11 THINGS TO DO BESIDES SAY ‘THIS HAS TO STOP’ IN THE WAKE OF POLICE BRUTALITY click here This article by Brittany Wong following the tragic May 2020 murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer starts out saying "Want to end police brutality against Black people? To paraphrase Angela Davis, it’s not enough to *not* be racist — you need to be anti-racist." It then offer 11 things you can do. 163 YEARS OF THE ATLANTIC’S WRITING ON RACE AND RACISM IN AMERICA https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2020/06/atlantic-reader-race-and-racism-us/613057/ This link points to a collection of articles "on race and racism that spans The Atlantic’s lifetime—from our founding, in 1857, to the present day. In it you’ll find historical works from the archive, as well as more recent stories that provide critical analysis to contextualize the importance of a given event, policy, or era." This is an in-dept collection. Take a look. 25 MOST SEGREGATED CITIES IN THE USA - 2019 ARTICLE https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/07/20/detroit-chicago-memphis-most-segregated-cities-america-housing-policy/39703787/ Is your city included in this "most segregated" cities list? Read the article in USA Today 6 DEGREES DICTIONARY - 12 WORDS REDEFINED https://www.6degreesto.com/dictionary/ From the web site: "The 6 Degrees Dictionary, a new project of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, offers a user’s guide to inclusion. We start with 12 words, the currency of so much disagreement and misunderstanding, and recast them to provoke and inspire." These 12 words are central to much of what is taking place in the world of 2018. Take a look. 9 WAYS POVERTY HURTS EDUCATION - MERCY HOUSING BLOG ARTICLE https://mercyhousingblog.org/2020/09/9-ways-poverty-hurts-education/ From the article: "Experiencing poverty isn’t good for a students’ education… this might sound obvious but poverty and education are treated as two entirely separate issues all too often—they’re not. Poverty is a complex issue, but education is an easy way for you to get involved and help your community with this issue. Here are nine reasons why poverty and education need to be in the same conversation:" Read more.
ADDRESSING WEALTH INEQUALITY IN AMERICA - NINE CHARTS FROM URBAN INSTITUTE AND POLICY CHANGE RECOMMENDATIONS https://apps.urban.org/features/wealth-inequality-charts/ From the website: "Wealth inequality is higher in the United States than in other developed countries and has risen for much of the past 60 years. As shown in the Urban Institute’s recently updated Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America, white families’ average wealth was more than $1 million higher than that of Black families and Hispanic families in 2022. Racial wealth inequities have persisted for generations, reflecting the long-standing effects of racist policies, not individual intentions or deficits. Addressing these deeply rooted inequities requires bold solutions and cross-sector collaboration." Take time to view the charts and policy recommendations.
A HISTORY OF RACE AND RACISM IN AMERICA, IN 24 CHAPTERS https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/22/books/review/a-history-of-race-and-racism-in-america-in-24-chapters.html In this New York Times book review section the writer profiles some of the "most influential books on race and the black experience published in the United States for each decade of the nation’s existence — a history of race through ideas, arranged chronologically on the shelf." Read the article and the books.
A COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ABOUT REDLINING IN AMERICAN CITIES https://mappingforjustice.blogspot.com/search?q=redlining In several articles on the MappingforJustice blog links pointing to articles about redlining have been added at the bottom over the past few years. Add these to your research.
ADDITIONAL BLACK HISTORY RESOURCES IN ANOTHER PART OF THIS LIBRARY - CLICK HERE ADVANCING RACIAL EQUITY WITH STATE TAX POLICY https://www.cbpp.org/research/state-budget-and-tax/advancing-racial-equity-with-state-tax-policy From the article: "States and localities could do more to help undo the harmful legacies of past racism and the damage caused by continuing racial bias and discrimination. If state budget and tax policies were better designed to address these harms and create more opportunities for people of color, state economies would be more equitable and likely also would be stronger, which in turn could benefit many state residents of all backgrounds." ALL ABOUT POVERTY - FROM WIKIPEDIA https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty Creating a sophisticated understanding of poverty is an essential part of finding solutions. This Wikipedia is a valuable resource. AMERICAN APARTHEID: SEGREGATION AND THE MAKING OF THE UNDERCLASS (BOOK) https://www.jstor.org/stable/2781105 I read this book by Douglas Massey in the 1990s and it provides interesting ideas on why some sections of a city are more isolated and under served than others. Worth reading. AMERICA'S HIDDEN WATER POVERTY IS COSTING THE U.S. ECONOMY OVER $8.5 BILLION EACH YEAR https://spotlightonpoverty.org/spotlight-exclusives/how-americas-hidden-water-poverty-is-costing-the-u-s-economy-over-8-5-billion-each-year/ This 2022 Spotlight on Poverty & Opportunity article focuses on a hidden crisis that affects over 2.2 million people who live without running water or proper sanitation at home. Read the article.
AMERICA NOT ONLY PLACE WITH HISTORY OF OPPRESSION. THIS FROM NEW ZEALAND https://thespinoff.co.nz/atea/04-06-2020/the-whakapapa-of-police-violence/ This is a powerful article relating the police killing of George Floyd in America in 2020 to centuries of oppression of the M?ori people in New Zealand. AMERICAN DREAM IN CRISIS - BLOG ARTICLES FOLLOWING ROBERT D. PUTNAM BOOK click here This link points to a series of blog articles on the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC blog, responding to Dr. Robert D Putnam's book Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis AMERICAN INDIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION - TRIBAL LIBRARY RESOURCES https://ailanet.org/tribal-library-resources/ This library offers and extensive list of libraries where you can find information related to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Information is relevant to anyone interested in the development of programs to improve Indian library, cultural, and informational services in school, public, and research libraries on reservations. AMERICAN POVERTY IS MOVING FROM THE CITIES TO THE SUBURBS https://www.economist.com/special-report/2019/09/26/american-poverty-is-moving-from-the-cities-to-the-suburbs 2019 report in The Economist describes growing poverty in the suburbs that is more White and Hispanic than African American. Requires registration to read. AMERICA'S EDUCATIONAL APARTHEID, BY JONATHAN KOZOL http://gayleturner.net/kozol.html Jonathan Kozol is one of the leading voices calling attention to the inequality dividing the rich and poor in America. He is the author of many books, including Savage Inequalities and Amazing Grace . This article was adapted from The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America. AMERICA'S INCARCERATION CRISIS https://www.newyorker.com/books/double-take/sunday-reading-americas-incarceration-crisis This Nov. 2018 New Yorker magazine article features a series of articles "reporting on the problem of mass incarceration and the experiences of people inside the prison system" of the United States. AS AMERICA CHANGES, SOME ANXIOUS WHITES FEEL LEFT BEHIND https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/article/race-rising-anxiety-white-america This article talks about "Demographic shifts rippling across the nation that are fueling fears among White Americans that their culture and standing are under threat." Important to understand this as the demographic shifts grow over the next 20 years. BASIC NEEDS AND COVID19 - BUILDING PUBLIC WILL TO MAKE NEEDED CHANGES https://www.communitycommons.org/collections/Basic-Needs-COVID-19 This is an article on the Community Commons web site, which uses data mapping to help create a spatial understanding of problems that affect people in many places. It invites responses.
BEEGLE POVERTY IMMERSION INSTITUTE - https://www.combarriers.com/index.php/blog-home-page From the website: In the Communication Across Barriers website's introduction it says, "Dr. Beegle is dedicated to broadening and improving opportunities for people who live in the war zone of poverty and to assist communities and organizations to "fight poverty, not the people who live in it." The Poverty Institute is part of the consulting services offered by Dr. Beegle. This link points to blog articles on the site.
BEST PRACTICES FOR INVESTIGATING REFUGEE ISSUES - 2022 ARTICLE https://gijn.org/2022/05/31/9-best-practices-for-investigating-refugee-issues/ This is an article posted in the Global Investigative Journalism Network. War and climate change have led to more than 31 million refugees and asylum seekers, with more to come in future years. This article shows 9 strategies for investigating this issue.
BLACK WEALTH DATA CENTER https://blackwealthdata.org/ This site, launched in 2022 by Bloomberg Philanthropies, has a library of resources and data providing information about racial wealth equity in America. BLACK YOUTH PROJECT 100 (BYP100) https://www.byp100.org/ From the web site: "BYP100 is a national member-based organization of 18-35 year old activists and organizers creating freedom and justice for all Black people. We do this through building a network focused on transformative leadership development, direct action organizing, advocacy, and political education using a Black queer feminist lens." This link points to the Chicago chapter.
BLACK MEN AND BOYS COMMISSION LAUCHED IN 2022 - WHAT SHOULD THEY PROPOSE? 32 IDEAS FOR STARTERS https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2022/03/14/what-should-the-new-commission-on-the-social-status-of-black-men-and-boys-propose-here-are-32-ideas-for-starters/ This Brookings article talks about the Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys, which was created by Congress in Aug 2022. It offers 32 ideas that the Commission might consider. BOOK "EXAMINING THE 'AFTERLIFE' OF INCARCERATION" https://www.npr.org/2021/03/24/980671402/out-of-prison-but-still-trapped-examining-the-afterlife-of-incarceration This link points to a NPR interview with University of Chicago professor Reuben Jonathan Miller, who has written a new book (2021) titled "Halfway Home: Race, Punishment and the After Life of Mass Incarceration". Since so many ex-offenders concentrate in high poverty areas it's critically important that policy makers, philanthropists and others understand this issue.
