Home 2024 Tutor/Mentor Newsletters August 2024 T/MI eNews
August 2024 eNews

August 2024 - Issue 233

Tutor Mentor Institute LLC newsletter heading with blue background

Boost Volunteer Recruitment During the Democratic National Convention

This week the nation's attention is focused on Chicago and the Democratic National Convention.


While this is happening, volunteer-based tutor and/or mentor programs across the country are trying to attract volunteers and donors to support their 2024-25 school year efforts.


This newsletter is a quick reminder of the resources available to help volunteers find tutor/mentor programs. Now we just need political leaders and celebrities to point to these lists.

Use the ideas and resources shared in this monthly newsletter to help you build and sustain mentor-rich, school and non-school, tutor, mentor and learning programs that reach K-12 youth in all areas of persistent poverty. These resources can be used by anyone, in Chicago, or around the world.


Please share this so others in your city can find and use these resources!

Visit Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC Website

Use these lists to find youth-serving programs in Chicago and other places. Share your own lists on social media.

Use social media, company newsletters, and media interviews to draw attention and support to volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning programs throughout the country. Every time someone in Chicago, or in your own community says, "Help kids" or "Be a Volunteer" or "Be a donor", they should be able to point to a concept map or a website, with resources they can use to help them find programs in different parts of the city or suburbs.


Our collective challenge is motivating more people to use their own media and personal influence to make that call-to-action. During this week's Democratic National Convention there will be plenty of opportunities for leaders, or social media activists, to point to lists like mine.


Keeping a list up-to-date is one of the big challenges. If you find broken links on my websites, please report them to me. If you know of programs that should be added, or deleted (no longer operating), report that to me also.


If you're a university or institution that would like to take ownership of this resource and keep it available for the next 10 to 20 years, please reach out to me. I'm now 77 and new leaders are needed.

Changes to Constant Contact email address. Due to a new policy, all email coming from services like Constant Contact will have a different format. This may cause email to go into your spam box. That means the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it will now be different.

This is the address that will be on the email for this newsletter. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Governor Tim Walz is a "GIS Nerd"

GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems and if you've read any of the articles on my blog or in this newsletter, you've seen my commitment to using maps to show where kids need extra help and to draw attention, volunteers and donors to volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning programs in these areas, while helping new programs start where more are needed.


Last month ESRI, the GIS mapping software company that donated software to the Tutor/Mentor Connection from 1995 to 2011, posted an article on their blog, with the headline, "Why Governor Tim Walz is a 'GIS Nerd' and What that Means for the US."


It points to a Minnesota Executive Map Portfolio, with interactive maps that political leaders use to make policy and funding decisions. It's a model that could be duplicated in every state.


I put the link to that article in a story I posted on the Mapping for Justice blog, which has been used since 2008 to show ways maps can be used by leaders, foundations, media and others to build strategies that reach K-12 kids in EVERY high poverty area of cities like Chicago. Read the story - click here


When Governor Walz becomes Vice President Walz, can he become a champion for the strategies I've shared for so many years? He can, but first he needs to win the election.


Then, you need to point him to the articles about mapping on the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC website.

Find new ways to fund on-going programs

Want to make a difference? Re Think Philanthropy


This graphic is one of four that I created several years ago to show the need for on-going, flexible, operating dollars to support volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning programs in EVERY area of persistent poverty. Visit this article and take a look.


"Should we pay for relationships? Why Philanthropy needs to invest in social capital."


That's the title of a new article in InsidePhilanthropy, written by Julia Freeland Fisher, of the Christensen Institute. I encourage you to read it.


I've used the graphic above since the 1990s to show how organized, site-based, tutor/mentor programs can expand the networks (social capital) of kids living in areas of persistent poverty, by recruiting volunteers from multiple backgrounds and keeping them connected to kids for many years, or keeping the kids connected to the program, all the way through high school.


