities. For context, review the 2020 event under the name of “Net Mirror”.
FLOWING DATA - VISUALIZATION HUB From the web site: "FlowingData explores how statisticians, designers, data scientists, and others use analysis, visualization, and exploration to understand data and ourselves." Browse the site and see numerous examples of data visualization. GIRL HUB - NIKE FOUNDATION PROJECT From the web site: "Funded by DFID and managed by the Nike Foundation, Girl Hub is an innovative approach to the development of adolescent girls in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Rwanda. GLOSSARY OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS This mind map offers a starting point for anyone wanting to dig deeper into the world of complex systems. This was shared with Tutor/Mentor during a 2015 Making Learning Connected MOOC.
HEARTLAND ALLIANCE - CHICAGO COMMUNITY DATA PORTAL From the website: "Use this tool to help you understand on-the-ground realities about education, health, and economic security in Chicago community areas. Topics are economic opportunity, education and community health. Sort by community area. This article demonstrates a way to share the data via blogs.
HOW TO GET MOST OUT OF BIG DATA. MCKINSEY & CO HOSTED. This site connects non profit leaders with great ideas, and with people in business and involved with social entrepreneurships. IMPACT DUPAGE COUNTY - INDICATORS SITE.§ionId=942 The Impact DuPage portal is a robust site with data indicators for a number of different issue areas. This link points to a page with demographic data. Browse the site to learn what else is available. INNOVATION - DISCUSSION FROM KNOWLLEDGE @ WHARTONHIGH SCHOOL Visit this page and listen to a series of podcasts describing innovation in action. The transcript for each is posted with the site. INNOVATION MANAGEMENT - ARTICLES This publication has numerous articles focusing on creativity and innovation. INNOVATION NETWORK, INC From the web site: "Over the past decade, Innovation Network has broadened its reach to partner with nonprofits and foundations interested in social change. Our focus has gradually shifted from evaluating smaller scale programs to evaluating harder-to-measure concepts such as advocacy and social movements. As our expertise has grown, we continue to evolve, partnering with organizations to tackle projects focused on advocacy, health and health equity, and social justice. We are also committed to advancing the field of evaluation through our research, practice, and sharing of our learnings with the broader evaluation and nonprofit community." INNOVATION NETWORK FOR COMMUNITIES (INC) From the web site: "The Innovation Network for Communities (INC) is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to develop and spread scalable innovations that transform the performance of community systems. INC works in three primary sectors: urban sustainability, high performing urban K-12 school; and adult workforce development." INNOWEAVE - PRACTICAL TOOLS FOR SOCIAL INNOVATION From the web site: "Innoweave provides free webinars, action oriented workshops, easily accessible micro tools, and coaching funding to implement Social Innovation approaches for community organizations." This link points to a section focused on "Improving outcomes for youth in Ontario communities through Collective Impact". INTERNET ARCHIVE - CAPTURING THE WORLD WIDE WEB FOR HISTORICAL PURPOSES From the web site: "The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that was founded to build an Internet library. Its purposes include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format." Browse the web site to see all that this organization is doing to archive web sites that no longer are active, making this bounty of information available to researchers and users all over the world. NOTE: as of 2021 the primary websites built for Tutor/Mentor Connection between 1998 and 2010 are all only available as archives on this Internet archive site. INTRODUCTION TO COOPERATIVE INTELLIGENCE From the blog: "unique approach called cooperative intelligence integrates generous leadership, connection and communication, and helps managers to “Listen and Be Heard." This is the process of gathering, analysis and sharing of information. It's what we do at the Tutor/Mentor Connection. Read more and apply this thinking to your own process improvement. INTRODUCTION TO HYPONOETICS From the web site: "Hyponoetics does not try to resolve philosophical problems by providing just another theory. Hyponoetics is a meta-philosophy that attempts to establish a generic, comprehensive frame of reference for any point of view or theory of Mind. Truth or facticity is not something given a priori, but something constituted through our Individual Mind and through Hyponoesis. Hyponoesis is pure potentiality out of which our Individual Mind actualizes or co-creates the world we experience through sense perception. This is not a solipsistic view, though, because the intrinsic structure of our Mind determines what forms we actualize out of Hyponoesis. They do not depend on our arbitrary will. This link points to essays that attempt to elaborate and explain the key features of Hyponoetics in greater detail." INVENTING, INNOVATION IN 2030 - A VISION This is a 2016 article by Shane Wall, Chief Technology Officer for HP and the Director of HP Lab that talks about how innovating and manufacturing in 2030 might look like. KNOWLEDGE FOR SUCCESS HELPS FAMILY PLANNING AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH COMMUNITY From the web site: "Knowledge SUCCESS champions the strategic and systematic use of knowledge in family planning and reproductive health programs and policies. Our project continues USAID’s legacy of investing in knowledge management, learning, and collaboration." KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND THE ROLE OF LIBRARIES From the web site: "This paper reviews the development of knowledge management and compares the differences between information and knowledge as well as between information management and knowledge management. It