BREAKING CYCLE OF POVERTY IN AMERICA - BLOG https://www.combarriers.com/blog-home-page This blog is titled, "Communication Across Barriers, Inc." and is written by Dr. Donna Beegle, as part of the consulting were she does to help entire communities break the cycle of poverty in America. BUILDING CITIES OF OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL - 2020 NYTIMES https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/11/opinion/sunday/coronavirus-us-cities-inequality.html This May 15, 2020 New York Times editorial is titled The City We Need and provides an in-depth analysis of the growing inequality and race/class segregation in cities across the US and concludes saying . "The halves depend on one another. The rich need labor; the poor need capital. And the city needs both. Reducing segregation requires affluent Americans to share, but not necessarily to sacrifice. Building more diverse neighborhoods, and disconnecting public institutions from private wealth, will ultimately enrich the lives of all Americans — and make the cities in which they live and work a model again for the world." This article is loaded with links to additional reading. BUILDING JUSTICE - MULTI PART SERIES BY "CITYLIMITS" https://citylimits.org/series/building-justice/ From the web site: "Over 16 weeks, City Limits and Enterprise Community Partners featured prominent New Yorkers’ views on how race and housing policy intersect to create a legacy each of us must confront, and the way forward we should take together." BUILT TO KEEP BLACK FROM WHITE: THE STORY OF DETROIT'S "WAILING WALL" https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/built-keep-black-white-story-behind-detroit-s-wailing-wall-n1274439 This is a long, in-depth, article about racial segregation in Detroit, Michigan, and in other cities throughout the USA. BY MANY MEASURES, MILWAUKEE IS TOUGHEST CITY FOR BLACKS - ARTICLE https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-milwaukee-toughest-city-for-blacks-20160816-story.html Chicago Tribune article from August 2016. CAN CHICAGO'S POOREST 'PULL THEMSELVES UP BY THEIR BOOTSTRAPS'? https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20170203/downtown/can-chicagos-poorest-pull-themselves-up-by-their-bootstraps/ The answer is "no", or "not often" according to this 2017 article in DNAInfo. CATALOGUING THE POTENTIAL DAMAGE TO INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE TRUMP BUDGET https://democracycollaborative.org/learn/publication/cataloguing-potential-damage-inclusive-community-development-trump-budget From the website: "The Democracy Collaborative is deeply concerned that the antipathy or outright hostility of both the current administration and the current Congressional majority to the federal infrastructure of community development will translate into irreparable harm to the low income communities, especially communities of color, who continue to struggle with the legacy of decades of disinvestment, discrimination, and dispossession. We believe—along with the rest of the community development field—that robust, effective federal action is necessary to expand the access of marginalized communities to affordable housing, good jobs, and an equitable share in America's prosperity. In order to help communities across the country—both rural and urban—speak up in a moment in which the administration has made clear its intentions to scale back or dismantle these key federal frameworks, we will be tracking the new federal attacks on inclusive community development here, along with state-level measures enabled and encouraged by the new federal context." CAUSES OF INNER CITY POVERTY - EIGHT HYPOTHESES - PDF https://www.huduser.gov/Periodicals/CITYSCPE/VOL3NUM3/article3.pdf This is a paper by Michael B. Teitz, Public Policy Institute of California and University of California, Berkeley and Karen Chapple, University of California, Berkeley CENTER FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH EQUITY - DEPAUL UNIVERSITY https://healthequitychicago.org/ From the web site: "The goal of the Center for Community Health Equity is to improve community health outcomes and contribute to the elimination of health inequities in Chicago. We are a jointly run Center, co-founded by DePaul and Rush in 2015. Our work is interdisciplinary - linking sociologists, geographers, and other social scientists with health care professionals. We all share a desire to conduct meaningful research that contributes to social justice in our communities." CENTER FOR LAW AND SOCIAL POLICY (CLASP) https://www.clasp.org/ An organization of program staff whose work is concentrated on family policy and access to civil legal assistance for low-income families. Family policy projects include welfare reform, workforce development, child care, child support enforcement, child welfare, couples and marriage policy, and reproductive health and teen parents. Civil legal assistance projects include "general counsel" to LSC-funded programs and the Project for the Future of Equal Justice. CHASING THE DREAM: POVERTY AND OPPORTUNITY IN AMERICA https://www.pbs.org/wnet/chasing-the-dream/ From the web site: "Chasing the Dream: Poverty and Opportunity in America is WNET’s multi-platform public media Initiative that aims to provide a deeper understanding of the impact of poverty on American society: what life is like below the poverty line, its impact on our economic security and on our children, and what has happened to our age-old dream of striving for a better life. We’ll also highlight solutions: what has worked – and what is working to bring people out of poverty – and what lessons we can and must learn for the future." CHICAGO IS STILL SO SEGREGATED BECAUSE ALDERMEN ARE TOO POWERFUL, STUDY SAYS https://blockclubchicago.org/2018/07/12/chicago-is-still-so-segregated-because-aldermen-are-too-powerful-study-says/ From web site: "A new study claims aldermen who have far-reaching powers to block affordable housing in the city are continuing racial segregation in Chicago. The study, called “A City Fragmented,” was created by the Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance and Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law. It details the power aldermen have to block — or allow — affordable housing developments and how this has impacted racial divides in Chicago over the decades." CHILD POVERTY IN US (2016) - SEVEN THINGS TO KNOW https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/seven-things-you-should-know-about-childhood-poverty This article provides information about poverty in the US that needs to be shared, understood and responded to in local, state and national level organizations. CHILD WELL-BEING IN ADVANCED ECONOMIES – UNICEF REPORT https://gfbertini.wordpress.com/2013/04/20/child-well-being-in-advanced-economies-a-comparative-overview/ This is one of many resources on the LearningChange web site. This is a UNICEF report presenting "the latest available overview of child well-being in 29 of the world’s most advanced economies. Five dimensions of children’s lives have been considered: material well-being, health and safety, education, behaviors and risks, and housing and environment." The United States ranks 26th out of 29 countries. CLASS DIVIDE IN AMERICA - WBEZ INTERVIEW W RICHARD REEVES 2017 click here From the web site: "Reeves, a senior fellow in economic studies at the Brookings Institution, wrote Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What To Do About It." Listen to the interview. CLOSING RACIAL WEALTH GAP IN US - 2019 ARTICLE https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-09-03/the-amazing-resiliency-of-white-wealth This article is titled White Americans’ Hold on Wealth Is Old, Deep, and Nearly Unshakable and shows how networks of community support have contributed to the accumulated wealth of White Americans but not Black Americans. CLOSING THE OPPORTUNITY GAP. A PROJECT OF THE SAGUARO SEMINAR http://cfon.org/assets/2020/02/2016-Opportunity-Gap-Working-Group-Report.pdf From the web site "Since 1996, Professor Putnam’s The Saguaro Seminar: Civic Engagement in America, a research initiative that brings together leading thinkers and practitioners to develop actionable ideas for civic renewal, has produced projects that have focused on expanding what we know about our levels of trust and community engagement and on developing strategies and efforts to increase this engagement. In 2015, the Seminar launched the Closing the Opportunity Gap initiative, based on the information in this PDF. The initiative convened five working groups of roughly a dozen of the country’s leading experts in each of five areas: family and parenting, early childhood, K-12 education, community institutions, and “on-ramps,” like community college or apprenticeships."
CLOSING THE OPPORUNITY GAP FOR YOUNG CHILDREN - 2023 REPORT https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/26743/interactive/ This 2023 report from The National Academies (Sciences, Engineering, Medicine) says "Before they are even born, many young children in the United States face unequal opportunity that can have a lasting impact on the future of academic, health, and economic outcomes. These disparities--known as the opportunity gap--are rooted in an unequal distribution of resources based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other factors. Today, the opportunity gap for young children manifests as poverty, food insecurity, inadequate access to health care and well-funded quality schools, and exposure to violence." Read the full report.
COLOR (THE) OF WEALTH - CHICAGO https://colorofwealth.org/ Visit this website of the Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy and view research that "examines wealth by race, ethnicity and national origin in the context of specific locations and histories. The Color of Wealth studies have been conducted in seven metropolitan regions in the United States (as of June 2024). Chicago is one of the seven. COMBATING INEQUALITY: RETHINKING POLICIES TO REDUCE INEQUALITY IN ADVANCED ECONOMIES https://www.piie.com/events/combating-inequality-rethinking-policies-reduce-inequality-advanced-economies From the website: "The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) held a major conference on "Combating Inequality: Rethinking Policies to Reduce Inequality in Advanced Economies," on October 17–18, 2019". Video and conference presentations are available at this link. COMBATTING APPI HATE - COMMITTEE OF 100 RESOURCES https://www.committee100.org/newsletter/ The April and May 2021 issues of the Committee of 100 share numerous resources related to combatting Asian and Pacific Islander (APPI) racial discrimination. From the website: "The Committee of 100 (C100) is a non-partisan leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans in business, government, academia, and the arts." COMMITMENT TO REDUCING INEQUALITY INDEX - OXFAM https://www.inequalityindex.org/#/ From the web site: "The Development Finance International Group (DFI) is a non-profit capacity-building, advocacy, advisory and research group that works with more than 50 governments and international organizations worldwide. Oxfam is an international confederation working together with partners and local communities in more than 90 countries to end the injustices that cause poverty. We believe inequality is far from inevitable. It is a policy choice and governments have considerable powers to reduce the gap between the rich and poor in their countries. We developed this index to measure and monitor government policy commitments to reducing inequality, but also to offer a robust, evidence-based alternative to other existing income and wealth measuring systems which are sorely lacking in data coverage and quality." COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OPPORTUNITY NETWORK - READING LIST https://cfon.org/research-and-resources/ From the web site: "The Community Foundation Opportunity Network, launched in Summer 2016, includes 40 leading foundations from every region in the US. This is a national leadership and action network of community foundations committed to narrowing the youth opportunity gap. Participating foundations serve communities with a spectrum of geographic, demographic, racial, and socioeconomic diversity." COST OF POVERTY STUDY - MIAMI/DADE COUNTY (1995) https://web.archive.org/web/20160911054413/http://pvmm.com/cd/sw/CostOfPovertyDadeCounty.pdf This is one of two cost-of-poverty reports that I've had hard copies of since the late 1990s. These show that just creating more hope and opportunity in high poverty areas can lower the costs of poverty in these areas.
COST OF POVERTY: AN ANALYSIS OF THE ECONOMIC COST OF POVERTY IN ONTARIO (2008) https://ccednet-rcdec.ca/resource/the-cost-of-poverty-an-analysis-of-the-economic-cost-of-poverty-in-ontario/ To help shape the government’s strategy, the Ontario Association of Food Banks has collaborated with a group of eminent thinkers to produce the first ever estimates of the costs of poverty to all Ontarians. The focus on these costs leads naturally to a review of the kinds of policies necessary to bring them down. This research was updated in 2019 - open this link.