Funding on-going operations of such programs is the challenge. I faced it for 18 years and was ultimately defeated. Is there a way to educate donors to understand the value of social capital building within tutor/mentor programs, and to show on your website how you're connecting kids and volunteers in multiple-year relationships?


Here are three articles to stimulate your thinking.



During this week's Democratic National Convention and over the next few months, share articles like this in your social media and your newsletters. Attract leader attention and educate donors.


Finally, look at your website. Does it show your strategy and ability to connect youth with volunteers from multiple backgrounds for many years? If donors go to your website they need to see reasons to support you.

Below are resources to use.
View latest links added to tutor/mentor library,
click here

Recent Tutor/Mentor Blog articles that point to Tutor/Mentor Connection archived files:



Sharing the success we each have. My 1995 vision - click here


Adopt this 4-part strategy to help kids in YOUR community - click here


Give Gold Medals for ending poverty - click here


Borrow from planning strategies I've shared for over 25 years - click here


Understanding complex problems using concept maps. - click here


Build information base to support anti-violence efforts - click here


The Internet: A force for change. - click here


Browse the archives. Apply the ideas. - click here


30-year history of reaching out to universities - click here




Bookmark these Tutor/Mentor Resources

* Resource Library - click here


* Strategy PDFs by Tutor/Mentor - click here


* Work done by interns - click here


* Maps and Map-Stories from past 30 years - click here


* Political Action resources - click here


* Featured collections on Wakeletclick here


* Tutor/Mentor Institute Videos - click here


* About T/MI articles on blog - click here


* History of T/MC - T/MI articles - click here


* Create a New Tutor/Mentor Connection - click here


* Chicago Youth Serving Organizations in Intermediary Roles - click here to view a concept map showing many organizations working to help improve the lives of Chicago area youth. Follow the links.

Resources & Announcements



* South Side STEM Asset maps - read about using maps - click here


* University of Michigan Poverty Solutions data maps - click here


* Persistent Poverty in America - click here


* The Color of Wealth - Institute on Race, Power and Political Economy - click here


* Minnesota Executive Map Portfolio - click here


* American Inequality Data Portal - click here


* MyChiMyFuture - Chicago youth programs map and directory. click here; visit the website - click here


* To & Through Project website - click here: Follow on Twitter - @UChiToThrough

* Center for Effective Philanthropy - click here


* Forefront -Illinois' statewide association of nonprofits, foundations and advisors. click here


* AfterSchool Alliance resources - click here


* Chicago Mentoring Collaborative - click here


* Chicago Public Schools locator map - click here


* Chicago Health Atlas - click here


* Digital Divide resources - click here


* Proven Tutoring clearinghouse - click here


* Chicago Learning Exchange - click here


* Chicago STEM Pathways Cooperative - click here


* Chicago Digital Equity Coalition - click here


* Illinois Broadband Lab - click here


* Incarceration Reform Resource Center - click here


* Prison Policy Initiative - click here


* ChiHackNight - remote civic technology meet-up; every Tuesday in Chicago - see weekly agenda


Thank you for reading.


While I try to send this only once a month, I write blog articles weekly. Throughout the newsletter I post links to a few of the articles published in the past month or earlier. I encourage you to spend a little time each week reading these articles and following the links. Use the ideas and presentations in group discussions with other people who are concerned about the same issues.

View current and past newsletters at this link.

Please encourage friends, family, co-workers to sign up to receive this newsletter. Click here.

(If you subscribe, don't forget to respond to the confirmation email).

Please help me keep this resource available. Visit this page and contribute to help the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

Tutor/Mentor Connection, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

Serving Chicago area since 1993

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | http://www.tutormentorexchange.net


Thank you for reading. And thank you to those who help fund the

Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and this newsletter. Please send a 2024 contribution.


Connect with Dan (tutormentor) on one of these social media platforms.

Twitter (X)





Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, c/o Merchandise Mart PO Box 3303, Chicago, Il. 60654 Phone. Skype #dbassill; FAX 312-787-7713; email: tutormentor2@earthlink.net | Powered by OpenSource!