also examines the role of librarians/libraries in knowledge management and suggests that librarians/libraries in the digital and knowledge age should be in charge of knowledge management in their respective organizations in order to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge creation." KNOWLEDGE NETWORKING - ARTICLE From the web site: "This paper aims to stimulate discussion on knowledge-based networking approach to sustainable development. Knowledge is and will continue to be critical to the social and economic activities that comprise the development process. The cornerstone of this approach is global access to information and human resources, enrichment of information during different steps and an efficient mechanism for collective learning and sharing of knowledge between nations, communities and individuals through bridging of gap between users and sources of information. The paper advocates that pursuit of knowledge networking when supported by vision, leadership and right value framework can secure considerable gains towards sustainable development." KNOWLEGE MAPPING - USE OF CONCEPT MAPS From the web site: "This site is a compilation of short essays on the creation, use and value of knowledge mapping."
LEARNING LINKS: ACADEMIC RESOURCES AND TEACHING TOOLS FOR HUMANITARIAN COURSES AND PROGRAMMES This library is hosted by ALNAP, a global network of NGOs, UN agencies, members of Red Cross/Crescent Movement, etc. who are dedicated to learning how to improve response to humanitarian crises. ALNAP believes "that by improving the quality, availability and use of knowledge and evidence from previous responses we can make the system perform better and be more accountable." LIST OF THINK TANKS AROUND WORLD This is’s index of international think tanks and research organizations. Use it to see how others are collecting and sharing information about social and economic issues. MAKING THE CASE FOR COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING - NESTA, UK From the web site: "This report argues that the ability to solve problems with others is a crucial skill for our young people in the workplace of the future but the current education system does little to support it. Nesta (UK) combines its knowledge, networks, funding and skills to back new ideas that tackle big challenges. We operate across the globe and across sectors (including education, healthcare, the arts, technology, and economic policy), working with others to turn these good ideas into reality." MANAGEMENT INNOVATION EXCHANGE - SOLVING THE TOUGHEST MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES—TOGETHER From the web site: "The Management Innovation eXchange (MIX) is an open innovation project aimed at reinventing management for the 21st century. The MIX is based on the premise that management is nothing less than the technology of human accomplishment and that, after 100 years of incremental tweaks, it now needs to be reinvented for a new age. Designed as an open innovation and collaborative platform, the MIX brings together the most progressive leaders and provocative management thinkers with in-the-trenches management innovators—indeed, anyone with ideas and approaches to making our organizations resilient, inventive and inspiring enough to thrive in the 21st century." MAPPING TRAYVON MARTIN MEDIA CONTROVERSY This article demonstrates a process of tracking media related to specific story and has huge potential to focus media from many places on social problems that need consistent attention. Read the article and dig into the Media Cloud tool that's being demonstrated. MEASURE OF AMERICA - UNDERSTANDING WELL-BEING AND OPPORTUNITY IN AMERICA This is a robust site serving as a platform and tool for " providing easy-to-use yet methodologically sound tools for understanding well-being and opportunity in America and to stimulate fact-based dialogue about the issues we all care about." MENINO SURVEY OF US MAYORS From the web site: "The survey focuses on a wide range of policy challenges and issues currently facing mayors in the United States. Using both open-ended and closed-ended questions, we explore mayors’ perspectives about policy making, infrastructure, policing, relationships with federal and state government, housing, biking, and financial challenges. The mix of question types and topics enables us to provide insight into mayoral views across a variety of highly topical areas." MINDWERX FOCUSES ON DESIGN THINKING From the web site: "Since 1999 we have worked with organisations large and small, in the public, private and not for profit sectors, in 22 countries, to help creativity and innovation flourish from the boardroom to the front-line with design thinking and serious creativity tools." NATIONAL EQUITY ATLAS - INNOVATIVE DATA AND POLICY TOOL From the web site: "The National Equity Atlas is a first-of-its-kind data and policy tool for the community leaders and policymakers who are working to build a new economy that is equitable, resilient, and prosperous." This is a resource that can be used by community leaders, advocates, capacity builders, etc. Spend time teaching your stakeholders and storytellers to use it. NAVIGATING COMPLEXITY THROUGH-COLLECTIVE SENSEMAKING From this blog article: "The goal of a collective sense-making process is to help individuals endure greater complexity than we normally can handle. At some point, we still have to simplify the system in order to process it as individuals, but the hope is that, by raising the overall bar, you end up at a higher place than you were before." Read the article and view the video. Finding people who can help facilitate this sense-making process is critically important in bringing any group of people together to understand and solve complex problems. NETWORK MAP GRAPH OF KNOWLEDGE DISCIPLINES The Center for Curriculum reDesign has created this graph to "show the interconnections between knowledge disciplines contained within the links of Wikipedia." The Tutor/Mentor Connection has wanted to create a similar map of the information in this web library for many years. Great work.