COST OF POVERTY STUDY - TORONTO 2016 (PDF) click here This is a review of an updated 2016 cost of poverty in Toronto, Canada study which was first done in 2008. COST OF POVERTY STUDY 1990 - SANDTOWN-BALTIMORE https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED458312.pdf I first looked at this DevPlan report in the mid 1990s, showing that high costs of poverty are concentrated in some neighborhoods of big cities, not all. Just remove some of the conditions that remove "hope and opportunity" can lower costs. COUNTY HEALTH RANKINGS - 2018 KEY FINDINGS https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/resources/2018-county-health-rankings-key-findings-report From the web site: "The County Health Rankings show that where we live matters to health. This year, we bring new analyses that show meaningful health gaps persist not only by place, but also among racial and ethnic groups. These gaps are largely the result of differences in opportunities in the places where we live. And, these differences disproportionately affect people of color. Discriminatory practices and structural and institutional policies, such as unfair bank lending practices and property tax-based school funding formulas, contribute to the types of racial disparities illustrated in this report." COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS ABOUT RACE https://courageousconversation.com/ From the web site: "Founded by Glenn E. Singleton in 1992, Pacific Educational Group is committed to achieving racial equity in education. We engage in sustained partnerships with educational organizations to transform beliefs, behaviors, and results so people of all races can achieve at their highest levels and live their most empowered and powerful lives. COURAGEOUS CONVERSATION™ is our award-winning protocol for effectively engaging, sustaining and deepening interracial dialogue. Through our Framework for Systemic Racial Equity Transformation, PEG is dedicated to helping educators address persistent racial disparities intentionally, explicitly, and comprehensively." DESIGN THINKING IS A REBRAND FOR WHITE SUPREMACY https://dabuzon.medium.com/design-thinking-is-a-rebrand-for-white-supremacy-b3d31aa55831 This article talks about the colonial and capitalist roots and influence of "design thinking" and talks of how it's exclusiveness and entry barriers support White Supremacy and continued inequality between affluent and poor. DIGITAL MAPPING OF RACISM AND SEGREGATION - 2017 ARTICLE click here This Forbes article includes links to many sites which are mapping racism and segregation in America. DISCUSSION ABOUT RACE IN AMERICA - PODCAST https://hardcandy.libsyn.com/white-guilt-and-black-disparity-part-1 This podcast titled "Hard Candy @ Fruit Snacks" features Gloria Harrison, a Black women, and Carrie Clifford, a white woman. I first met both of them in the mid 1990s when they volunteered to lead a video making club at the non-school Cabrini Connections tutor/mentor program. DISRUPTING IMPLICIT RACIAL BIAS AND OTHER FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION TO IMPROVE ACCESS, ACHJIEVEMENT AND WELLNESS FOR STUDENTS OF COLOR https://sites.ed.gov/whblackeducation/files/2016/10/Disrupting-Implicit-Bias-FINAL.pdf This illustrated presentation provides an understanding of implicit racial bias and can help us better understand how institutional racism and other forms of bias affect educational experiences of students from marginalized communities. Solutions are provided. DIVERSITY & SEGREGATION IN US CITIES https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-most-diverse-cities-are-often-the-most-segregated/ This article looks at diversity in cities and segregation at the neighborhood level and ranks cities from highest to lowest. Includes maps. DIVIDED NATION: RURAL VS URBAN AMERICA; RICH VS POOR AMERICA https://mappingforjustice.blogspot.com/2016/10/divided-nation-rural-vs-urban-america.html This is article from MappingforJustice blog (a Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC site) where I've been aggregating links to articles related to race and class divides in America. DOES WHERE YOU LIVE AFFECT HOW LONG YOU LIVE? https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/interactives/whereyouliveaffectshowlongyoulive.html From the web site: "A ZIP code is 5 numbers meant to give mail to people—not indicate how long they live. Unfortunately, many United States cities and counties have significant gaps in life expectancy, often for residents just a few miles apart. Explore how life expectancy in America compares with life expectancy in your area, and resources to help illuminate these disparities and enable everyone to have the opportunity to live a healthier life." ECONOMIC HARDSHIP REPORTING PROJECT https://economichardship.org/ The Economic Hardship Reporting Project was launched "to force this country’s (the USA) crisis of poverty and economic insecurity to the center of the national conversation." ECONOMIC SECURITY PROJECT https://www.economicsecurityproject.org/ From the website: "The Economic Security Project challenges this status quo by catalyzing ideas that build economic power for all Americans. We serve as convener, strategist and funder. We disburse grants, identify gaps, develop communications research to inform the movements and coordinate events and convenings to encourage investment and action from others. We aim to support the emerging leaders in the economic justice field and ensure they have the networks, know-how, and money to succeed." ENDURING CHALLENGE OF POVERTY IN AMERICA - PDF https://www.frbsf.org/community-development/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/CI_IncomeInequality_Cytron.pdf From the web site: "In 2006, the Community Affairs Offices of the Federal Reserve System partnered with the Brookings Institution to examine the issue of concentrated poverty. The resulting report, The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case Studies from Communities Across the U.S. , profiles 16 high-poverty communities from across the country, including immigrant gateway, Native American, urban, and rural communities. Through these case studies, the report contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of poor people living in poor communities, and the policies that will be needed to bring both into the economic mainstream.
END POVERTY IN AMERICA - https://endpovertyusa.org/state-facts/ This website has extensive resources focused on ending poverty in America. This link points to a section with poverty data for each state. Read the book "Poverty, By America" by Matthew Desmond. ENVISIONING EQUITY - RESOURCES https://envisioningequitychi.org/resources/ From the web site: "In order to have conversations about making our organizations more equitable, we need to come to some agreement about the concepts and language we are using in these conversations. This site provides some resources to help us do that." ESCAPING THE CYCLE OF SCARCITY - NEW THINKING ABOUT HELPING POOR PEOPLE click here This New York Times opinion piece offers new ways to think of what causes poverty and what solutions might help people escape it. From the article: "Now Sendhil Mullainathan, a Harvard economist, and Eldar Shafir, a psychologist at Princeton, propose a way to explain why the poor are less future-oriented than those with more money. According to these authors, one explanation for bad decisions is scarcity — not of money, but of what the authors call bandwidth: the portion of our mental capacity that we can employ to make decisions." This article also points to a web site titled 42 Ideas to do Good EVERY KNOWN LYNCHING THAT TOOK PLACE IN AMERICA FROM THE EARLY 1800S - PLOTTED ON MAP https://plaintalkhistory.com/monroeandflorencework/context/lynching.html This website is a historical record and a teaching tool. Learn how lynching began as a form of self-appointed justice in local communities in the 1800s, then in the 1870s turned into a terrorist tactic used by white supremacists.
FERGUSON SYLLABUS AND THE POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA https://clalliance.org/blog/ferguson-syllabus-power-social-media/ From the web site: "This article is the first part in a multi-part series about participants in the Race, Memory, and the Digital Humanities conference. This series features public intellectuals in the academy discussing digital literacy issues." FEW METRO AREAS MADE PROGRESS AGAINST POVERTY IN 2013 - 2014 REPORT https://www.brookings.edu/research/new-census-data-show-few-metro-areas-made-progress-against-poverty-in-2013/ This Brookings.edu article reviews findings from 2013 American Community Survey data on residents living below the federal poverty line. Search for other articles similar to this on the Brookings.edu site." FORWARD THROUGH FERGUSON (ST. LOUIS) - ACTION PLAN https://forwardthroughferguson.org/ This web site shares the report produce by the commission that investigated the Ferguson, MO riots of 2014 in an effort to engage a larger portion of the St. Louis area in solving the problem.
FROM BIRTH TO DEATH: BLACK AMERICANS AND A LIFETIME OF DISPARITIES - 2023 REPORT https://apnews.com/article/from-birth-to-death-series-2b2f56844fe6f309be541b45aef2e281 From the website: "The Associated Press spent the past year exploring how the legacy of racism in America has laid the foundation for the health inequities that Black people face." This is a multi part report. FROM POVERTY TO POWER - HOW ACTIVE CITIZENS AND EFFECTIVE STATES CAN CHANGE THE WORLD https://oxfamapps.org/fp2p/why-rethinking-how-we-work-on-market-systems-and-the-private-sector-is-really-hard/ This website could fit in the philanthropy section of this web site, or in the social entrepreneur section. Since it focuses on poverty and international development, it's placed in this section of the library. This is a blog based on the book titled From Poverty to Power, that "argues that a radical redistribution of power, opportunities, and assets rather than traditional models of charitable or government aid is required to break the cycle of poverty and inequality. The forces driving this transformation are active citizens and effective states." Subscribe and read the articles.
GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR HAS INCREASED MORE QUICKLY IN THE US THAN IN EUROPE - 2023 REPORT https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/242756/gap-between-rich-poor-increased-more/ This report from London's Imperial College Business School compares the wealth gap in the United States and in European countries and shows impact of rising stock market prices and growing gap between income. Recommendations for policy makers are included. GC WEALTH PROJECT OF STONE CENTER ON SOCIAO-ECONOMIC INEQUALITY https://wealthproject.gc.cuny.edu/index.html This website, launched in June 2023, is "organized around two main components: a data warehouse of gathered and novel data that can be visualized in a variety of ways through an interactive dashboard, and a digital library of research on wealth inequality."
GENERATIONAL POVERTY - TRYING TO SOLVE BIG CITY PROBLEM https://www.phillymag.com/news/2016/09/17/generational-poverty/ This article take place in Philadelphia, but could be Chicago and many other places where children are being raised by parents and grand parents who have also lived in deep poverty. GLOBAL INEQUALITY—A NEW APPROACH FOR THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION https://ssir.org/books/excerpts/entry/book_excerpt_global_inequality_new_approach_for_age_of_globalization This article on the Stanford Social Innovation Review highlights a new book by international economist Branko Milanovic, focusing on global inequality. Worth reading if looking for strategies to fight inequality in America. GLOBAL WEALTH DATABOOK https://www.credit-suisse.com/about-us/en/reports-research/studies-publications.html From the Credit Suisse web site: This report "brings together all available data on household wealth within countries all over the world. It tells us how much wealth there is, and where it is. This year, by incorporating historical data sets too, we can better understand how the household wealth distribution has been changing over time." Visit the site to find summaries, previous year's reports, more. Note: scroll down on this page to find link to this report. HEARTLAND ALIANCE POVERTY IN ILLINOIS REPORT https://www.heartlandalliance.org/heartland-alliance-2020-poverty-report/ The Heartland Alliance web site includes a "well being" report Index that "highlights counties that are experiencing particularly negative conditions and trends on four key indicators: poverty, unemployment, teen births, and high school graduation. This report is done annually. HEARTLAND ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN NEEDS & HUMAN RIGHTS https://www.heartlandalliance.org/ From the web site: "Heartland Alliance, one of the world’s leading anti-poverty organizations, works in communities in the U.S. and abroad to serve those who are homeless, living in poverty, or seeking safety. It provides a comprehensive array of services in the areas of health, housing, jobs and justice – and leads state and national policy efforts, which target lasting change for individuals and society."
