Once youth and volunteers are connected they need on-going support.
Is it too soon to be thinking about the 2023-24 school year? No. While every youth program is focused on helping young people and volunteers connect with learning and mentoring resources, programs need to be collecting data for program evaluation.
This starts with participation and retention data. Do kids and volunteers participate regularly? If not, that's a signal of a need to revise a program's design. Are kids and volunteers from past years returning. That's a good sign.
Look at program evaluation and planning tools shared in this month's newsletter.
Use this newsletter as a study guide.
The ideas and resources shared in this monthly newsletter point to a library of resources that can be used by anyone, in Chicago, or around the world, to help mentor-rich youth programs thrive in all of the neighborhoods where they are most needed.
Learn about tools and support for assessment, evaluation and planning
Every volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning program should be collecting information that helps them evaluate their services. This is essential to on-going program improvement.
In October the PEAR Institute provided an introduction to its planning and assessment tools during the monthly Chicago STEM Pathways Coop meeting.
The Tutor/Mentor library includes a section with links to evaluation, process improvement and planning tools. Click here to view these links.
The library was launched in 1993 with the goal that youth serving programs and supporters could learn from each other and borrow ideas to support program improvement.
Here's one section of links to youth programs around the USA.
View this PDF to see our vision of a learning network - click here
Get to know Tutor/Mentor Programs
See how Learning Edge Tutoring is sharing stories on Instagram and on its website.
View posts from many Chicago area youth programs on Instagram. Use this list to find various programs.
Use this list to find Chicago t/m programs on Facebook.
This is a post on Twitter by 826Chi. I see this because I view this list daily.
If you're posting on Twitter, and other social media, you can build attention for your program.
The Avion Institute supports the academic awareness of aviation and aeronautical career path opportunities for students, particularly female, minority, underprivileged and at-risk youth.
I learned about this organization during the October STEM Pathways Coop ZOOM meeting.
What types of learning and enrichment are offered through your youth serving organization?
Does your program offer chess? Aviation? Computer skills, such as coding or web building? Does it offer college and career counseling? Use your social media posts, your website, and your blog to tell about the various forms of learning you offer.
View list of most recent additions to the Tutor/Mentor library.
The library has more than 20 sections, with many sub sections, including two lists pointing to Chicago area youth tutor and/or mentor programs. Each list is in alphabetical order, so you need to scroll the list to find what you are looking for.
In July 2022 I started another list, showing new additions to the library, and pointing to the sub-section where they are hosted.
Have a safe, happy Halloween
Halloween, Elections, Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming soon. Some bring great joy. Some offer big challenges.
Think of this newsletter as an open door to my house and the many resources I offer as "treats" and "gifts".
Use them over, and over, to create a safer, more equal, world for everyone.
Below are resources to use to help youth in your community.
View latest links added to tutor/mentor library - click here
Recent Tutor/Mentor Blog articles:
Network Building - Help Grow the Tutor/Mentor network - click here
Greater Business Involvement in Youth Development - click here
WE, Instead of Just ME, in Collective Efforts - click here
Role of Leaders in Mobilizing Corporate Support - click here
Map shows Areas of Concentrated Poverty - click here
Tutor/Mentor Connection Vision - 2001 website - click here
Bookmark these Tutor/Mentor Resources
* Chicago Youth Serving Organizations in Intermediary Roles - click here to view a concept map showing many organizations working to help improve the lives of Chicago area youth. Follow the links.
Resources & Announcements
* National Mentoring Summit registration is open. Dates are jan 25-27, 2023 - click here
* Forefront -Illinois' statewide association of nonprofits, foundations and advisors. click here
* National Mentoring Partnership, resources - click here
* Proven Tutoring - coalition of independent tutoring providers - click here
* Incarceration Reform Resource Center - click here
* AfterSchool Alliance - resource center - click here
* ChiHackNight - remote civic technology meet-up; every Tuesday in Chicago - see weekly agenda
Make sure you VOTE!
I'm in Illinois and already voted via mail-in voting. I voted for Democrats, hoping to preserve women's rights, voting rights, Social Security and healthcare benefits, and much more.
I've also made small contributions, via SwingLeft, to support DEM candidates in other states.
I fear for the future of American democracy if the GOP regains control of the House and Senate and continues to dominate many state governments.
Spread the word. Get others to vote.
About this newsletter.
While I try to send this only once a month, I write blog articles weekly. Throughout the newsletter I post links to a few of the articles published in the past month or earlier. I encourage you to spend a little time each week reading these articles and following the links. Use the ideas and presentations in group discussions with other people who are concerned about the same issues.
Encourage friends, family, co-workers to sign up to receive this newsletter. Click here.
(If you subscribe, don't forget to respond to the confirmation email).
Tutor/Mentor Connection, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
Serving Chicago area since 1993
Thank you for reading. And thank you to those who help fund the
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and this newsletter. Contributions always welcome. Click here.
Connect with Dan (tutormentor) on one of these social media platforms.