NETWORK WEAVER BLOGS The Network Weaver blog is open to anyone who has information they want to share about network weaving.
NEW COMMUNITY PARADIGMS WIKI LIBRARY - MAP OF CONTENTS From the wiki: "This site is designed to provide resources to those seeking to write new rules for their community that are chosen directly by the community itself rather than imposed by institutions. It provides access to online resources and advocacy communities so as to add to the knowledge and hopefully some wisdom in making stronger communities. Its mission is to endeavor to help others in defining a new and hopefully better future for themselves by creating a set of new community paradigms." Look at how the concept map on the site helps people navigate the different sub sections within this library. NEW YORK STATE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM - PUBLIC FACING DASHBOARDS From the web site: "These dashboards were developed by DOH and Salient HHS to assist with planning, community needs assessment and application development for the DSRIP initiative. These interactive dashboards will help you build your network and select strategies and projects based on community needs." View the tutorials and learn how to use the dashboard. NEW YORK STATE PREVENTION AGENDA DASHBOARD - STATE LEVEL click here The Dashboard is a resource of The Prevention Agenda 2013-2018, which "is the blueprint for state and local action to improve the health of New Yorkers in five priority areas and to reduce health disparities for racial, ethnic, disability, and low socioeconomic groups, as well as other populations who experience them." OPEN CITY - CIVIC APPS BUILT WITH OPEN DATA From the web site: "Open City is a group of volunteers that create web apps with open data to improve transparency, efficiency, and decision-making for governments and our democracy. " Projects on the web site include a) a crime mapping page showing crime rates for each of 50 Wards; b) a map showing how Chicago Public Schools (CPS) places every part of the city into one of four socio-economic "tiers" and requires selective schools to reserve the same number of spots for the students from each tier. OUR WORLD OF DATA - HISTORY OF GLOBAL LIVING CONDITIONS IN 5 CHARTS From the web site: "Our World in Data (OWID) is an online publication that shows how living conditions are changing. The aim is to give a global overview and to show changes over the very long run, so that we can see where we are coming from and where we are today." All data published on the website is available for download PRACTICAL EXERCISES IN SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK ANALYSIS click here This link points to a blog with numerous ideas about visualization and network analysis.