HISTORY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE - READ ABOUT SUNDOWN TOWNS IN AMERICA https://justice.tougaloo.edu/ This quote from the website sums up its purpose: "Telling the truth about the past helps cause justice in the present. Achieving justice in the present helps us tell the truth about the past." "Sundown Towns" are places that are all white on purpose. View the research and map on the website. HOW A ‘REVERSE GREAT MIGRATION’ IS RESHAPING U.S. CITIES https://archive.curbed.com/2018/7/31/17632092/black-chicago-neighborhood-great-migration This July 2018 article describes the exodus of African Americans from Chicago and other cities since 2000 and discusses reasons. HOW AMERICA’S MAYORS ARE TAKING THE LEAD ON INCOME INEQUALITY https://www.governing.com/gov-institute/voices/col-mayors-addressing-income-inequality.html This 2016 article points to a survey of nearly 90 mayors, showing how they are focusing on many of today's most pressing urban issues.
HOW DO U.S. STATES MEASURE UP ON CHILD RIGHTS? 2023 REPORT https://www.hrw.org/feature/2022/09/13/how-do-states-measure-up-child-rights This UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) report shows that many states fail to live up to key standards set by the CRC. No state received a higher grade than "C". Most states rated "D" or "F". HOW DO WHITE PEOPLE TALK ABOUT BECOMING THE MINORITY WITHOUT BEING CALLED "RACIST"? click here This link points to a Facebook discussion that started on March 28, 2018, which focuses on this topic. As migration grows throughout the world, caused primarily by war, conflict and climate change, formerly majority White communities are quickly changing to be majority people of color. Those changes are difficult to accept for many. Read the comments and add your own. Point to other places where this is being discussed. HOW POVERTY CAN FOLLOW CHILDREN INTO ADULTHOOD - PBS https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/how-poverty-can-follow-children-into-adulthood/ This article talks about how "growing up in a poor household is linked with long-term consequences in educational outcomes, physical health and brain development that can follow a child well into adulthood." HOW RACE, POWER AND ALDERMANIC PREROGATIVE SHAPE CHICAGO'S NEIGHBORHOODS (PDF) click here From the web site: "In a decades-long practice that has systemically preserved racial segregation across Chicago communities, aldermen calculatingly use their aldermanic prerogative to block affording housing developments, according to a new report released today by the Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance and the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law." HOW RACIAL AND REGIONAL INEQUALITY AFFECT ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY - BROOKINGS EDU. REPORT https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2019/02/15/how-racial-and-regional-inequality-affect-economic-opportunity/ This article uses maps to show the spatial distribution of the black population across the USA. how it has evolved over time and how this has interacted with economic mobility and U.S. public policy. HOW THE RACIAL WEALTH GAP HAS EVOLVED -- AND WHY IT PERSISTS https://www.minneapolisfed.org/article/2022/how-the-racial-wealth-gap-has-evolved-and-why-it-persists This October 2022 article posted on the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis website traces the racial wealth gap from 1870 through 2020, showing rapid early progress then stubborn stagnation.
HOW STRESS AFFECTS RICH AND POOR PEOPLE DIFFERENTLY - BROOKINGS.EDU https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-rich-even-have-a-better-kind-of-stress-than-the-poor/ This is another article by Brookings.edu that helps build an understanding of how inequality and gaps between rich and poor have negative impact on poor people.
HOW TO AVOID (UNINTENTIONAL) ONLINE RACISM - AND SHUT DOWN OVERT RACISM WHEN YOU SEE IT https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/how-to-reduce-online-racism/ This article describes "racism as a worldwide issue" and offers an extensive set of guidelines about fighting online racism and includes many useful statistics. The author writes "the article is for people operating in good faith, who genuinely believe that your race doesn't make you better or worse than any other person."
ILLINOIS POLICE TRAFFIC STOP DATA - WBEZCHICAGO https://interactive.wbez.org/traffic-stops/illinois-statewide/ This site provides comprehensive data about police traffic stops in Illinois and shows a growth in racial profiling from early 2000s to 2022. The site includes interactive maps. The information is available to others to use.
ILLINOIS POVERTY 2018 UPDATE - FROM HEARTLAND ALLIANCE (PDF) click here From the web site: "Our 2018 Illinois Poverty Update has been released and our findings indicate that millions of people in Illinois are experiencing poverty or are on the cusp. Rooted in inequity, poverty prevents people from meeting basic needs, improving their quality of life, and creates barriers to opportunities including quality education, stable employment, affordable housing and safe neighborhoods. The fact sheet sheds light on who is most likely to experience poverty in Illinois: Women, people of color, and children, who have the highest poverty rates." ILLINOIS POVERTY - LEGISLATIVE DISTRICTS FACT SHEETS https://www.heartlandalliance.org/poverty-facts-sheets/ In addition to the Illinois Poverty Update, The Social Impact Research Center at the Heartland Alliance has also released state legislative district poverty fact sheets in PDF format. These releases are the first of a series we will be publishing on poverty in Illinois this year. Download and print fact sheets for your districts and use them to inform your state legislators and advocate for policies that reduce poverty and inequality. IMPACT OF NEIGHBORHOOD POVERTY - NEXT CITY ARTICLE https://nextcity.org/urbanist-news/entry/neighborhood-poverty-savings-inequality This article refers to a 2015 Pew Charitable Trust report showing the impact of poverty in neighborhoods with high concentrations of poverty.
INDIGENOUS GENOCIDE IN AMERICA - WHY IT NEVER ENDED - ARTICLE https://thinkbigpicture.substack.com/p/indigenous-genocide-foster-care-icwa This article by Amelia Mavis Christnot and George Takei provides an in-depth look at a long-lasting, and continuing, genocide against Indigenous people and cultures in America. INEQUALITY.IS WEBSITE BRINGS CLARITY TO THE NATIONAL DIALOGUE ON WAGE AND INCOME INEQUALITY http://inequality.is/fixable From the website: ABOUT INEQUALITY.IS The fact that the United States has become increasingly unequal in terms of income, wages, wealth and opportunity has hit the mainstream and public demands for economic fairness have gone viral. As the economic think tank for the 99%, EPI is eager to seize on this renewed public interest in creating a fair economy, building upon our nearly three decades of objective economic research that has earned us respect and praise across the political spectrum. The Inequality.is website brings clarity to the national dialogue on wage and income inequality, using interactive tools and videos to tell the story of how we arrived at the state of inequality we find today and what can be done to reverse course and ensure workers get their fair share. Help us support this site and future projects by donating to EPI today. Your contribution is tax-deductible and every donation counts.
INSTITUTE FOR HEALING JUSTICE & EQUITY (IHJE) AT ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY https://ihje.org/ From the website: "The Institute is working to eliminate disparities caused by systemic oppression through systems change and deep community partnership." The Institute's mission focuses on advancing healing justice and equity through research, training, community capacity building, and policy change. IN THE SHADOWS OF SLAVERY’S CAPITALISM https://www.aaihs.org/in-the-shadows-of-slaverys-capitalism/ From the web site: "Keri Leigh Merritt’s Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South is part of an increasingly vibrant discussion of capitalism’s relationship to slavery that goes beyond whether capitalism and slavery were like oil and water. Merritt instead argues that in the mid-nineteenth-century American republic, varieties of capitalism grew in dynamic tension with one another. Masterless Men enters that debate from the unlikely angle of poor white southerners." Read more. Join the discussion. INEQUALITY CHRONICLES (THE) - DETAILED EXPLORATIONS OF RACIAL, ECONOMIC, AND SOCIAL INEQUITIES https://placesjournal.org/series/the-inequality-chronicles/ From the web site: "“There are many reasons for our troubles,” wrote historian Jill Lepore in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election. “But the deepest reason is inequality: the forms of political, cultural, and economic polarization that have been widening, not narrowing, for decades. Inequality, like slavery, is a chain that binds at both ends.” “The Inequality Chronicles” features detailed explorations of racial, economic, and social inequities — from historical roots to contemporary effects — in major American cities." Take time to read the articles. INEQUALITY.ORG, INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES https://inequality.org/ From the web site: "Inequality.org has been tracking inequality-related news and views for nearly two decades. A project of the Institute for Policy Studies since 2011, the site aims to provide information and insights for readers ranging from students and educators to activists and policy makers. INMATES RETURNING TO SOCIETY - HUGE CHALLENGE https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2012/0520/US-prison-inmates-returning-to-society-How-will-they-be-received This Christian Science Monitor article talks about the problems we face with "roughly 700,000 ex-cons are hitting US streets each year" without the skills and work habits needed to find work and avoid returning to prison. INSTITUTE FOR POVERTY RESEARCH AT NORTHWESTERN https://www.ipr.northwestern.edu/who-we-are/index.html From the web site: "The Institute for Policy Research (IPR) is an interdisciplinary public policy research institute founded in 1968 at Northwestern University. Our mission is to stimulate and support excellent social science research on significant public policy issues and to disseminate the finding widely – to students, scholars, policymakers, and the public."
THE INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT ON RACE AND EQUITY https://www.raceandequityproject.org/ From the website: "The Investigative Project on Race and Equity trains journalists in data-driven reporting and collaborates with news organizations to uncover systemic racism. Our partnerships add depth to the coverage of underrepresented communities and help build capacity within newsrooms to pursue in-depth projects. View the 2023 series "Profiled: The State of Traffic Stops in Illinois". IS RELIGION THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES? DEBATE THIS. https://www.debate.org/opinions/is-religion-the-opiate-of-the-masses This web site offers opinion on both sides of this question, tabulates the numbers, and hopefully stimulates thinking and involvement in movements that reduce social and economic inequality in the US and the world. IS RELIGION THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES? KARL MARX ARTICLE https://web.archive.org/web/20180917003049/http://www.debate.org/opinions/is-religion-the-opiate-of-the-masses This article shows that Karl Marx was not critical of religion, but in its failure to address the root cause of much suffering, which was a result of economic inequality, corporate greed, etc. While Marx wrote more than 175 years ago, the inequality and wealth gaps of 2000s show that we have much to do to make life better for people in poverty living in this world, rather than wait until a rebirth in a spiritual world.
JIM CROW DEBT: hOW BLACK BORROWERS EXPERIENCE STUDENT LOANS https://edtrust.org/resource/jim-crow-debt/ The Education Trust surveyed nearly 1,300 Black Borrowers from across the nation about Student Debt. This article shares their experiences. Check out the Data Tools resource page on the EdTrust website, too.
