CENTER FOR RURAL STRATEGIES From the web site: Mission is to "The Center for Rural Strategies seeks to improve economic and social conditions for communities in the countryside and around the world through the creative and innovative use of media and communications. By presenting accurate and compelling portraits of rural lives and cultures, we hope to deepen public debate and create a national environment in which positive change for rural communities can occur." DAILY YONDER - FOCUSES ON RURAL AMERICA'S ISSUES Since creating the Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993, which focuses on big city poverty and inequality, we've looked for a parallel organization that collects information about rural poverty and inequality. The Daily Yonder Is such a resource. Browse the site, look at the issues page, make it a resource. DIVIDED NATION: RURAL VS URBAN AMERICA This blog article includes maps showing how divided the US is. At the bottom of the article, and in the comment section are additional links to related articles. NATIONAL RURAL ASSEMBLY - FOCUSES ON RURAL AMERICA ISSUES From the web site: "The National Rural Assembly is a movement of people and organizations devoted to building a stronger, more vibrant rural America for children, families, and communities." RURAL AMERICA AT A GLANCE - 2018 REPORT - USDA ECONOMIC RESEARCH SERVICE This is just one of many reports available on the US Department of Agriculture web site. Take some time to dig through the library to know what's available. RURAL HEALTH INFORMATION HUB From the web site: "The Rural Health Information Hub, formerly the Rural Assistance Center, is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. We are committed to supporting healthcare and population health in rural communities. The RHIhub is your guide to improving health for rural residents—we provide access to current and reliable resources and tools to help you learn about rural health needs and work to address them." RURAL HOSPITAL CLOSINGS SINCE 2005 - MAP Lack of accessible health care is one of the major challenges for people in many rural areas. This map shows hospital closing in rural areas of the USA between 2005 and 2021. RURAL POVERTY - 2016 - BLOG ARTICLE This is an article that can help readers understand the pain in rural America that has not been addressed effectively by leaders of either major political party. UNDERSTANDING GROWING DRUG CRISIS IN AMERICA This article on the MappingforJustice blog uses maps to show where the drug crisis is most concentrated and growing in rural America. I'm added links to the article, at the bottom, and in the comment section, to additional articles on this topic.