PRB (POPULATION REFERENCE BUREAU) - DATA, MAPS, RESEARCH The Population Reference Bureau disseminates data and research to support evidence-based policies that improve people’s lives. PREDICTING TRENDS USING LONGITUDINAL CENSUS DATA This link points to an article titled "Predicting gentrification using longitudinal census data" This use of data, and the analysis, can be an example of how others might use data to draw attention to trends that negatively affect some people while benefiting others. RAPID SMS - AN OPEN SOURCE COMMUNICATION PLATFORM From the web site: "RapidSMS is a free and open-source framework for dynamic data collection, logistics coordination and communication, leveraging basic short message service (SMS) mobile phone technology." READ/WRITE LIBRARY-CHICAGO - COMMUNITY MEDIA ARCHIVE From the web site: "Read/Write Library collects, preserves, and provides access to community media in order to inspire and promote diverse modes of cultural production and civic engagement. We strive to raise the visibility of work produced by Chicagoans of all backgrounds in order to reveal connective threads across neighborhoods, generations, and cultures and to encourage inquiry into and ownership of the historical record. The Library recognizes the contributions that all community members make to co-creating a city and believes that learning to value these stories plays a vital role in building empathy, community pride, and the ability to see oneself as a change agent." RESOURCE WATCH - DYNAMIC PLATFORM THAT LEVERAGES TECHNOLOGY, DATA, AND HUMAN NETWORKS From the web site: "Resource Watch features hundreds of data sets all in one place on the state of the planet’s resources and citizens. Users can visualize challenges facing people and the planet, from climate change to poverty, water risk to state instability, air pollution to human migration, and more." As of 2018 this site is in beta. RHODE ISLAND DATA HUB On this site "you have access to hundreds of unique indicators relating to child and adolescent well-being in Rhode Island. The site uses the WEAVE platform. ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS - TRACING A PROBLEM TO ITS ORIGINS From the web site: "Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a popular and often-used technique that helps people answer the question of why the problem occurred in the first place. It seeks to identify the origin of a problem using a specific set of steps, with associated tools, to find the primary cause of the problem, so that you can: a) Determine what happened; b) Determine why it happened; and c) Figure out what to do to reduce the likelihood that it will happen again." This is one of many articles on the MindTools web site.
SEEK - SENSE - SHARE - PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE MASTERY PROCESS This article on Harold Jarche's blog describes a process of learning and sharing that anyone can apply to "make sense of our world and work more effectively." The article contains numerous links to additional ideas that show this thinking in practice. SOCIAL MEDIA RESEARCH FOUNDATION - NODEXL From the web site: "The Social Media Research Foundation is the home of NodeXL – Network Overview Discovery and Exploration for Excel (2010, 2013 and 2016) – extending the familiar spreadsheet so you can collect, analyze and visualize complex social networks from Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Flicker." SOURCE, INTERNATIONAL ONLINE RESOURCE CENTRE ON DISABILITY AND INCLUSION From the web site: "Source is an International Online Resource Centre designed to strengthen the management, use and impact of information on disability and inclusion in development and humanitarian contexts. It is primarily intended for use by practitioners and academics."
STACKTIVISM - A PLATFORM OF INFORMATION CURATION AND SHARING From the web site: "We cannot have a conversation about something whilst it remains unseen. #stacktivism is a term that attempts to give form to a critical conversation & line of inquiry around infrastructure & the relationship we have to it."
STREETWYZE - NEIGHBORHOOD NAVIGATOR POWERED BY LOCAL KNOWLEDGE The web site promotes this saying "A way for you to navigate your neighborhood and discover hidden gems with real time help from the community". Developed in 2017. Browse site to become familiar.
SUSTAIN ARTS CHICAGO - DATA ON ARTS FUNDING AND PARTICIPATION - REFLECTION From the web site: "In partnership with the Foundation Center (now Candid) and Fractured Atlas, Sustain Arts developed three regional online data platforms to serve arts stakeholders in Southeastern Michigan (launched 2014), the San Francisco Bay Area (launched 2015), and the Chicagoland region (launched 2016). Over the course of the project, 40 individual and institutional donors contributed over $3 million to create innovative technology, bring together an unprecedented array of data sets, and promote the use of data in decision-making and policy-setting among arts organizations, arts funders, and public arts agencies " This link points to an analysis of what worked, what did not, and ideas for the future. The link to the Chicago section, which will go offline in 2020, is at
THE CYCLICAL PROCESS OF ACTION RESEARCH click here As you read this paper think of how the involvement of volunteers and youth in an on-going tutor/mentor program stimulates the learning and can engage youth, adults and supporters in on-going action research intended to find and sustain ways to help kids through school and into jobs and careers. THE DEVELOPMENT GATEWAY From the web site: "We build upon nearly two decades of technical expertise to develop tools, processes, and custom analyses to help partners achieve results. DG makes development data easier to gather, access, use, and understand. We are an international nonprofit organization with nearly two decades of experience across more than 70 countries in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Our clients and partners are key players in the data and international development space." THE GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DATA From the web site: "There is a fundamental problem at the heart of the efforts to eradicate extreme poverty — a problem of unreliable or non-existent data and the lack of skills and willingness to use it. The Global Partnership on Sustainable Development Data is a response to that crisis." THE GROWING PROBLEM OF BROKEN LINKS click here This article in The Atlantic is titled "The Internet is Rotting: Too much has been lost already. The glue that holds humanity’s knowledge together is coming undone." It talks about wat it calls "link rot" which describes the problem of broken links in older articles. This should be of interest to those who host web libraries, or who have blogs with articles dating back to the early 2000s.