LATINOS IN THE CHICAGO SUBURBS: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES (2023 REPORT) https://www.latinopolicyforum.org/news/press-releases/document/PRESS-RELEASE-8.25_Latinos-in-the-Suburbs.pdf This is a comprehensive report showing Latino population trends in Chicago suburbs and the city. Compiled by the Latino Policy Forum, Metropolitan Planning Council and Great Cities Institute at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Find link to full report PDF in this press release. LIFT HELPS FAMILIES OUT OF POVERTY https://www.whywelift.org/ From the web site: "LIFT’s mission is to help community members achieve economic stability and well-being. We are working to establish a new standard for holistic and enduring solutions in our country’s fight against poverty."
LOCKED UP: THE PRISON LABOR THAT BUILT BUSINESS EMPIRES (2022 ARTICLE) https://revealnews.org/podcast/locked-up-the-prison-labor-that-built-business-empires/ This article shows how "Companies across the South profited off the forced labor of people in prison after the Civil War (for many decades) - a racist system known as convict leasing." LONDON'S POVERTY PROFILE (2011) PDF https://www.trustforlondon.org.uk/data/ This is an extensive report full of maps and charts. It would be useful to compare poverty reports of big cities in US and other parts of the world with London to understand differences and similarities in problems, root causes and solutions. LONG TERM STUDY SHOWS IMPACT OF RACE IN AMERICA ON BLACK BOYS https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/19/upshot/race-class-white-and-black-men.html This New York Times 2018 report describes findings of a study of 20 million children. The lead paragraph says "Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds, according to a sweeping new study that traced the lives of millions of children.' The article is full of maps and animated charts that highlight key findings of the research. LOVING CITIES INDEX - CHICAGO 2018 - SCHOTT FOUNDATION REPORT https://lovingcities.schottfoundation.org/cities/chicago-il/ The Schott Foundation's Loving Cities Index "measures the supports a city provides children and families across every aspect of life". This link points to the 2018 report for Chicago.
MAP SHOWING MOST SEGREGATES SCHOOL DISTRICTS IN US http://viz.edbuild.org/maps/2016/fault-lines/ This 2016 EdBuild story map shows the 10 most segregated school districts in the US. MAPPING COVID-19 RECOVERY PROJECT - CHICAGO INITIATIVE https://www.mappingcovid19equity.org/ From the website: "The Mapping COVID-19 Recovery project standardizes data through a series of maps illustrating where public, private and philanthropic sector investments are going in communities of color devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the goal of strategic reinvestment and recovery to close historic funding gaps and rebuild stronger communities." MAPPING LIFE EXPECTANCY - VCU WEB SITE https://societyhealth.vcu.edu/work/the-projects/mapping-life-expectancy.html This site has a "series of life expectancy maps which illustrate that opportunities to lead a long and healthy life can vary dramatically by neighborhood. In some cases, life expectancy can differ by as much as 20 years in neighborhoods only about five miles apart from one another." The aim of these maps is to serve as a resource—raising awareness of factors that shape health and spurring discussion and action on a complex web of factors that influence health.
MAPPING INEQUALITY - REDLINING IN NEW DEAL AMERICA https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/redlining/ This University of Richmond website is a huge resource of maps and data about redlining in America and its impact. MAPS SHOW LEVEL OF SEGREGATION IN NYC SCHOOLS click here This set of maps is part of a report showing segregation in big city schools, produced by the Civil Rights Project at UCLA.
MAPPING CHICAGO'S RACIAL SEGREGATION - 2022 ARTICLE IN SOUTH SIDE WEEKLY https://southsideweekly.com/mapping-chicagos-racial-segregation/ This link points to the first of six articles showing the history of racial segregation in Chicago. MASS INCARCERATION’S COLLATERAL DAMAGE: THE CHILDREN LEFT BEHIND https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/mass-incarcerations-collateral-damage-children-left-behind/# This 2014 article from The Nation, shows the negative impact incarcerations have on children.
MEDIA EDITING GROUP - WATCHING AND DOCUMENTING NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE NEWS STORIES ABOUT THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY IN CHICAGO https://www.mediaeditinggroup.com/ Since 2010 Media Editing Group has been watching Chicago TV news broadcasts about the African-American community in Chicago and offers critiques about questionable journalistic practices included in news reports and newscasts.
MERCYCORPS - FOCUSES ON RELIEVING POVERTY AND SUFFERING AROUND THE WORLD https://www.mercycorps.org/what-we-do From the web site: The Mission of Mercy Corps is to "Alleviate suffering, poverty and oppression by helping people build secure, productive and just communities." Mercy Corps focuses on "places in transition, where conflict, disaster, political upheaval or economic collapse present opportunities to challenge the status quo and build more secure, productive and just communities." MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY AND RACE IN AMERICA https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-intersection-of-race-place-and-multidimensional-poverty/ This is one of a series of articles on the Brookings.edu web site that focus on poverty, place and race. Many of these include interactive maps that enable viewers to zoom into different parts of the country. MULTIDIMENSIONAL POVERTY INDEX http://hdr.undp.org/en/2020-MPI From the web site: "Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), published for the first time in the 2010 Report, complements monetary measures of poverty by considering overlapping deprivations suffered at the same time." Read more. NEW RESOURCES HELP ORGANIZATIONS ADVANCE RACE EQUITY AT EVERY STEP https://www.aecf.org/blog/new-resources-help-organizations-advance-race-equity-at-every-step? From the web site: "The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s seven-step guide, Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide, aims to help organizations advance race equity and eliminate systemic barriers en route to improving the lives of children and families. This blog article is a rundown of resources — largely publications and webinar recordings — offered at each Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide step.
NOT EQUAL: RACIAL DISPARITIES IN ADDICTION/SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT https://www.addictionresource.net/racial-disparities-addiction-treatment/ This comprehensive article from the Addiction Resources.Net website examines the relationship between racial health disparities and substance abuse. NPR CODE SWITCH - VIDEOS AND PODCASTS ABOUT RACE IN AMERICA https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/ NPR Code Switch features a series of videos and podcast about race and racism in America. ODI - GLOBAL AFFAIRS THINK TANK - CREATING A BETTER SYSTEM https://odi.org/en/about/ ODI is "a leading global affairs think tank that inspires people to act on injustice and inequality. ODI focuses on research, convening and influencing, to generate ideas that matter for people and planet." OPPORTUNITY AND MOBILITY IN AMERICA - 14 CHARTS (2018 ARTICLE) click here This Brookings.edu article includes 14 charts that show opportunity and mobility in America. Use to understand why and where people need the most extra help. OPPORTUNITY INSIGHTS: OPPORTUNITY ATLAS https://www.opportunityatlas.org/ Mission is to "Our mission is to develop scalable policy solutions that will empower families throughout the United States to rise out of poverty and achieve better life outcomes." The Opportunity Atlas answers "Which neighborhoods in America offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty?" Visit site and dig into the information.
'ORIGINAL SINS" - BOOK EXAMINES HOW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IS DESIGNED TO HURT BLACK AND INDIGENOUS STUDENTS https://thetriibe.com/2025/02/eve-l-ewing-examines-how-the-education-system-is-designed-to-hurt-black-and-indigenous-students/ This link points to an interview of Eve L. Ewing, author of "Original Sins", published in Feb. 2025 in The Tribe. OUR EQUITABLE FUTURE: ROADMAP FOR THE CHICAGO REGION click here This is a plan put forth in 2017-18 by Chicago's Metropolitan Planning Council Introduction on MPC web site says: "In 2015, the Metropolitan Planning Council launched a groundbreaking study to calculate the economic costs of segregation. With the Urban Institute, we documented the extreme price we pay to live so separately by race and income. Our study revealed this singular truth: As residents of the Chicago region, our fate is shared, and by living so separately we pay a steep cost that can be measured in lost income, lost lives and lost potential. These findings have been a catalyst for meaningful action, bringing together people from diverse communities and sectors to develop solutions that will lead to a more and equitable and thriving Chicago region." Spend time reading the information on the site and discussing with others. OXFAM’S 2018 REPORT ON PROSPERITY AND POVERTY, WEALTH AND WORK click here Description of report: "Oxfam’s report ‘Reward work not wealth’, looks at statistics in the annual Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook and provides an analyses on what this means for people.
PERSISTENTLY POOR, LEFT-BEHIND AND CHRONICALLY DISCONNECTED (IN AMERICA) click here This report by Kenan Fikri "explores the extent to which persistent poverty areas represent a compelling sub-category of left-behind areas in America. It explores three ways in which places struggling with persistent poverty exhibit disconnection from the broader economy: commuting patterns, social networks (social capital) and job growth." Finally it emphasizes that "these problems tend not to resolve themselves naturally."
PERSISTENT POVERTY INTERACTIVE MAP - ADVANCING DEVELOPMENT IN PERSISTENT -POVERTY COMMUNITIES https://eig.org/persistent-poverty-in-communities/ The Economic Innovation Group report shows that 35 million Americans reside in persistent-poverty communities. The website has an interactive map that you can zoom into and look at this data at the census tract level or at the county level. In a big county like Cook County, Il, persistent poverty is not visible, unless you look at it at the census tract level. View the map at https://eig.org/persistent-poverty-in-communities/interactive-map/ PLUNDER OF BLACK WEALTH IN CHICAGO - DUKE UNIVERSITY 2019 https://socialequity.duke.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Plunder-of-Black-Wealth-in-Chicago.pdf From the report: “The Plunder of Black Wealth in Chicago: New Findings on the Lasting Toll of Predatory Housing Contracts” set out to calculate the amount of money extracted from Chicago’s black communities in the 1950s and 60s through the practice of what was commonly referred to as home contract sales (also referred to as home installment contracts, contracts for deed, or land sale contracts)." POOR WHITE KIDS FALLING BEHIND - A UK ARTICLE click here In the US there is so much public attention to Black Lives Matter and the disadvantages of minorities, that there is little study of the declining prospects of poor white kids. This article focuses on kids in England. POVERTY - PUBLIC EDUCATION'S BIGGEST PROBLEM - WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE click here Two articles by Valerie Stauss in the October 18, 2013 and October 17, 2013 show the impact of poverty on education for poor kids and the impact of policy being driven by "elites" who have no personal experience with living in high poverty. One paragraph reads "But education has a powerful role to play in combating poverty and its various manifestations. Not just by exposing children to career-advancing skills, but also by exposing them to a full range of potential interests and pursuits, by affording time and resources to discover what they care for and what they are good at, and by supporting creative thinking and creative action." This type of support can be offered by non-school, volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs, even if it is not being fully offered in the local school.
POVERTY AND RACE RESEARCH ACTION COUNCIL (PRRAC) REVIEWS "BROWN AT 70 AND MILLKEN AT 50" (PDF) https://www.prrac.org/newsletters/poverty-and-race-april2024.pdf https://www.prrac.org From the website: "This Poverty and Race special issue brings together a variety of perspectives to reflect on both the fulfilled and unfulfilled promise of Brown v. Board of Education and of Milliken v Bradley and offers ideas to help chart a path forward for making truly equitable and integrated schools a reality." POVERTY GROWING IN SUBURBS: ARE CITIES PREPARED? - ARTICLE https://www.apartmentlist.com/research/suburbanization-of-poverty In depth 2017 article shows how poverty is growing in suburbs of big cities, but that infrastructure not in place to support those who need help. POVERTY IN AMERICA - NATIVE AMERICANS https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/07/native-americans-property-rights/492941/ From the article: " The 2 million Natives in the U.S. have the highest rate of poverty of any racial group—almost twice the national average. " Read the article and build your understanding. POVERTY USA - US CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS https://www.usccb.org/committees/catholic-campaign-human-development/poverty-education Poverty in America is on the rise. This web site hosts a library of information that encourages citizens to educate themselves and others about the true state of poverty in America. It's goal is to empower every American to do something to help end poverty. POVERTY, INEQUALITY IN BALTIMORE, OTHER CITIES click here This Brookings Report article shows that while the overall economic vitality of Baltimore, which suffered race riots in 2015, is higher than many US cities, it still has areas of concentrated poverty, segregation and inequality, as do many other US cities. Read the report. Look at the maps.
"PRIVATE OPULENCE, PUBLIC SQUALOR: HOW THE U.S. HELPS THE RICH AND HURTS THE POOR" - NPR 2023 ARTICLE https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/21/1164275807/poverty-by-america-matthew-desmond-inequality This interview with Matthew Desmond talks about widespread poverty in the United States, showing that the country does more to subsidize affluence than alleviate poverty. The article includes suggested solutions.
POVERTY SOLUTIONS - UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN https://poverty.umich.edu/ From the website: "The mission of Poverty Solutions is to partner with communities and policymakers to find new ways to prevent and alleviate poverty. The Poverty Solutions team shares via books, social media and webinars, which Dan Bassill of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC has often viewed. The October 2023 "Injustice of Place" webinar can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0sIuIvKY5A
POVERTY SOLUTIONS - MICHIGAN POVERTY AND WELL-BEING MAP https://poverty.umich.edu/research-funding-opportunities/data-tools/michigan-poverty-well-being-map/ From the website: "This map combines several indicators to provide a snapshot of poverty and well-being across Michigan." Also view, "The Injustice of Place: Uncovering the Legacy of Poverty in America". Read the article and view the interactive data map. https://poverty.umich.edu/research-funding-opportunities/data-tools/understanding-communities-of-deep-disadvantage/
PRISONERS IN THE U.S. ARE PART OF A HIDDEN WORKFORCE LINKED TO HUNDREDS OF POPULAR FOOD BRANDS - U.S.NEWS JAN 2024 ARTICLE https://apnews.com/article/prison-to-plate-inmate-labor-investigation-c6f0eb4747963283316e494eadf08c4e A 2-year investigation from the Associated Press "finds that prison labor is connected to hundreds of millions of dollars worth of goods, sold by some of the biggest food companies." Read the article.
PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT ON RACE AND EQUITY - LEARN FROM THE PAST https://www.nationalcivicleague.org/ncr-article/what-we-have-learned-from-public-engagement-on-race-and-equity/ This National Civic League article looks at past efforts to engage the public in discussions of race and poverty and offers suggestions for the future.
RACE AND TECHNOLOGY: A RESEARCH LECTURE SERIES (JUNE 2022) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/event/race-technology-a-research-lecture-series/past-speakers/ View this archive on the Microsoft Research Blog and learn from "leading voices at the intersection of race and technology". Discussions focus on data, the Internet, justice, genomics and more. RACE IN AMERICA - "HOLY POST" VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGUwcs9qJXY This informative 17 minute video shows root causes of Race inequality in America. The only solution it proposes is for people to "care" about the problem. That's a starting point. RACE, HEALTH AND HOUSING. CONNECTING THE DOTS - ARTICLE https://nonprofitquarterly.org/race-health-housing-connecting-dots/ This article focuses on "discrimination and racial isolation" as "sources of racial health disparities," Follow the links to an expanded understanding of this issue.
RACE, CLASS & COMMUNITIES ARTICLES ON WBEZ CHICAGO https://www.wbez.org/topics/race-class-and-communities/1133cab4-5059-482c-a9fb-8a7f5662f3fc WBEZ articles provide an in-depth understanding of race and class in Chicago, frequently using maps to help visualize the information. Scroll through the articles at this link. RACIAL EQUITY ANALYTICS LAB - URBAN INSTITUTE click here From the website: "The Urban Institute’s Racial Equity Analytics Lab (REAL) equips today’s change agents with data and analyses to advance social and economic policies that help remedy persistent structural racism." Explore the site to learn more. RACIAL EQUITY DATA HUB https://www.tableau.com/foundation/data-equity#content-230488 From the website: "Tableau Foundation is hosting the Racial Equity Data Hub to share insights from leading experts at the intersection of data and equity issues, and to inspire anyone to effectively and ethically use data to advocate for change. s the Racial Equity Data Hub is a resource we are co-creating with our contributors, what’s present on the site now is a starting point. We intend for the Racial Equity Data Hub to grow to encapsulate data and case studies focused on dismantling racism in all forms. By encouraging as much specificity and nuance as possible, we hope to drive toward widespread change." RACIAL EQUITY HERE - COLLABORATION FOCUSING ON RACIAL INEQUITIES https://www.racialequityalliance.org/where-we-work/racial-equity-here/ From the web site: "Racial Equity Here started in 2016 and provides city governments with tools, resources, and training to help cities analyze how their operations impact people of color and develop an outcome-driven action plan. Project partners provide cities with technical support, tools, and best practices to dismantle practices that perpetuate disparate, racialized outcomes. Beyond programs, Racial Equity Here changes systems to shift the national dialogue around racial equity toward high, equitable outcomes for all. The focus of this project is on improving outcomes for youth, recognizing that systems and structures have created racial inequities, and that early interventions to correct institutional inequities increases the likelihood of success for all our youth." RACIAL EQUITY TOOLS - CAUCUS AND AFFINITY GROUPS https://www.racialequitytools.org/resources/act/strategies/caucus-and-affinity-groups From the website: "White people and people of color each have work to do separately and together. Caucuses provide spaces for people to work within their own racial/ethnic groups. For white people, a caucus provides time and space to work explicitly and intentionally on understanding white culture and white privilege and to increase one’s critical analysis around these concepts." The site serves as a guide and outline for learning more about racial equity.
RACIAL EQUITY RESOURCES FOR EDUCATION, PROFESSIONAL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, HEALTH AND CIVIL RIGHTS https://www.collegeconsensus.com/resources/racial-equity-resources/ This site has aggregated 135 resources that promote racial equity in a variety of ways. RACISM AND HEALTH - COLLECTION OF ARTICLES ON RJWF SITE click here The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation site features a "collection of content on the role racism plays in health and health care."
RACISM AND THE ECONOMY - RESOURCE LIST FROM 2021 FRB PRESENTATION https://www.minneapolisfed.org/policy/racism-and-the-economy/focus-on-education-additional-resources This link points to a list of recommended reading shared by the National Reserve Bank of Minneapolis in support of a Jan 2021 event titled "Racism and the Economy."
RACISM AS A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS: HOW LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ARE RESPONDING https://ihje.org/racism-is-a-public-health-crisis-report-2/ This report defines racism "as a social system that "determines how opportunity is structured, which unfairly disadvantages some racial and ethnic minority individuals and communities; unfairly advantages White individuals and communities; saps the strength of the whole society through the waste of human resources." The report has aggregated information showing what over 300 localities (cities states counties, etc) are doing to address structural racism. Open the PDF in this article to read the full report. READING LIST: RACE, SPACE & LAW https://placesjournal.org/reading-list/race-space-and-the-law/ From the web site: "This reading list explores the law’s historical role in the constitution of space, place, the body, and various other modalities of belonging in the U.S. The focus lies primarily on integrating legal history texts into architectural scholarship to examine race (and its intersections) and to trace changing legal notions of property, territory, nationhood, and citizenship. A range of scholarship, from disability studies, public health, architectural history, legal history, environmental justice, whiteness studies, immigration studies, gender and sexuality studies, animal studies, and housing and urban studies in addition to recent literature on prisons, militarization, and waste is included." RETHINKING THE POVERTY NARRATIVE. VIRTUAL SERIES DEDICATED TO A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING. https://poverty.umich.edu/ The mission of Poverty Solutions is to partner with communities and policymakers to find new ways to prevent and alleviate poverty. RICH, POOR HAVE HUGE MORTALITY GAP IN US - 2015 STUDY https://news.mit.edu/2016/study-rich-poor-huge-mortality-gap-us-0411 This MIT article describes new research showing that wealthy and more affluent people live longer than poor people, and that this affect is different in different parts of the country. ROOTS OF 21ST CENTURY RACISM - THE ENLIGHTENMENT OF 18TH CENTURY https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/06/taking-the-enlightenment-seriously-requires-talking-about-race.html This Slate article is titled The Enlightenment’s Dark Side: How the Enlightenment created modern race thinking, and why we should confront it. Add this to building your understanding of deep-rooted racism in US. ROOTS OF RACISM LEADING UP TO WW1 AND 21ST CENTURY CONFLICT https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/10/how-colonial-violence-came-home-the-ugly-truth-of-the-first-world-war This article in The Guardian is another that builds an understanding of how European, White, imperialism, contributed to WW1 and continuing conflicts. ROOTS OF STRUCTURAL RACISM - TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY RACIAL RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION IN THE UNITED STATES https://belonging.berkeley.edu/roots-structural-racism From the website: "This report is part of a larger project unveiled in June 2021 to investigate the persistence of racial residential segregation across the United States. Among the many components included in this project are a new interactive mapping tool to illustrate the level of segregation for every city, region and neighborhood in the country; a collection of tables which list cities and metropolitan regions by various measures of segregation and political polarization; nine city profiles noteworthy for their levels of segregation or integration; and a literature review featuring dozens of local city histories." SCHOOL SEGREGATION REPORT 2014 https://www.civilrightsproject.ucla.edu/news/press-releases/2014-press-releases/new-york-schools-most-segregated-in-the-nation This report shows New York City to be the most racially segregated school system in the country. Visit the web site to "read the report and see a complete breakdown of the data. This report is the fifth in a series of 12 reports on East Coast school segregation trends."