THE TOP 10 FREE AND OPEN SOURCE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE This is a useful article for those trying to learn about knowledge management and who are looking for free/low cost tools. THEORY OF INVENTIVE PROBLEM SOLVING - WHAT IS TRIZ? Much of the Links Library on the T/MC site is hosted with concepts of Inventive Problem Solving in mind. TRIZ is a process of innovation and creativity that was developed over the past sixty years. Visit the web site to learn more about TRIZ. THEORY OF INVENTIVE PROBLEM SOLVING - TRIZ - AT OXFORD CREATIVITY This UK consulting firm applies TRIZ, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, in its work. On the web site: "We can help you build and strengthen the creative power of your organisation. We work at organisational, team and individual level to achieve this. Innovation and creativity at team and individual level can be enormously enhanced through the effective use of TRIZ, a proven technique for systematic problem solving that was originally developed in the former Soviet Union and has been extensively used and researched for over 50 years." THINK TANK LIST - SOURCEWATCH This site provides this definition for Think Tanks. "A think tank (also called a policy institute) is an organization, institute, corporation, or group that conducts research and engages in advocacy in public policy." Editor note: We would like to find funding to do research or more consistent collection and sharing of information at the Tutor/Mentor Connection. Can you help us find benefactor to sponsor this? UNDERSTANDING CONTEXT IN SOLVING COMPLEX PROBLEMS - ARTICLE The title of this article is “From an isolated laboratory to a world where "context is everything". The article address three questions: " 1) Why is it so difficult to replicate stories of success? 2) Why is it so difficult to "scale" good solutions when we find them? 3) Why there are no simple recipes for solving today's biggest challenges. UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS click here This is one of many articles on the Learning Change library. It focuses on the value of knowledge management. This statement from the web site describes what's in this article: "seventeen essays from authors around the globe to explore the complex systems view of knowledge and its role in social networks." USING DATA TO DRIVE INVESTMENT AND IMPACT This article shows how a "gap analysis" of youth serving programs in Philadelphia led to investments in supporting expansion of existing programs. This is the way maps created by Tutor/Mentor Connection since 1993 were intended to be used, to draw resources to existing programs, while helping fill gaps where more were needed. USING SENSEMAKER TO UNDERSTAND GIRLS' LIVES: LESSONS LEARNT FROM GIRL HUB click here From the article: "This 4-page brief discusses how Girl Hub used a story collection research methodology called SenseMaker to help generate girl-centred evidence to inform girls' empowerment interventions. The brief outlines what Sensemaker is, provides examples of Girl Hub's experience in practice, and reflects on future implementation. As stated in the brief, "SenseMaker draws upon anthropology, complexity theory and neuroscience. The methodology involves collecting large numbers of short stories that, together, create a nuanced picture of a given topic, in the same way that many pixels come together to produce a clear image." WE NEED IMAGINATION NOW MORE THAN EVER - 2020 HBR ARTICLE This Harvard Business Review article provides tips for innovation during middle of a crisis, like the 2020 Covid19 pandemic. While the article seems focused on business, it applies to non profits and government, too. WHY CURATION WILL TRANSFORM EDUCATION AND LEARNING: 10 KEY REASONS From the web site: "Content curation will play a major role both in the way we "teach" and in the way we educate ourselves on any topic. When and where it will be adopted, it will deeply affect many key aspects of the educational ecosystem." Content curation is a new term for "knowledge management". This 2012 article shows reasons this will be a valuable and powerful force in the coming century. Many new technologies supporting curation since this was written. WORLD POPULATION DATA VISUALIZATION From the web site: "PRB’s Digital Visualization highlights key global demographic trends. Explore current and projected population by region and country. And look at changes in total fertility, infant mortality, and life expectancy since 1970. A U.S. “What-If” scenario focuses on the effects of race and ethnicity on child poverty, child obesity, and college degrees."