SEGREGATION ACADEMIES: DECADES AFTER DESEGREGATION, PRIVATE SCHOOLS STILL DIVIDE US https://www.propublica.org/series/segregation-academies This ProPublica series includes "a Private School Demographics database, which ProPublica launched in 2025, that anyone, anywhere can use to look up a school and view the years of data we were relying on for our reporting." The research shows that "Hundreds of the private schools that opened for white children fleeing the arrival of Black students still operate across the South. And they play a key role in persistent segregation."
SEGREGATION AND SCHOOL FUNDING: HOW HOUSING DISCRIMINATION REPRODUCES UNEQUAL OPPORTUNITY https://www.shankerinstitute.org/segfunding This 2022 research from the Albert Shanker Institute looks at seven cities in the USA and shows patterns of historic segregation that led to less adequate funding for youth in Black, Brown and Asian neighborhoods of each city. Read and share.
SEGREGATION BY DESIGN - DOCUMENTS DESTRUCTION OF COMMUNITIES OF COLOR https://www.segregationbydesign.com/ This website includes maps and historic aerial photography to "document the destruction of communities of color due to red-lining, "urban renewal," and freeway construction. Ultimately the project will cover about 180 municipalities which received federal funding from the 1956 Federal Highway Act, which created the interstate highway system." SEGREGATION COSTS CHICAGO BILLIONS - 2017 STUDY click here This article in the Chicago Reader is titled New study finds segregation costs Chicago billions in income, tens of thousands of college degrees, and hundreds of lives each year. SEGREGATION IN CHICAGO - RESEARCH FOCUS OF METROPOLITAN PLANNING COUNCIL https://www.metroplanning.org/work/project/33 From the web site: "MPC and Urban Institute are conducting a two-year study based on the hypothesis that by reducing segregation, Chicago and our region will experience faster economic growth and a more equitable quality of life." Visit the site to learn more about the research and read articles that have been published. SEGREGATION IN NYC - A PROJECT OF INTEGRATENYC YOUTH LEADERS click here School Segregation is not a new problem and is embedded in most US cities. This link points to a data and map-based presentation by youth in the IntegrateNYC program. It demonstrates a role youth in many cities could take to address an important issue. SEGREGATION IN USA - ARTICLES ON MAPPING FOR JUSTICE BLOG https://mappingforjustice.blogspot.com/search/label/segregation Find additional articles about segregation, along with poverty maps, on the Mapping for Justice blog, which is one of the resources of the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. SEGREGATION MAPS OF 40 MAJOR U.S. CITIES https://www.fastcompany.com/1690097/infographic-day-how-segregated-your-city Using data from the 2000 census, Eric Fischer created maps of 40 major U.S. cities based on racial divides and integration. SHAME OF CHICAGO - THE SEGREGATION OF AN AMERICAN CITY http://www.shameofchicago.org/#home This is a documentary series that shows "the story behind how Chicago and its suburbs constructed the nation's most pernicious system of racially separated communities and how it shaped the lives of generations pas and what it means for us today". There are six episodes in the series. SPOTLIGHT ON POVERTY - UNDERSTAND THE ISSUES https://spotlightonpoverty.org/about-us/ From the web site: "Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity: The Source for News, Ideas and Action is a non-partisan initiative that brings together diverse perspectives from the political, policy, advocacy and foundation communities to find genuine solutions to the economic hardship confronting millions of Americans. Through the ongoing exchange of ideas, research and data, Spotlight seeks to inform the policy debate about reducing poverty and increasing opportunity in the United States." STANFORD CENTER ON POVERTY AND INEQUALITY https://inequality.stanford.edu/publications/pathway/state-states From the web site: "The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality (CPI) is one of the country’s three federally-funded poverty centers dedicated to monitoring trends in poverty and inequality, examining what is driving those trends, and developing science-based policy on poverty and inequality." STATE OF BLACK AMERICA - 2016 NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE REPORT http://soba.iamempowered.com/2016-report From the web site: "The State of Black America®, the National Urban League’s seminal annual publication now in its 40thedition, has become one of the most highly-anticipated benchmarks and sources for thought leadership around racial equality in America across economics, employment, education, health, housing, criminal justice and civic participation. Each edition of the State of Black America contains thoughtful commentary and insightful analysis from leading figures and thought leaders in politics, the corporate arena, NGOs, academia and popular culture." STATE OF RACIAL JUSTICE IN CHICAGO- 2017 REPORT https://stateofracialjusticechicago.com/ From the web site: "The State of Racial Justice in Chicago Report provides a comprehensive picture of the changing conditions of racial and ethnic groups in Chicago during the last half century. The report provides accessible data and analysis on how racial and ethnic groups in Chicago are faring in relation to housing, education, economics, health, justice, and services." STRUCTURAL CAUSES OF RACIAL AND ECONOMIC SEGREGATION IN SE WISCONSIN http://imua-grace.com/blog/structural-causes-of-racial-economic-segregation-in-southeastern-wisconsin The video in this blog was produced for the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee to create a response from the faith community to this issue. SYSTEMIC RACISM EXPLAINED - VIDEO ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/UrbnHandicapper/status/1305959509513441285?s=20 This animation helps explain systemic racism. Take a look. TALK POVERTY.ORG https://talkpoverty.org/poverty/ From the web site: "TalkPoverty.org—a project of the Center for American Progress—is dedicated to covering poverty in America by lifting up the voices of advocates, policymakers, and people struggling to make ends meet." THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP, RURAL, POOR, DISTANT AND TRIBAL – TWO AMERICAS FOR OPPORTUNITY click here Good article defining the education and economic achievement gap in America. The writer says "The Achievement Gap has both social and economical roots, and it’s a problem that not only affects the futures of individuals, but costs our country billions of dollars a year. Without addressing these underlying factors, the very prosperity and leadership abilities of our country is threatened." THE CASE FOR REPARATIONS BY TA-NEHISI COATES https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/ This article in The Atlantic is a long history of slavery, Jim Crow laws, separate but not equal, housing segregation, and more in America. THE COLOR OF MONEY - ROOTS OF RACIAL WEALTH GAP - BOOK BY MEHRSA BARADARAN https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674237476 In this book, Mehrsa Baradaran discusses the structural failures of free-market capitalism in mitigating the racial wealth gap. THE DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY, 1493 https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-resources/spotlight-primary-source/doctrine-discovery-1493 From the website: "The Papal Bull "Inter Caetera," issued by Pope Alexander VI on May 4, 1493, played a central role in the Spanish conquest of the New World. The Bull stated that any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be "discovered," claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers and declared that "the Catholic faith and the Christian religion be exalted and be everywhere increased and spread, that the health of souls be cared for and that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself." This "Doctrine of Discovery" became the basis of all European claims in the Americas as well as the foundation for the United States’ western expansion." THE ENDURING CHALLENGE OF CONCENTRATED POVERTY - 2008 ARTICLE https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-enduring-challenge-of-concentrated-poverty-in-america/ From the web site: "The Federal Reserve System and its 12 member banks partnered with the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program to produce a new, in-depth look at concentrated poverty in America. The two-year study, The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America, profiles 16 high-poverty communities across the United States, investigating the historical and contemporary factors associated with their high levels of economic distress." You can download the report from this web site. THE EQUALITY TRUST - HEALTH IMPACT OF POVERTY GAPS https://equalitytrust.org.uk/ Large income inequalities within societies damage the social fabric and the quality of life for everyone." The Equality Trust Campaigns to gain the widest public and political understanding of the harm caused by inequality. THE EXPANDING WORLD OF POVERTY CAPITALISM https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/27/opinion/thomas-edsall-the-expanding-world-of-poverty-capitalism.html This NY Times article illustrates how the self interest of many works to keep people in prison and in poverty. Share with volunteers and help build awareness of this problem. THE FADING AMERICAN DREAM - RAJ CHETTY AT 2019 MPC LUNCHEON click here This page contains links to a video and slide show with Raj Chetty's presentation at the 2019 Chicago. Metropolitan Planning Council luncheon. Chetty is a Harvard Professor, MacArthur Fellow, and Founder of Opportunity Insights. THE GLOBAL GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SDGs) http://www.globalgoals.org/ This site focused on 17 different issue areas, important to people around the world. It's goal is to teach people to get informed, involved and to take action. Lots of ideas that could be included in tutor/mentor programs and schools. THE HISTORY OF INSTITUTIONAL RACISM IN US PUBLIC SCHOOLS - AUTHOR: SUSAN DUFRESENE click here From the web site: "In The History of Institutional Racism in U.S. Public Schools Susan DuFresne shakes us to our foundation with the historically accurate images she has created on the three fifteen foot panels, which Garn Press has transformed into a book that is destined to unite hearts and minds in the struggle for equity and justice for all children in America’s public schools.' THE IMPERATIVE OF REPARATIONS FOR BLACK AMERICANS - 2020 REPORT click here The full title of this article is Resurrecting the Promise of 40 Acres: The Imperative of Reparations for Black Americans. In it William Darity Jr. and A. Kirsten Mullen advance a general definition of reparations as a program of acknowledgment, redress, and closure and outline a detailed plan for the execution of reparations. There is a link to the full PDF report in the article. THE LEGATUM PROSPERITY INDEX(TM) – CREATING THE P ATHWAYS FROM POVERTY TO PROSPERITY https://www.prosperity.com/ “From the website: “The Legatum Prosperity Index(TM) is a tool for transformation, offering a unique insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world.” View the rankings of every country in the world. THE NEW SEGREGATION - 2016 USNEWS REPORT https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-07-26/racial-tensions-flare-as-schools-resegregate It is important to read and understand impact of school segregation in US. This quote from article " in some parts of the country schools are more segregated – and white students and students of color more isolated – than they’ve ever been." is basis for concern. THE OPPORTUNITY AGENDA - EXPANDING OPPORTUNITY IN AMERICA https://www.opportunityagenda.org/about From the web site: "The Opportunity Agenda is a social justice communication lab that works to advance the impact of the social justice community. We do this by * Shaping compelling narratives and messages; * Building the communication capacity of leaders through training and resources; * Engaging with artists, creatives, and culture makers as powerful storytellers to shift the public discourse." THE OPPORTUNITY ATLAS: MAPPING CHILDHOOD ROOTS OF SOCIAL MOBILITY https://opportunityinsights.org/ This interactive map was created by Opportunity Insights. Their mission is "to develop scale-able policy solutions that will empower families throughout the United States to rise out of poverty and achieve better life outcomes." Take some time to browse the site and the map. THE SOCIOECONOMIC DISPARITIES THAT MAKE OUR LIVES SHORTER click here This article, titled: "The Key to Long Life is About More Than Health Care" discusses the impact of poverty and policy in the US on life expectancy and how it affects rich and poor. Share with volunteers in tutor/mentor programs. THESE MAPS REVEAL HOW SLAVERY EXPANDED ACROSS THE UNITED STATES https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/maps-reveal-slavery-expanded-across-united-states-180951452/ This site uses maps to show the growth of slavery in America. TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL - FIGHTING CORRUPTION AND POVERTY https://www.transparency.org/en/what-we-do From the web site: "Transparency International is a global movement working in over 100 countries to end the injustice of corruption. We focus on issues with the greatest impact on people’s lives and hold the powerful to account for the common good. Through our advocacy, campaigning and research, we work to expose the systems and networks that enable corruption to thrive, demanding greater transparency and integrity in all areas of public life."
TRICKLE DOWN NORMS - BY RICHARD REEVES https://www.nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/trickle-down-norms Add this article to your reading as you try to understand how the growing geographic gaps between rich and poor in America are a disadvantage to poor kids while serving as an advantage to affluent kids. U.S. FINANCIAL DIARIES - UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL LIVES OF POOR AND MIDDLE CLASS https://www.usfinancialdiaries.org/issue From the web site: "The U.S. Financial Diaries (USFD) is a research study collecting detailed financial data from 235 low- and moderate-income households over the course of a year. USFD employs a research approach that combines the methods of quantitative and qualitative research. By observing household finances over long periods of time and at frequent intervals, we have collected detailed financial data from participating families, covering such territory as assets and debts, cash flows in and out of the households, financial instruments, employment, financial goals, and attitudes about money."
UNDERSTANDING AND QUANTIFYING CROSSROADS MOMENTS: HOW CONTEXT AND DECISIONS CAN AFFECT ECONOMIC MOBILITY AND RACIAL AND ETHNIC DISPARITIES (pdf) https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/2022-03/understanding-and-quantifying-crossroads-moments.pdf This March 2022 research report from the Urban Institute talks about "crossroads moments, which are critical moments that can set individuals on an upward or downward path of economic mobility and how structural factors influence crossroads moments and how changes at those moments in adolescence and young adulthood can influence long-term adult outcomes." UNDERSTANDING POVERTY, RESEARCH BY RUBY K. PAYNE https://rethinkingschools.org/articles/a-framework-for-understanding-ruby-payne/ Ruby K. Payne, Ph.D. is the founder of aha! Process, an award-winning training and publishing company providing workshops, publications, and consulting services to help improve lives and build sustainable success in communities, schools, and higher education. We do this by creating an understanding of the dynamics that cause and maintain poverty from the individual to systems level." This link points to a critique of her work. UNDERSTANDING THE RACIAL WEALTH GAP - THE ASSET VALUE OF WHITENESS - PDF https://www.demos.org/research/asset-value-whiteness-understanding-racial-wealth-gap From the paper: "This paper explores a number of these popular explanations for the racial wealth gap, looking at individual differences in education, family structure, full- or part-time employment, and consumption habits. In each case, we find that individual choices are not sufficient to erase a century of accumulated wealth: structural racism trumps personal responsibility." Read the full article.
UNDERSTANDING WEALTH GAP 1947-2011- INFOGRAPHIC click here This New York Times infographic shows how prosperity was shared by many Americans from 1947-1979, then mostly by the richest 1% of American's since then.
'URBAN DECAY' CREATED BY SEGREGATION FUELING POVERTY, POPULATION LOSS ON CHICAGO SOUTH, WEST SIDES. 2022 STUDY https://news.wttw.com/2022/07/19/urban-decay-created-segregation-fueling-poverty-population-loss-south-west-sides-study This is an article on the WTTW website pointing to a new study showing negative impact of segregation on Chicago's South and West sides. Read full study at https://www.cookcountytreasurer.com/scavengersalestudymapsofinequality.aspx US IS BECOMING A 'DEVELOPING COUNTRY' ON GLOBAL RANKINGS THAT MEASURE DEMOCRACY, INEQUALITY (2022 ARTICLE) https://theconversation.com/us-is-becoming-a-developing-country-on-global-rankings-that-measure-democracy-inequality-190486 From the article "The USA may regard itself as a "leader of the free world," but an index of development released in July 2022 places the country 41st on a worldwide list, down from it's previous ranking of 32nd." Read the article. Follow the links.
US PARTNERSHIP ON MOBILITY FROM POVERTY https://www.mobilitypartnership.org/blog/partnerships-approach From the web site: "The Urban Institute, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is supporting the US Partnership on Mobility from Poverty. Led by chair David Ellwood and executive director Nisha Patel, the Partnership consists of 24 leading voices representing academia, practice, the faith community, philanthropy, and the private sector. The Partnership's collective ambition is that all people achieve a reasonable standard of living with the dignity that comes from having power over their lives and being engaged in and valued by their community."
USC CENTER FOR STUDY OF IMMIGRANT INTEGRATION (CSII) https://dornsife.usc.edu/csii From the web site: "The mission of the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) is to remake the narrative for understanding, and to shape the dialogue, on immigrant integration in America. CSII intends to identify and evaluate the mutual benefits of immigrant integration for the native-born and immigrants and to study the pace of the ongoing transformation in different locations, not only in the past and present but projected into the future." The Center integrates many interactive maps on its web site. Take a look. VERA INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE - https://www.vera.org/in-our-backyards#community-grants From the web site: "We work with others who share our vision to tackle the most pressing injustices of our day—from the causes and consequences of mass incarceration, racial disparities, and the loss of public trust in law enforcement, to the unmet needs of the vulnerable, the marginalized, and those harmed by crime and violence." This link points to a focus area titled In Our Backyards aimed at understanding prison growth and incarceration increases in rural areas across America.
VOICES FROM THE FIELD: RACIAL JUSTICE AND RURAL ORGANIZING IN AMERICA - PDF click here This report focuses on racial justice and community organizing in rural America and provides a review of the current landscape.
WAR IN OUR OWN CITIES - 2004 https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4115988 In this 2004 story "Commentator Judy Muller says both presidential candidates have forgotten about the issue of crime in this election. She believes the recent gang-related murder in Los Angeles of a 14-year-old boy riding his bicycle in broad daylight should remind Americans that there's a war going on in our own cities."
WEALTH IN AMERICA 2016 - VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM This is a terrific visualization showing inequality in America. WEALTH INEQUALITY IN AMERICA - INTERACTIVE TOPOGRAPHY MAP https://inclusivewealth.eig.org/wealthmap/ This is a new (2021) report that uses an interactive map to show wealth inequality across America. The focus on wealth vs income is important since wealth takes so long to grow and is often inherited from generation to generation.
WEALTH INEQUALITY AND THE RACIAL WEALTH GAP IN COOK COUNTY, IL - 2023 STUDY https://www.chicagoreporter.com/wealth-inequality-and-the-racial-wealth-gap-new-study-shows-cook-county-residents-wealth-disparity-and-the-problem-is-far-worse-for-the-black-and-latinx-population/ From the website: "New study shows Cook County residents wealth disparity, and the problem is far worse for the Black and Latinx population". This is an article in The Chicago Reporter that focuses on a study by the Financial Health Network, titled "The Financial Health Pulse Chicago Report, 2022." WHAT IS CRITICAL RACE THEORY, AND WHY IS IT UNDER ATTACK? https://www.edweek.org/leadership/what-is-critical-race-theory-and-why-is-it-under-attack/2021/05 This 2021 article in Education Week offers an understanding of what "Critical Race Theory" is and how it has supporters and opponents. If you've heard the term, but are unclear on the definition, this can be a useful article. WHO ARE THE POOR AMERICANS? 2017 ARTICLE https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41930107 This article states that "in 2016 nearly 41 million people, or 13% of the population, were living in poverty - down from 15% at the height of the recession in 2010". The article answers the question, "Who are America's Poor." WHY DO WE THINK POOR PEOPLE ARE POOR BECAUSE OF THEIR OWN BAD CHOICES? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jul/05/us-inequality-poor-people-bad-choices-wealthy-bias This is one of many articles in The Guardian, written by Maia Szalavitz, which focus on poverty, inequality, addiction, etc.
WHY THE GREAT MIGRATION DID LITTLE TO BRIDGE THE GREAT RACIAL DIVIDE https://ncrc.org/why-the-great-migration-did-little-to-bridge-the-great-racial-divide/ This is 2022 article is one of many reports on the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) website.
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM GLOBAL RISK REPORT 2018 https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-risks-report-2018 From the web site: "Each year the Global Risks Report works with experts and decision-makers across the world to identify and analyze the most pressing risks that we face. As the pace of change accelerates, and as risk interconnections deepen, this year’s report highlights the growing strain we are placing on many of the global systems we rely on." Visit the site, download the PDF, read the report.
WORLD INEQUALITY REPORT - 2018 https://wir2018.wid.world/ From the web site: "The World Inequality Report 2018 relies on a cutting-edge methodology to measure income and wealth inequality in a systematic and transparent manner. By developing this report, the World Inequality Lab seeks to fill a democratic gap and to equip various actors of society with the necessary facts to engage in informed public debates on inequality."
WORLD WEALTH & INCOME DATABASE https://wid.world/country/usa/ The World Inequality Lab’s (WIL) Wealth and Income Database is described by Ford Foundation as "Open, transparent, and accessible, the database is a rich hub of information about the wealth and income inequities that contribute to global inequality. WIL offers this data in an effort to fuel an honest conversation about the realities of inequality and highlight the important role that national policies and institutions play in shaping it." YOUTH EMPLOYMENT CRISIS - WORLD WIDE ISSUE 2015 AND BEYOND https://gfbertini.wordpress.com/2015/08/05/the-youth-employment-crisis/ This article is posted on the Learning Change blog. In the introduction it says "In countries severely affected by the global financial crisis, youth unemployment has reached staggering proportions. To have four out of every ten young people unemployed is a social and economic catastrophe. The global financial crisis has aggravated the pre-existing “crisis before the crisis”. Across the world, young women and men face real and increasing difficulty in finding decent work. Over the last two decades, youth unemployment on average has remained at three times that of adult unemployment and, in some regions, this proportion is now as high as five times the adult rate." The PDF is 118 pages long and provides an extensive overview of this critical issue.